39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for terrymold

Hi I'm writing a website which will eventually create a new NewsLetter every week, which is saved in a MySQL Table. The user wants to view previous newsletters with the aim of selecting one to send out again. As each record contains 83 fields, this would be so cumbersome as …

Member Avatar for teedoff
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I have a forgotten password routine that returns "Email address invalid" if the email address entered is not in the database. This seems to be the general trend to notify someone that the email address doesn't exist. I'd just like to know if it's possible for a hacker …

Member Avatar for ivan3510

Hi! Sorry for my bad english! How to make simple chat with php and ajax without creating mysql database? Can you write code? Thanks everyone!

Member Avatar for ivan3510
Member Avatar for malashukla

i am new in php so may be my problem could be so easy for u but i m not solve. anyone out there please help me. actually i am creating checkboxes inside the while loop with different id. and a user can check more than one checkbox and when …

Member Avatar for pssubash
Member Avatar for ......?

Hello everyone! To get incoming message in fb-chat, browsers send request in certain interval (i think 55.31s). But if there is message it fetches message and terminates before starting new. Can anyone explain how it is done Regards

Member Avatar for dandixon

I have a db with all the staff details on. I have my webpage that displays all this data but i want to be able to have buttons like "all", "directors" etc that when clicked on will only show that dept Whats the best way to do this Regards Dan

Member Avatar for nonshatter
Member Avatar for silvertwister10

Hi Guys I need a script which will allow me to redirect the user to an external webpage - I have a t&c's page on the site so the user needs to 'accept' t&c's before they are redirected to the thirdparty website. I used javascript however it seems to not …

Member Avatar for silvertwister10
Member Avatar for buggyboy

Hello everyone, I'm new to PHP, i know the basic's of PHP. At least i think i do. I've read like 20 ebooks, read tutorials etc. And yet i still lack the knowledge of understand the basic concepts. (Putting it all together). Anyway, i randomly have questions about php and …

Member Avatar for U'rDady

I am using PHP+javaScript+Mysql+html My Question is How can I upload Excell file in Browser to show the user the file is uploaded. and then update that excell data from browser to Database Please Help. I would be great is i can have a sample code. Best Regards.

Member Avatar for AndreRet
Member Avatar for braveheart_sb

Hello, I really would like to know how to compare two different databases hosted on the same server, compare each tableA rows with the tableB rows and find out the match and non Match ones using a php Script. And display the match and non Match ones Thank you

Member Avatar for DanielTulp
Member Avatar for nonshatter

Hi all, I have a fairly simple question on something I know little about... Is there a PHP equivalent to the Perl POD? We're basically switching over from Perl to PHP but we are struggling to find a PHP-ish way of documenting from within our code. If anyone knows anything …

Member Avatar for keval_hack

Hi, I am searching a online quiz cms or script which provide user login and admin area for managging quiz. thanks. -keval

Member Avatar for hmhb.in

i have the following xml file.how to display the first tag (tag by tag) then when next button are click the second tag is display <?xml version="1.0"?> <records> <reg > <name>hari</name> <age>22</age> <mark>67</mark> </reg> </records> <records> <reg > <name>hari</name> <age>20</age> <mark>78</mark> </reg> </reg> <reg> <book > <name>hari</name> <age>21</age> <mark>88</mark> </reg> …

Member Avatar for DanielTulp
Member Avatar for praveen_dusari

hi, iam developing a website where i need to prevent users from downloading my images. i tried using javascript by disabling rightclick but in mozilla there is a option to disable javascript. any help? please..........

Member Avatar for DanielTulp
Member Avatar for MoreBloodWine

My PHP knowledge is extremely limited so with someone saying read this wont help me much. Anyway... below should be everything one would need to assist me. Thx in advance ! [url]http://www.myu2sig.com/EoJCardLibrary.php[/url] If you check out the above link you will see some tables where I'm pulling and displaying DB …

Member Avatar for MoreBloodWine
Member Avatar for coolest_987

Can any one tell me how to upload video files in php ? Thanks in advance

Member Avatar for chunguy

Hi all, How can we gain control of printer using php? I mean gain control as in, choosing the right printer from our php page and send the document directly to printer. I want to bypass the print dialog box that will appear when we print from web browser. By …

Member Avatar for eagoweb
Member Avatar for masocha

l want to add products to cart from the browse page. However when l add a product with attributes l get the following message [B]Info: To add this product into your cart you have to select a product variant on the details page.[/B] Can someone please tell me how l …

Member Avatar for Senvan

I am doing a project on php and sql and it involves posting of quetions by various persons and replying to those questions(which is a dicussion forum). Can i add text boxes for posting a question and displaying answers to those questions from a database. can u help me out …

Member Avatar for Lsmjudoka
Member Avatar for tristanhall

Hey guys! I am working on creating a website that offers resources and calculators for a lot of algebraic and geometric equations. One thing that I want it to do is factor polynomial equations. For example, x^2-x-2=f(x) would become f(x)=(x+1)(x-2). WolframAlpha.com does this for all polynomials so I know that …

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Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hey everyone i have sugested to create a new club in my school called programmers , so they told me that i have to bring a list of the club aims and they xheck if the aims are good or bad then they accept the club or no , so …

Member Avatar for budalverson
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

i dont know what is the issue and it is not giving me a error in the error_log. i have a variable that collects from the url to be put into the query were the DB field would go. i know that is is the part that is not working …

Member Avatar for itisnot_me
Member Avatar for lwaterfo

Hi all, Newbie question;.... I have a database and a table within called 'data'.. I also have a login script that allows users to access it. My question is..how do I make only the user's record viewable/accessible after login. Specifically, how do I access, the a specific record in the …

Member Avatar for lwaterfo
Member Avatar for cjay175

Hi all, I am having an issue with a php script that has worked fine in php 5.2.0 but with an upgrade to php 5.3 it is only prtly working. From what I understand ereg has been depreciated so I have tried many variations of trim() and preg_match() to remove …

Member Avatar for mulevad

I have an IIS7.5 server installed on my laptop. I'm learning C#, XML, XSLT, .NET, Visual Studio 2005, 2008, 2010 and Microsoft Expression Web. I am the webmaster on a simple PHP website that I inherited. I figure I ought to learn PHP, but figure I also need to install …

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Member Avatar for qazplm114477

Is there a particular reason as to why some people use .inc and some just use plain .php for include files? Does actually do anything performance wise or does it just make it easier to distinguish between files?

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for Traicey

Hi All Im not sure if this is possible but here is the thing I have thankyou.html page that should be opened in the lightbox when a submit button is clicked and the email is sent, I have a contact.php that send an email to the person with the details …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for BzzBee

hello, I had a fckeditor at my php page, i want to put some data in fck editor when user click a button. How can i do that using javascript. Please help

Member Avatar for dennishall
Member Avatar for s2xi

Hey guys, I was making a form that is um... quite large and all inputs consist of the form looking like [CODE]<input type="text" id="first_name" name="first_name" />[/CODE] so instead of having to do [CODE]$first_name = $_POST['first_name'];[/CODE] and so on for every input, is there a way to grab every 'name' or …

Member Avatar for SolidSolutions
Member Avatar for dennishall

Hi All: I have been working very hard and long at understanding this situation. I have tried many different sample scripts, to check my work and find find my solution. I have created a job board for a client, the user applies for a job in application form.php which then …

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The End.