39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for brown23

Hey Guys, I'm just experimenting at the moment - I've made a small application in C# that uses a WebBrowser Control to navigate to a website (which is currently on my LocalHost using WAMP) using a custom UserAgent (HelloWorld) Now, when I echo the useragent, it tells me what I …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for phpuser

Hello, I completed work on my project and it was live also so my webpages are already crawled by google. Now after some days i started SEO url redirecting but though old links are already crawled by google ,my new re-written url are not crawled. I am doing page 301 …

Member Avatar for chaitanya15385

please help me in scaling image when displaying from external folder . here is my code. very urgent if ($news->getString("image_file")) { if(file_exists(EXTRAFILE_DIR."/".$news->getString("image_file"))) { ?> <tr> <td colspan="2"> <img src="<?=EXTRAFILE_URL?>/<?=$news->getString("image_file")?>" width="780" height="500" alt="logo"> </td> </tr> <? } }

Member Avatar for ubi_ct83

hi all, i wanna ask some advice and suggestion from u guys about combination php and java application. i want to create a web base system.i wanna use php to communicate with database and my algorithm and calculation using java application.is it possible to do so?if yes,what should i have?such …

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Member Avatar for swilliamrobert

Hi, I have a problem sending values XML format using php. this is other website([url]http://www.ourmerchent.com/[/url]) sending values to Us example : $billAccountNo=10092417235315; $amount = 1020.00; using this values.. i need to send XML format to this [url]http://www.ourmerchent.com/[/url] url how can i convert to XML format and return those values to …

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Member Avatar for julianmoors

Hi guys, I have a form which has multiple drop-down menus using the standard <select> tags, but I can only get the results for the first drop-down menu. Does anyone know how I can expand the below code to support multiple variables using a querystring? Thanks, Julian [CODE]<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC …

Member Avatar for julianmoors
Member Avatar for bsewell

I'm trying to populate a select box with rows from a table, but it's not showing up properly. I've looked at the source of the page, and it looks like the option html is not being outputted. Anyone spot what's wrong? [CODE]<h1>Upload Picture</h1> <form action="gallery.php" method="post"> <label for="photo">Select file: </label><input …

Member Avatar for bsewell
Member Avatar for bthaxor

Sorry if this is in the wrong section (PHP), but wasn't sure where to put htaccess issues.... Here's the deal - I have two domains, let's say domain1.com and domain2.com. On my web server, I have domain1 set up as the primary domain (/public_html/), and domain2 is an addon domain …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for dmorrison

Hi, this report is taking too long to run, there is alot of data in the tables. does anyone know a quicker way to optimize this: [CODE]<?php // This report outputs everything to excel format /** Error reporting */ error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set('display_errors',TRUE); ini_set("memory_limit","1024M"); date_default_timezone_set('Europe/London'); /** PHPExcel */ require_once '../includes/PHPExcel.php'; include ("../../config.php"); …

Member Avatar for dmorrison
Member Avatar for jaygchill

I am having problem with this coding any help would be appreciated. I have to use the struct command. [CODE]#include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { struct Time_computed //this describes the structure name { int total; int minutes; int hours; int seconds; }ss, mm, hh,tt; //these are VARIABLES …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for qazplm114477

I keep getting an error when I try to instantiate the ArrayIterator class within a name space [CODE]$a = new ArrayIterator; //works just fine namespace test; $a = new ArrayIterator; //get error //Fatal error: Class 'test\ArrayIterator' not found in /www/ on line 3[/CODE] I've been searching the web for hours …

Member Avatar for qazplm114477
Member Avatar for elnino81

hello i am a novice user i could not pass the value(text) into database from listbox i tried using get method but it is not working can anybody help me???????? here is my code <head> <style> #margin_left{margin-left:400px; height:400px;} #spanning{margin-left:70px;} #spanning_gender{margin-left:66px;} #spanning_marstatus{margin-left:27px;} #spanning_city{margin-left:82px;} #spanning_country{margin-left:62px;} #spanning_religion{margin-left:63px;} #spanning_crime{margin-left:74px;} #spanning_crimetype{margin-left:39px;} #table{border:thick;border-color:#09F;} #insert{margin-left:140px;} #foot{ background:none;} …

Member Avatar for qazplm114477
Member Avatar for Cool&Awesome

Hi everyone, I need to modify a website created with Smarty. Pretty big website. I have 2 questions. 1. When I try to access index.php, instead of webpage I get screen full of characters. How to see the pages? Guess I need to install smarty, but even their "quick installation" …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for nyler01

Please help, Someone there who knows how to create an sql for ms access database and php. The Problem is the fields in the table are written with spaces and I am not gonna change it in any means because it is connected to a very large program and it …

Member Avatar for nyler01
Member Avatar for scarcella

Hey guys i have a little problem!! :confused: I am trying to prompt a JavaScript alert before the html headers and when this happens i does not style my footer from css. Heres my code: [CODE] if ($queryupdate) { echo "<script>alert('Your password has been updated!')</script>"; } else { echo "<script>alert('Your …

Member Avatar for P0lT10n
Member Avatar for sacarias40

Does anybody know the most efficient way to attach a location to an object in the database? I would like to allow a search for people in a certain area (as in a certain radius) I was thinking about just letting people specify a city and state instead of sticking …

Member Avatar for kooia
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hey people i have installed the apache server but i dont know how to let it work ths iz the file name that i have installed [U]httpd-2.0.63-win32-src[/U] please dont tel me that i have to download another server or something just tell me what i am supposed to do . …

Member Avatar for madCoder
Member Avatar for mpc123

HI my code has an error of - Unexpected character in input: ' in url/database.php on line 9 Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in url/database.php on line 9 line 9 is $result = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error()); Can anybody tell me what the problem is please [code=php]<?php require_once 'config.php'; $dbConn …

Member Avatar for qazplm114477
Member Avatar for Kieran Y5

Hi, I am currently creating a CMS which will allow PHP code to be used but I need to make sure that certain functions are not used that can ruin the CMS. Basically, I need a way to stop certain functions (like [I]fopen[/I]) to be executed. The only problem I …

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Member Avatar for Jack_1

Before i start learning php, many sites like phpBuddy say to donload php installer, Apache server and MySQL. So simply i want to know what is the use of web server and MySQl.More importantly, Also tell me how to use them correctly. If possible provide me lnks from where i …

Member Avatar for justiceigwe
Member Avatar for Nompi

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING My god what a horrible thing to see after spending hours trying to put you website up. I'm sorry to be posting this because I have seen I'm not the first to enquire about the same thing, but I have tried to make sense …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for pruthvikumar

Hello sir/madam, I am facing some difficulty in designing a project related to database. Project is related to designing of a website of daily deals of products and maintaining a database of all the products. I am using php . mysql and xhtml for design and my query is how …

Member Avatar for pruthvikumar
Member Avatar for ayooshkasmth

I've been on this for so long and cant seem to get it working. I am trying to display teh value of a dropdown in a text box and i've tried so many things but it just wont work: [CODE] <?php $query3 = "SELECT contaminant, gac_value FROM gac_ea WHERE land_use …

Member Avatar for ayooshkasmth
Member Avatar for qazplm114477

Lets say I have a bunch of classes that works pretty well without any error, and lets say that I want to introduce name spaces to my system. Before I start adding [CODE]namespace MyNamesSpace;[/CODE] to all my classes, I want to know if there are any precautions I have to …

Member Avatar for qazplm114477

It might seem appropriate to post this in the MySql section but I guess this is also a PHP question. Which is the more efficient way for adding new fields? I haven't written the code yet because I want to get the database structure right before coding. Here's my logic. …

Member Avatar for qazplm114477
Member Avatar for WikeeHyn

I want to add a chat room to my phpfox, and I have considered v3chat, flashcoms, and 123flashchat. 123flashchat have the most features and the high performance, what's more, they provide free integration for you, but flashcoms will charge you, Has anyone had good results with them? your opinion is …

Member Avatar for Zexsz

I'm working on a basic CMS for a club at my school. But I'm having trouble with the log in. The log in works but after entering the user name and password and submitting it, the form comes back up and you have to do it a second time before …

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Member Avatar for valipour

Hi i want to simulate a browser with php but i need to send some more headers to target server for sample my display resolution or name of my browser (for sample Firefox) but if i call my target page_url without this parameters i can't run the page

Member Avatar for Kamboodle

Hi guys, Would it be possible to remove the phone company and website from this contact form? The code is at: [url]http://pastebin.com/YnNG7RrL[/url] Any help would be great

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for rajeesh_rsn

Hi friends, What is the correct method of uploading files using php ? Now I am using a simple file upload script and that will upload that file to a directory in my ftp server. And I will make that directory's CHMOD to 777. Is this is the correct way …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

The End.