39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for Kieran Y5

Hi, Is it possible to stop the [i]fopen[/i] function from accessing a file or folder? My server uses linux but I have no control over [I].ini[/I] files as my host prevents me from accessing them. Is there any way from using a [I].htaccess[/I] or something to prevent [i]fopen[/i] from opening …

Member Avatar for SunnySideUp

Hi, I am looking to get some help as to how I can create a script that does an Instant live search which displays results as I type: For Instance: 1) I arrive at a page and it has all lists of members from a database already displayed. 2) Then …

Member Avatar for sleign
Member Avatar for Robbastiaansen

Hi all, I am running a script that processes files line by line. It takes a while so I would like to echo a status update with each line so we can see where we are in the process. I started reading on the output buffers but that doesn't do …

Member Avatar for Robbastiaansen
Member Avatar for lwaterfo

Is there an easy way to have a user view their information in form fields? I have set up a query for a user's information in a table to come up, but I want the user to be able to edit their information... Does this require other programming language knowledge …

Member Avatar for fobos
Member Avatar for scarcella

[CODE] /* Login Functions */ function login($usr, $pass) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM users WHERE usrNAME = '$usr' AND usrPASS = '$pass'"; $query = mysql_query($sql); $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query); if (mysql_num_rows($query) == 1) { // in here is what it should do if successful } else { // in here …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for antrvant

Hi guys, I want to put links on 1 box @ right hand side but only show it on homepage. The problem is the right handside show sitewide (all pages). How can I show that box only hompage and the rest of right handside still show all pages? my sites …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Robbastiaansen

Hi, What I am trying to do is enter HTML code into a variable and then pass it along to another script with POST to have it used as the HTML content with PHPmailer. As soon as my HTML code that i paste into the textarea contains double quotes it …

Member Avatar for dietdew12z
Member Avatar for gf1987

Hello everyone. I am having trouble trying to write some script that will unlink all files in a directory. Can anyone help me? I am not sure of the best way to do this? Thankyou.

Member Avatar for paulrajj
Member Avatar for kohar

Hello, I am trying to use submit buttons, with different meeting dates as the name. When user clicks (for example) September 9, 2010 button, the text file called September 9, 2010 will open in the other div. If user clicks October button, the October text file would open in other …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for kissu

Hie, I'm trying to first pass a variable in a link from index.php to a page template.php. This variable is holding a table name of a data-base. Now my problem is to get this passed variable (which is a table name) from index.php to template.php and use the same to …

Member Avatar for paulrajj
Member Avatar for CasTex

This script logins the facebook and gather some data (not important) from search, but however, its not working. Where is my mistake ? (Login is working, but gathering info from search results, isnt.) [CODE]<? $first_name = 'Eda'; $login_email = 'bodrumlukardes@hotmail.com'; $login_pass = 'mypassword'; $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, 'https://login.facebook.com/login.php?m&amp;next=http%3A%2F%2Fm.facebook.com%2Fhome.php'); curl_setopt($ch, …

Member Avatar for ekSquall

Hi guys i can't seem to figure out whats wrong with my sql statement. its an insert statements using session variables to insert into a SQLite table. part of problem code as follows: [CODE]<?php $db = new PDO('sqlite:name.sqlite'); $submitNewSummary = $db ->query("INSERT INTO clinicalSummary(placementID,attMon1,attTue1,attWed1,attThu1,attFri1,attMon2,attTue2,attWed2,attThu2,attFri2,item1,item2,item3,item4,item5,item6,item7,item8,item9,item10,item11,item12,item13,item14,item15,item16,item17,item18,item19,item20,dateCompleted) VALUES (".$_SESSION['studentRetrievedPID'].",".$_SESSION['Monday1'].",".$_SESSION['Tuesday1'].",".$_SESSION['Wednesday1'].",".$_SESSION['Thursday1'].",".$_SESSION['Friday1'].",".$_SESSION['Monday2'].",".$_SESSION['Tuesday2'].",".$_SESSION['Wednesday2'].",".$_SESSION['Thursday2'].",".$_SESSION['Friday2'].",".$_SESSION['itemSummary1'].",".$_SESSION['itemSummary2'].",".$_SESSION['itemSummary3'].",".$_SESSION['itemSummary4'].",".$_SESSION['itemSummary5'].",".$_SESSION['itemSummary6'].",".$_SESSION['itemSummary7'].",".$_SESSION['itemSummary8'].",".$_SESSION['itemSummary9'].",".$_SESSION['itemSummary10'].",".$_SESSION['itemSummary11'].",".$_SESSION['itemSummary12'].",".$_SESSION['itemSummary13'].",".$_SESSION['itemSummary14'].",".$_SESSION['itemSummary15'].",".$_SESSION['itemSummary16'].",".$_SESSION['itemSummary17'].",".$_SESSION['itemSummary18'].",".$_SESSION['itemSummary19'].",".$_SESSION['itemSummary20'].",".$_SESSION['studentRetrievedDF'].")"); if ($submitNewSummary) { echo …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for cicovy

Hi all, I have a table containing about 10 records and each record has a unique ID. I'm trying to dynamically generate a pie chart according to each record The output I want is this: [code]$pct_data = array( new pie_value($this->Client->count_all_by_pct(1,$thisMonth), $this->Pct->info(1)->name.', '.$this->Pct->info(1)->location.' ('.$this->Client->count_all_by_pct(1,$thisMonth).')'), new pie_value($this->Client->count_all_by_pct(4,$thisMonth), $this->Pct->info(4)->name.', '.$this->Pct->info(4)->location.' ('.$this->Client->count_all_by_pct(4,$thisMonth).')'), new pie_value($this->Client->count_all_by_pct(6,$thisMonth), …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for ceeandcee

Here is my problem. I have a table that produces 11 names with 2 values for each. These values are derived by subtracting one field in the database from the other. I have no problem gettign the table to produce those 22 values, but now I want to total each …

Member Avatar for ceeandcee
Member Avatar for fatpages

Hi All, can anyone suggest the quick manual on implementation of Unit Tests for PHP?

Member Avatar for aeronvista

I have tried to write a script that sends image as an embedded object rather that attachment OR a url link but it is not working. I am attaching the code. Please help me.

Member Avatar for aeronvista
Member Avatar for JayGeePee

I'm not sure how to do this or if its possible with CSS/HTML. I have tables that hold info on my index page that is entered from the members area. The table has a plain white background, which isn't my problem. I'd like it if when new info is entered …

Member Avatar for Lsmjudoka
Member Avatar for webfan16

i'm sorry my title is confusing here's my problem i've created this echo "<table border='1'> <tr> <th>Idno</th> <th>Name</th> <th>Specialty</th> <th>Email</th> <th></th> </tr>"; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { echo "<tr>"; echo "<td>" . $row['Idno'] . "</td>"; echo "<td>" . $row['LastName'] . " " . $row['FirstName'] . " " . $row['MiddleName'] . "</td>"; …

Member Avatar for Lsmjudoka
Member Avatar for dschuett

Hi all, This may be asking a bit much, but this is my FIRST advanced PHP/MySQL project. Any help is appreciated. I am currently building a website for one of my friends photography business, and she has requested to allow her clients to be able to sign with a username …

Member Avatar for Lsmjudoka
Member Avatar for valonesal

Im a novice at php and cant seem to get the following two line together. We want to use this line [CODE] <?php if($logged_in) { echo "Welcome back, $logged_row[username]&nbsp"; } else { print('<a href="http://xxx/login.html">Login</a> / <a href="http://xxx.com/signup.html">Signup</a>'); } ?>[/CODE] But we need this put into it, we need it before …

Member Avatar for valonesal
Member Avatar for nicholaslee21

[CODE] <html> <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" href="DynCalendar/dynCalendar.css" /> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="DynCalendar/browserSniffer.js"></script> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src="DynCalendar/dynCalendar.js"></script> <body> <table width="703" height="210" border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td width="535"><form name="Add_Record"><form action="insert.php" method="POST"> <p class="Headings"><strong>Add a Record</strong> </p> <p>First Name: <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="20"name="firstname" /> Last Name: <input type="text" size="20" maxlength="20" name="lastname" /> </p> <p>Days …

Member Avatar for hielo
Member Avatar for belayetsumon

Plz any body help me how can i send data in server by form use Zend framwork MVC or give me instraction about zend MVC

Member Avatar for rlfantasy
Member Avatar for markolini

guyz pls i need help writting d php script for a registration form...i want all the contents of the form to be emailed to an email address i will provide here is a copy of the html code, its juss the php script i need not pls someone help [CODE]<FORM …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for hbat66

Subject PHP: Echo SimpleXMLElement Object Data Out to 3 Column HTML Table Post Hello everyone. I am working with Simple XML Element object data and PHP code. I want to echo out that data into a 3 column HTML table and have run into some trouble. I am currently able …

Member Avatar for rdc
Member Avatar for Shaswat

can anyone explain me add to cart script.i have read it in some sites but dont know what it means. can anyone explain a simple one?

Member Avatar for Kieran Y5
Member Avatar for sen4ik

Hi I am parsing .csv file which contains 21 000 records. While i am parsing it i insert records in database. It is taking about 40 second for script to parse the file. User will not sit and wait 40 seconds - he might close page. How can i print …

Member Avatar for MooGeek
Member Avatar for Smudly

I have a form, that when the user click Submit, I need a php variable to be echoed to the page. This is for an upload page. So when they are waiting for the file to upload, it will say "Uploading..." until the upload is complete. All I know so …

Member Avatar for Shaswat
Member Avatar for MackAttack30

Hi forum, This will probably be an easy one but i have a situation where i have multiple PHP/HTML <SELECT> tags. So i hold their id and name in an array. When i go to call this enableBox JavaScript function and i try to call the selectorName[] using the getElementById …

Member Avatar for MackAttack30
Member Avatar for ceeandcee

Good Morning, I am looking for some code that will simply echo "0" when the result is negative. I dont want it to output a negative number. Here is the line I am looking to add this to: [code] echo $row['GP1011_'.$wk.'']-$row['GP1011_'.$prev.'']; [/code] Any help is appreciated. Thanks Chris

Member Avatar for nevvermind
Member Avatar for julianmoors

Hi Guys, OK I'll admit it from the off I'm a complete PHP newbie, but I'm willing to learn. Here's what I've got so far... I have a search form which is being updated using an AJAX call. So far so good, but my boss would like it so that …


The End.