39,388 Topics
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I need to refresh page. without open page using cron job any body explain how to do in cron job without open page i need to refresh page. Because refresh page means new records updating insert into database. | |
Hi I am trying to update the ON / OFF status through the below code. If i change the OFF status to ON, its getting a value is OFF. can any one please help to fix the issue. **toggle.php** <div id="setQuickVar1"> <input type="checkbox" data-switchery <?php if($SCYQ64EV01=='Y') echo 'checked'; ?> /> … | |
i want to use cron job for my project for sending emails, i have searched google but i dont found anything yet. anyone knows how to achieve it . Your help is appreciated Thank you | |
i am using php with xampp server and i am getting the following error while i am running the program. Unknown column 'firstname' in 'field list' (heres the program) CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS `customerdb` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci; USE `customerdb`; -- -------------------------------------------------------- -- -- Table structure for … | |
Please anyone can help me. I need to add an if statement to verify if a user already exists on a table. Can someone help me on this. Here is my code. The code below it work but it doesn't verifyed if a user already exists. Thanks <?php /* Attempt … | |
Hi all, I'm having some serious issues with AJAX forms. I'm currently using jQuery 2.2.0 and the jQuery Form plugin. I have a simple php file: <?php if(isset($_POST)): print_r(json_encode($_POST)); endif; ?> I have a simple html form: <form method="post" id="regform"> <input id="login_name" name="login_name" type="text" > <input id="login_password" name="login_password" type="text" > … | |
So I am working on a messanger, and I am having problems automatically fetching new messages from the database. If anyone can fix me up with a peice of code which can fetch new information from the database after every 2 seconds or so. I am very new to working … | |
I am working on integrate some php file with my platform. The platform using HTML for interface and js file for functionality. I try two appraches: First approach: I call filename.php from form tag action and it is working but, it display the result from php file **outside my platform** … | |
Show only duplicate values from array without built in function $arr = array(3,5,2,5,3,9); I want to show only common elements i.e 3,5 as output. ![]() | |
I have problem :( [19-Feb-2016 22:46:28 Europe/Berlin] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 3 in D:\Xampp\htdocs\Fix\index.php on line 30 [19-Feb-2016 22:46:28 Europe/Berlin] PHP Notice: Undefined index: in D:\Xampp\htdocs\Fix\index.php on line 30 [20-Feb-2016 00:39:13 Europe/Berlin] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 1 in D:\Xampp\htdocs\Fix\index.php on line 28 [20-Feb-2016 00:39:13 Europe/Berlin] PHP Notice: Undefined offset: 2 … ![]() | |
Dear Team - Hello to Everyone!!! pleae note that i m trying jump to test.php page from index.php/html using ajax and mysql, simple if text-input **not found** in table so it should go to test.php else stay on index.php/html page with ajax alerts, but from index page everytime receiving NOT … | |
I have a php page that lists a bunch of data including id's from a database. I then have a button next to each id that will open a Twitter Bootstrap modal window in the page and I need to pass the php variable (the id) to that model window … | |
In local my program is automatically showing the data from database when i Add some records. But when my website is online the data won't show in my website. i need to refresh my website to show the new records. .PLease help Thanks.. ![]() | |
Hi Guys, I am a novice at coding, firstly I knowthe functions in my code are deprecated in future versions of PHP, I'm running 5.5. I have a few days to get my current code working with this desired functionality which is a throw away prototype, so for now I'm … | |
I have a dynamic table which has 2 dynamic rows .i.e students and their subjects and marks. The code is below : [**Click here to view the code **](https://jsfiddle.net/soumyar/ou6sz83u/) Everything is working fine except, the serial numbers are not generated dynamically! I need to generate a running serial for each … | |
Hi all I have a system that im working on the the code works fine it, but theres a part thats giving me issues below is the code that loops through the number of records in the table and generates the same number of update queries with the random numbers … | |
I'm using phpexcel , I created a script that so far it takes me an Excel spreadsheet and I put the field values in an array of associative arrays , I found a way then print these values in a table html , to see if the recreated excel files … | |
Hi Guys! im making a small website based around a very simple and basic mvc pattern (in this case just seperating files into different folders) Im currently stuck on selecting data from the database and displaying it. My model looks like this: <?php require_once('../Controller/config.php'); class Readings { public $dbconn; public … | |
I want to get all the related pics corresponding to the pic selected.... here is my view page <?php foreach($detail as $row){?> <img class="primary-image" ima="<?php echo base_url();?>images/<?php echo $row->image;?>" src="<?php echo base_url();?>images/<?php echo $row->image;?>" alt="" /> <?php }?> my control page looks like this.... public function product_details($p_id) { $data['active_mn']='product_details'; $data['product']=$this->roxmodel->get_product_details($p_id); … ![]() | |
I have a form on "add-category.php" that enables the admin to create a category and doing so includes uploading an image to a folder and inserts its file name and relevant text into the database. The script worked well with mysql_, but now it stopped working after I upgraded my … | |
<td width="50%" class="path">Student Name <div class="span12"> <form method="post" action="<?php $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>"> <select name="student_reg" class="chzn-select"required/> <option></option> <?php @$db = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("student",$db); @$result = mysql_query("select * from admission")or die(mysql_error()); while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)){ ?> <option value="<?php printf ($row['id']); ?>"><?php printf ($row['name']." ".$row['lastname']); ?></option> <?php } ?> </select> </td> </tr> <?php $sub_name = $_POST['sub_name']; $sub_id … ![]() | |
Hi all, I have an array of objects that looks like this: object(stdClass)[2] public 'statuses' => array (size=97) 0 => object(stdClass)[3] public 'metadata' => object(stdClass)[4] public 'iso_language_code' => string 'en' (length=2) public 'id' => int 700797209428668416 1 => ... n => ... I a simply trying to iterate through the … | |
hi i have a events script for users if the user submits a event then the event shows up fine but if they add another event it over rights the previous event how can i stop that where they can add more than one but maximum 4 as one time … | |
I have a base64-encoded string on database row. How to create a .pdf file from this encoded string using codeigniter and mpdf ? foreach($report as $files) /* send email confirmation*/ $this->data['email'] = TRUE; require_once APPPATH.'third_party/MPDF561/mpdf.php'; $mpdf=new mPDF('c','A4','','',10,10,20,20,10,10); $mpdf->SetDisplayMode('fullpage'); $this->load->helper('custom_email'); $emailTo ="email@address.here"; $emailFrom =$this->config->item('email'); $emailSubject ='Subject Here'; $emailMessage ='Your PDF files … | |
Hello, Im just a student learning how to code. I want to know how to compute age using the value from <input type="date"> then send the computed value to a textbox? Thanks for the help :) ![]() | |
I need help in referencing the name of each individual database attached to a MongoDB instance. I just want to connect to a database with PHP and list the names of all the databases. In the code below I can connect to MongoDB instance and find all the databases. I … | |
i want to display all related images according to the image selected here is my code... my control looks like this.. public function product_details($p_id) { $data['active_mn']='product_details'; $data['detail']=$this->roxmodel->get_related_image($p_id,4,0); var_dump($data['detail']); $this->load->view('product_details',$data); } my model looks like this public function get_related_image($p_id,$limit,$offset) { $this->db->order_by("gallery.id","desc"); $this->db->where('category_id',$p_id); $query=$this->db->get('gallery',$limit,$offset); return $query->result(); } my view page looks like … | |
hi all i have got a problem with my profile photo upload script after converting to mysqli everytime i go to upload a image i get the following error: Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference in /home/matureco/public_html/registration2.php on line 11 and the code for that section is … | |
Hello im building messages page, i want to make it when the sender of the ticket is pressed to show the ticket from that sender so i have two files `messages.php` and `m.php` in messages.php are the the buttons for the senders and in m.php are the tables for the … ![]() | |
hi iam a new to this laravel framework,em getting error while running contact page. anyone having idea about this?? the code is: @extends('layout') @section('content') <h1>Contact Us.</h1> <p>Please contact us by sending a message using the form below:</p> {{ Form::open(array('url' => 'contact')) }} {{ Form::label('Subject') }} {{ Form::text('subject','Enter your subject') }} … |
The End.