39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for Tess James

Am gettin an error msg like this--> The image “[url]http://localhost/linegrph.php”[/url] cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. while tryin 2 run my code on localhost.. Wen I comment d statemnt, $graph->Stroke(), nthng at all displys.. Plseeee do tell me a solution.. Thnks in advance :)

Member Avatar for greensign
Member Avatar for calebcook

I don't know if this is possible, but I want to submit information using POST with a link. I know I can use GET, and I know I can use a form with a hidden value and submit it with a link, but I don't want either of those. I …

Member Avatar for calebcook
Member Avatar for calebcook

I'm trying to create a message board where members can post messages to other members. I'd like to have a section where it says "4 posts since Jan 2011" just like DaniWeb does. How do I get the date from the [CODE]"first row WHERE user='username'"[/CODE] with PHP & MySQL? Also, …

Member Avatar for calebcook
Member Avatar for jacob21

Hi, I am exporting data of mysql table.Its working fine. In my db some hindi data is also stored.When i download hindi data it come some undesired sequence. Can i export hindi data in cSV. Need suggestion. [CODE]<?php // // establish database connection // $conn = mysql_connect( 'localhost', 'root', '' …

Member Avatar for samsons17

HI,..i've been working on this simple project that i need to submit it tomorrow. I really in rushing a little bit. But while i working on this oop project, my program give the strange little fatal error about my query which is this [B]Fatal error: Call to a member function …

Member Avatar for aquilax
Member Avatar for daz_omega

I have had a look within daniweb and done google searches on this problem so hopefully I am not wasting anybodys time with this. The problem I am facing is that currently I am getting the results from a mysql database using an associative array but i need to be …

Member Avatar for daz_omega
Member Avatar for saadi06

Hi, I am using paypal IPN integration and it is not working.Its IPN log is giving me this error FAIL: IPN Validation Failed. IPN POST Vars from Paypal: mc_gross=10.00, protection_eligibility=Ineligible, item_number1=9, payer_id=5PRJ3GQN8ES3J, tax=0.00, payment_date=00:11:51 Jul 26, 2011 PDT, payment_status=Pending, charset=windows-1252, mc_shipping=0.00, mc_handling=0.00, first_name=Test, notify_version=3.1, custom=, payer_status=verified, num_cart_items=1, mc_handling1=0.00, verify_sign=AiPC9BjkCyDFQXbSkoZcgqH3hpacA50-5o5SUpQAYyn8d.LtMHyzASv4, payer_email=test@test.com, …

Member Avatar for jhamela

hello everyone. .i am an IT student. .can u help me how to make an online voting sytem?? i really dont know how to start my thesis :(

Member Avatar for soUPERMan
Member Avatar for mandikaye

I'm new to php, as my question will probably clearly show. I'm writing a simple program to track bills, and one thing I'm trying to do is include a "Find text that contains" box that will highlight certain fields in my table that match the search. The code I've written …

Member Avatar for aquilax
Member Avatar for Kevin Lee

Hi all. I face the problem about boundary. What I want to do is : 1. someone input the location(like City Hall). 2. then search the City Hall. 3. here's important. The condition to be searched is output is in specified boundary. The boundary means someone in there. I don't …

Member Avatar for jacksantho

Hi, Can anybody, give me some sample coding to list out the ouput by page wise in PHP. [CODE]Example: PAGE 1 2 3 4 NEXT PREVIOUS[/CODE] I needs to use this concept in my project. For example, in my database table, am having 1500 records with the field 'id' and …

Member Avatar for ali.zhakfar
Member Avatar for joomlaoscommerc

joomla website 100% Secure Guarantee, here i am trying to describe how to secure your sire winch is powered by joomla or wordpress or drupal or any cms where admin panel available. you just assign that from which ip this site will give opportunity to administrator login here the code …

Member Avatar for arcticM

hello, I have a DB table with records that have connection to one another. sort of like object a comes before b, and object c comes after c. table1- [U]Id, pre, post[/U] I have all the connections in the DB, what I'm trying to do is to make some sort …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for vectro

One WordPress site on one of my servers is giving an incorrect HTTP response code when a page can not be found. On the end-user side, the user sees a custom 404 page. But on the web-server side Apache is giving a 200 or 300 response (not sure which one) …

Member Avatar for vectro
Member Avatar for jacksantho

why am facing this error? [B]Warning: Unknown: Your script possibly relies on a session side-effect which existed until PHP 4.2.3. Please be advised that the session extension does not consider global variables as a source of data, unless register_globals is enabled. You can disable this functionality and this warning by …

Member Avatar for webmaisterpro
Member Avatar for RazorRamon

Ok I'm trying to build a forum site. I have multiple tables representing the different categories that the user can select from. I'm working on the head page and what I want to do is retrieve the 10 last most recent comments posted across all tables. I want to use …

Member Avatar for RazorRamon
Member Avatar for dwlamb

Good day, The challenge I am experiencing is obtaining the contents of the private necessary to decrypt data. I've reviewed tutorials on public/private key generation and my keys are properly formatted. To debug, I substituted a pair of keys created a year ago when I took a course on secure …

Member Avatar for Viruthagiri

I need help. Please [URL="http://pastebin.com/THbfSZj2"]check this code[/URL] This is the snapshot of what the form look like now. [URL="http://s.wordpress.org/extend/plugins/qa/screenshot-1.jpg"]http://s.wordpress.org/extend/plugins/qa/screenshot-1.jpg[/URL] I would like to add some extra fields under the description form. I think i need to edit the_question_form() function in [URL="http://pastebin.com/THbfSZj2"]this file[/URL]. I need to add some extra fields below …

Member Avatar for kukuruku

Hi ,traing to explode list like 1. one.gif 2. two.gif [CODE]$datain= file_get_contents($filename); $lines=explode("\n",$datain); for($i=0;$i<sizeof($lines);$i++) { echo $lines[$i].'<br>'; $images=explode(":",$lines[$i]); }[/CODE]

Member Avatar for tnjiric
Member Avatar for Alternativeguy

Hey All I have made this upload script but everytime I tried to execute it, it fails and gives me this error. [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=21701&stc=1&d=1311399235"]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/attachment.php?attachmentid=21701&stc=1&d=1311399235[/URL] This is my code in the Upload.php File: [CODE] <form enctype='multipart/form-data' action='Upload_File.php' method='POST'> Please choose a file: <input name='myfile' type='file' /><br /> <input type='submit' name='submit' value='Upload' /> …

Member Avatar for ddymacek
Member Avatar for Nollyvenon

I designed an invoice system that add rows automatically and computes the results, print it in another file that can be downloaded by other users.can i get help on how to multiply the price and quantity to get amount? this is my code: <SCRIPT LANGUAGE="JavaScript"> function showamt() { //var unitprice …

Member Avatar for utpal23
Member Avatar for sha1023012

Hello everyone, I am working on a project and this is the error I keep getting.. Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Access denied for user 'ODBC'@'localhost' (using password: NO) in C:\wamp\www\member-form.php on line 69 error on connect Can someone help me understand.. this is my code [CODE]<?php function FormDisplay($strMessage="**All fields are required!"){ …

Member Avatar for sha1023012
Member Avatar for sethm

I am trying to setup a form that will output html to the email recipient so the format of the email doesn't look all jacked while at the same time making sure the person is human and doesn't allow bad characters. (so it has a verification script and it strips …

Member Avatar for sethm
Member Avatar for utthu

I require the PHP code and the methodology for maintaining more than one client and only one server such that the clients and server are on different consoles. It is very urgent. Please help!

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Hummdis

I've tried this a number of different ways and I've even downloaded the Regular Expression reference sheet from addedbytes.com, but I just can't figure out how to move this eregi_replace() statement into a preg_replace() statement. I've read and understood the delimiter requirements for preg_replace(), but I think the problem is …

Member Avatar for Hummdis
Member Avatar for Boboc

If anyone can help me I would be most grateful, Im curently working on a website at the minute that uses images that have been uploaded to a directory, along with a location reference in a MYSQL database. I have currently got the page to show the thumbnail version of …

Member Avatar for sun-tzu

I am getting the 500 Server Error message when I try to run my captcha script. The script is as follows: [CODE] <?php //Start the session so we can store what the security code actually is session_start(); //Send a generated image to the browser create_image(); exit(); function create_image() { /*//Let's …

Member Avatar for linuxaomi
Member Avatar for mehrantahir

hi everyone, i write data from database to the csv file,but i face problem how to print the csv file with multiple colors background for example first line is green then second line must be blue, please help me how can i do this in php

Member Avatar for linuxaomi
Member Avatar for knitex

hey guys, I'm just wondering how you can link to another set of results within the original search results. For example with my code it displays a table and in one of the coloums, plot number, there is a list of number. I would know what to do once the …

Member Avatar for afatn
Member Avatar for 54uydf

hello, I have a DB table with records that have connection to one another. sort of like object a comes before b, and object c comes after c. example- table1- Id | pre | post a..|..0..|..d.. d..|..a..|..g.. g..|..d..|..x.. g..|..b..|..x.. g..|..c..|..x.. ...... ...... I have all the connections in the DB, …

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The End.