39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for madsy

hi there.. well lets say I do have a multidimensional array of the sort shown below.. Now I do need to pass on the arrays using checkboxes..!! how do I assign single row to each checkbox so that when I onclick it posts the value to the function on the …

Member Avatar for madsy
Member Avatar for mangel.murti

i have a form and text box where user can enter amount on the basis of that amount tax rate fetch from mysql.the query below working well but when user input above 50000 , i want tax_rate should be calcuated according to 35%.. ...it givning me empty result,,, how to …

Member Avatar for mangel.murti
Member Avatar for dandixon

Right the code below selects staff members from the database by the column gp(group) which enables me to select all or filter down by their group, but i need certain members to appear in more than one group any ideas would be much appreciated [CODE] <form name="staff" action="staffs.php" method="POST"> <select …

Member Avatar for dandixon
Member Avatar for Zill

Hi, i have a php script form, and i want to use the js confirmation alert, the problem is, this echo "<script> var yes=confirm('warever you want'); if (yes){}<---here i want to plase something in php code else{} </script>"; $confirm='yes' how can i math bouth codes?

Member Avatar for Ithisham
Member Avatar for rori

hi all i am working on a website that will display projects and many images for each project. i want to make an interface for the website admin to login and add new projects and images for each project. i was wondering whats the best way to store the images …

Member Avatar for ZubiluNajmal
Member Avatar for jonathan96

Basically, Im trying to get a list of groups that a member is part of in an array (excluding a few), and limiting it to certain status in that group. I want all the values returned from the query to go into an array. The problem is, when I do... …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for samsons17

Hi.. I've just finished built my website,and now what left is to create the login page so that i could do the admin things.. For this website i just have one user only that is me.. So ,should i create the database for the login page or not? is that …

Member Avatar for swilliamrobert
Member Avatar for jamesyrawr

hey i seem to get this everytime i run this file within my login script Warning: mysql_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\wamp\www\Isis\login.php on line 16 can anyone help me please? heres my code [CODE]<?php $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $login = $_GET['login']; setcookie("username", "$username", …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for Dheeraj Kumar

when we use header for redirecting, it will be redirect immediatelly. so how can page is wait after the redirct another location. I am request to all of u, if you have any suggession or code, please help me. Rgds. Dheeraj

Member Avatar for jogesh_p
Member Avatar for coykiesaol

Plz tell me tht How we can check tht the payment we hav received frm Google for Adsense is correct or not..??

Member Avatar for valonesal

We have a script that allows us to have a button that says save page, then it displays a list of pages the user has saved. It does this via cookies. You can see the script here for better clarification. [url]http://www.tele-pro.co.uk/scripts/storeddocs/store.htm?[/url] Does anyone know of a way to do this …

Member Avatar for Nathaniel10

I manage a small website. I went over the logs this morning and found a page reference on the site that should not have been there. It was of the format "/xmlrpc.php". I did a search for the term and found the XMLRPC website. I didn't understand what was written …

Member Avatar for Nathaniel10
Member Avatar for Nathaniel10

I manage a small website. I went over the logs this morning and found a number of pages or page references on the site that should not have been there. Most were of the format "/_vti_bin/". I did a search for the term and learned about the Front Page debacle. …

Member Avatar for Nathaniel10
Member Avatar for Nathaniel10

I hope this is the correct forum for this question. I manage a small website. The site uses a database with MySql. When I launched the site, around 3 years ago, the PHP code I wrote had minimal security and validation in PHP because I relied on javascript validation for …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for manim

Hi Experts, I have a website which is hosted in Bluehost. I would like to access my Mysql database from remote without using browser. Is there any tool to access my Mysql database something like Filezilla? Thanks in advance, Manim

Member Avatar for drjohn
Member Avatar for toocoded

Hi Everyone. I am wondering if I can somehow manually pass a variable through the url into a text box. I did the following an dit did not work. url is [url]http://localhost/project.php?var=001[/url] [CODE]<input id="txtstext" class="t-box" name="txtstext" type="text" value="<?php ?var=$promo; ?>" style="width:100px">[/CODE] Therefore I want to paste the above url into …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for momo219

Hello all I have a form working perfectly, however I need to put this form in a $display_block .= "... ... ..."; which I have done and which works fine also (minus the following radio code). My problem is that when I add this code back inside the display block, …

Member Avatar for momo219
Member Avatar for Dynamikz

Hi everyone, I'm a bit of a noob on the forum so please correct me if this is posted in the wrong area/or post is incorrect. I'm currently working on a new website ([URL="http://www.worldwidemixtapes.com"]http://www.worldwidemixtapes.com[/URL]) and currently stuck on the "sort by" section at the top of the page. What I'm …

Member Avatar for rahul_galgali

Hi guys, I have prepared a website using php,html and back-end as mysql,and now i want it to launch as a website plz tell me how to configure and create a webdomain.Currently i am using Xampp server to create a website.........plz help me guys. But i want to launch it …

Member Avatar for sidneyharris
Member Avatar for aldm

Hi. I have a problems with slovenian characters. I have a text file that has a letters like č,š etc. I want data from that file to store in my database. I tried utf8_encode and mb_convert_unicode but it doesn't work. Anyone can help?

Member Avatar for nevvermind
Member Avatar for NBLWebmaster

This question refers to this sample page on my test site: [URL="http://www.twdesign.ca/up/display_tattoos_2009.php"]http://www.twdesign.ca/up/display_tattoos_2009.php[/URL] The following section of PHP code: [CODE=php] <table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" align="right"> <?php while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result2)) { $active = $row[0]; $imagenum = $row[1]; echo "<tr><td><a name='placeholder$imagenum' href='display_tattoos_2009.php?in=$imagenum' onClick='swap('toppic','$imagenum')'><img class='opacity' name='$imagenum' id='$imagenum' src='tattoothumbnails/$imagenum.png' width='72' height='72' alt='$imagenum'></a></td></tr>\n"; } ?> </table> …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for tobeye

hello, I'm a in PHP development and I have a question for you pro's: can you help me fix my code? I'm trying to make a conversion table: Fahrenheit(Tf) -> celsius(Tc) starting from Tf: 32 with steps of 5Tf and ends if Tc is over 100 I have tried to …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for midjam

Hi this is driving me a little crazy, have been looking everywhere for a solution for the last few days. I'm new to php and i'm trying to create a simple food shopping cart, i have a repeat region for food extras attached to the food item. [CODE=php]<table width="100%" border="0" …

Member Avatar for midjam
Member Avatar for danimal132

When I use a GET request from a browser address bar… [URL="http:/example.com/vast/1/73188"]http:/example.com/vast/1/73188[/URL] …it loads and displays an XML output. If you then refresh the page a new file loads. Actually, there are something like 5 different titles with load in rotation as you re-call/re-fresh the page. That’s all well and …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for ceeandcee

I am learning mySQL and PHP and am very appreciative of the help I have received here. As some of you know, I am working on a Hockey Pool site. One of my first experiments was to build a static form on a php page that would take the input …

Member Avatar for ceeandcee
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, Im trying to iterate through some XML, but its not in its usual makeup. I was hoping somebody could help me with it. This is how it looks, and its from a raw datafile [code] <data> <schema> <Field Name="oid"/> <Field Name="creationDate"/> <Field Name="modifiedDate"/> <Field Name="salesID"/> </schema> <Item oid="11" …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for samarudge

Hi, I'm developing a custom shopping cart application for a client, there are two shipping rates; an international one and a domestic (US) one. When the user is on Paypal and they enter there address I need the shipping to change depending on the country. I currently have the code …

Member Avatar for nixnix

Hi, I have a strange problem. I recently replaced a DSL modem with a Belkin router, and I now find that accessing localhost/<site> for sites written in PHP is terribly slow (20-30 seconds). HTML pages are still served as fast as ever. I have accessed localhost using the name "localhost" …

Member Avatar for Jabbs

Hi there! I'm new and a newbie when it comes to php - (I can hear the groans from here!) My question revoles around enabling loading of php pages dynamically of the: [B][url]mysite.com/index?page=contact[/url][/B] type. I have seen posts on here where you can dynamically load the title tags (and so …

Member Avatar for jimdj

Hello I amm designing a website for my mom the site is to advertise her book. it has a message board in it. the message board works great locally but when i upload it t a server i get a: Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result …

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The End.