39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for khanrock

i am installing php-joomla with apache on my system. m continuously getting the problem with mysql connectivity. The prob is: "Unable to connect to the database:The MySQL adapter "mysql" is not available." I have installed all the things & have also included dll extension of mysql. Please suggest a solution..

Member Avatar for ekseks
Member Avatar for 1Meme

Please help with these errors in this code.... Errors are Notice: Undefined index: user in C:\wamp\www\REGDB\login.php on line 13 Notice: Undefined index: password in C:\wamp\www\REGDB\login.php on line 14 Warning: mysql_result() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given in C:\wamp\www\REGDB\login.php on line 22 [code] <?php session_start(); ?> <html> <head /> …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for mybluehair

I'm making a form for admins on my site to submit new videos. the form page has several text boxes (for info like name of video, description, ect.) and a few file upload boxes (for flv video format, mp4 format, ect.) But when it passes to the next page, when …

Member Avatar for mybluehair
Member Avatar for Monster Killer

Hello. I have made a PHP script that gets news data from a database and i used pagination to split it into page. I have it fully working with page numbers but i would like to know how i would make it only display 10 page numbers at the bottom …

Member Avatar for Monster Killer
Member Avatar for fuggles

Say I want an action to be performed on my database every so often such as add a random number of "points" to a random entry in a table every time it iterates. I want this to happen even if nobody visits my site. If this is possible with PHP …

Member Avatar for rch1231
Member Avatar for LucasAnderson

In my opinion, the "big CMS" solutions like WordPress, Drupal and Joomla have become too bloated and confusing for the end user. My clients love Concrete5, which uses simple in-context editing and point/click/drag all wrapped up in a shiny interface. Using Concrete5, I've cut my training time in half and …

Member Avatar for bamwamba

Hi, I need help with reading a csv file from a folder. The file is sent to the folder via ftp after every 10minutes. The script I want should then read this file almost at the same interval. The file name is dynamic so there is a possibility that these …

Member Avatar for digital-ether
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hello guys . I want to creat an email system that sends and recieve emails . So how can i creat that it and where can i get a full lessons that can help me .

Member Avatar for ApocDen
Member Avatar for nicnac23

Hi please help, I have a simple web form and when the submit button is pressed I would like the form to post to two locations. One location is local and the other is external. Hope you can help. Thanks

Member Avatar for JenniC
Member Avatar for eng7asebat

i need help plz i need project idea for information technology under graduates students in mobile application field,biometric field, ... and other fields like this anybody can help me in this ?????

Member Avatar for ZZZubec
Member Avatar for مصعب علي

hi all, this is first time connect php with mssql 2005 code : [CODE]<?php $myServer = "srv\ins"; $myUser = ""; $myPass = ""; $myDB = "db1"; //connection to the database $dbhandle = mssql_connect($myServer, $myUser, $myPass) or die("Couldn't connect to SQL Server on $myServer"); //select a database to work with $selected …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for phploveisgood

Hi! Please do anyone knows how i can implement something like this in my ecommerce shop? Here is the link:[url]http://www.restorationhardware.com/rh/design-gallery/index.jsp?link=designgallery_home&cm_re=DG-_-Category-_-Home&navAction=jump&navCount=0&categoryId=cat1699014[/url] Best Regards to everyone

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi all, Ive just uploaded the zend framework to my server and need help setting the include path. I thought i had it set correctly, but its just not finding the classes. heres what ive done [code] <?php // global variables ini_set("include_path", "/library"); ?> <?php require_once ('Zend/Mail/Mail.php'); ?> <?php $mail …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for Bandwidth Media

Hi All, I am building quite a complex CMS (mysql & php) and am wondering what the best approach to inserting data into multiple tables at once is. I have about 10 tables i need up update with user data, some of them linked by keys, others not. I have …

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for zia zia

I need some help with my coding:(. I have a php file with a delete link. It flags the user record with "1" when delete is clicked. What I don't know is that "how to remove the user record from my php file". The user record is fetched from mysql …

Member Avatar for manzarr
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

Hello all, I have spent a good few days looking over daniweb trying to get the right answer, But I am yet to find what I am looking for. I have successfully upload my image to a folder store and named my uploaded image. The path and file name is …

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for MDanz

when posting a new message on my forum and it contains a url. How do i automatically add the bbcode url tags to a url in the message?

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for umandajayo

hei flocks, I am developing a website using phpwcms. I need to develop a file upload module module for it.I need to study it.can you guid me..? thank you.

Member Avatar for umandajayo
Member Avatar for Rkeast

I am posting this code snippet as I continue to see login and user registration scripts that store passwords in databases as unsalted md5 hashes, and passwords in cookies as raw text. This snippet includes an example user registration function, as well as an example user login, login check, and …

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for metalix

To view this tutorial with notes at [URL="http://www.effectivewebdesign.co.nz/tutorial.php"]http://www.effectivewebdesign.co.nz/tutorial.php[/URL] yes I am aware this is more php than mysql. howerver I get asked how to do it so often I thought I'd post it here aswell :)

Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i am having a page with date picker. so now when i select a date, images uploaded on that date will be displayed in a table.The date picker will not change,only the below div will change. so now i had a edit button beside date picker.so when i …

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for preetg

hi.. i m getting parse error ...... can anyone help me how can i remove it........... [B]Parse error: parse error in c:\apache\htdocs\newhr\attendnce.php on line 21[/B] [CODE] <?php mysql_connect("localhost","root","root"); mysql_select_db("master"); $dates = array(); $employee = array(); $attendance_record = array(); $getdates = "select * from mar10 order by Date" or die(mysql_error()); $dates_resultset …

Member Avatar for amitrohilla
Member Avatar for swathi1234

Hi, I have created table in database mysql and I created register form and I wrote insert code ,when we run the php file there is no but given data is not inserted in database....I need help,I am new to php.... This is my code i have used,........ <?php if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for rashmisharmamca

this is my table structure [CODE]CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `test` ( `id` int(11) DEFAULT NULL, `disable` timestamp NULL DEFAULT NULL, UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`,`disable`) ) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci;[/CODE] Assume values as [CODE]INSERT INTO `test` (`id`, `disable`) VALUES (1, NULL), (2, '2010-07-27 15:52:20'), (3, '2010-08-03 00:00:00'), (5, '2010-07-28 15:53:39'), …

Member Avatar for rashmisharmamca
Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i had a page in which list of images can be seen by selecting some date. so now in that table i am having a dropdown of users. so if i select a user and click submit that username, imagename,size,type should be stored in database,but i cant store …

Member Avatar for niths
Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello, I'm trying to build a list of categories and I don't want to overflow my tables, so I was wondering if anyone has a code that will allow users to click on a link and a pop up will show the rest of the list. I would like the …

Member Avatar for Parishah

Hi, I am trying to build a MCQ website. One question set will have around 50 questions, each shown in a different page I need to put a countodown timer which will work across all the questions any suggestions please

Member Avatar for ApocDen
Member Avatar for cpu278

Hi there, I couldn't find a solution to this small problem so posting it here. I have some hardcoded values I want to send back to the browser. When I have this code: [code=php] ... $cr1 = '{"date_added":"8/3","type":"1","contact":"John Smith"}'; $cr2 = '{"date_added":"8/7","type":"2","contact":"Jane Smith"}'; $company_reqs[0] = json_decode($cr1,1); $company_reqs[1] = json_decode($cr2,1); $company_data['reqs'] …

Member Avatar for cpu278
Member Avatar for ero100

Dear Friends, Please help me with this issue. the design of my database isnt well normalized, but due to the ammount of work done based on this queries i found it more difficult to have to change the whole design . Instead im trying just to solve it. i have …

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for atrueresistance

Now, knowing I'm fairly new on this whole PHP, MySQL, and HTML project. I'm working as an intern and my boss has run out of things for me to do so I'm creating a data driven website for him. I'm having a hard time with getting to work right. Here …


The End.