39,388 Topics
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Hi Just wondering if someone could give me an idea of the best way around this problem. Ive been asked to come up with a solution for a site a little like the confused insurance comparison website. Basically i have a range of products that i need many companies to … | |
I have products in a data base with several features to compare, i could do with 2x drop down menus where they are populated by the database and then once selected a table is echoed with all the feature fields. The 2nd one will be so you can compare a … | |
Hi, how can i check the existance of email address on a web? | |
Hi, Can anyone guide me in the problem that I had encountered. I need to enable Sybase connection in php5. I tried searching the web, but what I got are quite old instructions. I am very new to this, and hope that someone can help me with this. Thanks BL | |
hi guys , i wrote this code but when i try to open the page it says there is a syntax error on line 26 here is the code : [CODE]<table width="400" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> <strong><h2>Welcome to Our Website</h2></strong> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <? $tbl_name = … | |
how can i clear cookies from browser when ever i change any item from a drop down using javascript..... | |
Hi, I'm completely new to scripting and may as well be looking into a tin of beans. I'm working is CS4. I can create a contact form and set up the spry values and hidden fields etc. My host supports PHP but doesn't offer a mail script to I have … | |
i have uploaded a group of files and the number of files uploaded is dynamic its value is recieved from form now the name of file type is the number of attachment e.g if 2 files are uploaded then name of 1st file in form will be 1 and name … | |
Hi Everyone, I am currently trying to list a leaderboard for refferals. The table is set up with the following columns: id | refferer | user So obviously if someone reffers someone else they will be in a new row so there are multiple rows per person. I am trying … | |
Hi guys , how is everything ?. I have got a small problem on the datas which are coming from my database . Ok it is not a real problem . A part of my website do contain some articles and i want to view only the titles of the … | |
hi all i m very new to php n wanna knw hw can i add a richtext box in my application... thanx in advance.. | |
Hello All, I have very little experience with php, and I recently downloaded a script on a website for displaying a database here: [URL="http://www.designplace.org/scripts.php?page=1&c_id=25"]http://www.designplace.org/scripts.php?page=1&c_id=25[/URL] I tried changing the code in lines 31-33 so that only certain variables within a record would be displayed. This is what my changed code looks … | |
I have a problem with this script. I would like to have the user input used in the query. I have been trying for days and numerous methods with no success. [code=php] <?php function new_module_menu() { $items = array(); $items['new_module/form'] = array( 'title' => t('My form'), 'page callback' => 'new_module_form', … | |
Hello, I made a registration confirmation code that emails you a random md5 in the form of [CODE] www.yoururl.com/confirmation.php?key=as19239avjkajesdfkj [/CODE] and key is the confirmation code. However I am trying to implement a 2 part confirmation code (one sent to your email and one sent to your cell phone) so … | |
I am currently producing a system in which I want the user to be able to select the product name from a drop-down menu and when selected I would like the barcode to appear in the barcode field. I would really appreciate any help, however great or small. The current … | |
I have the trial3.php code here. [code=php] <html> <head> <title> choose 1 </title> </head> <form> <input type='radio' name='name1'>edit<?php echo "<form action=trial.php></form>";?></br> <input type='radio' name='name2'>GMT<?php echo "<form action=trial2.php></form>"; ?></br> <input type='submit' name='SEND' value='send'> </form> </html> <?php $send; $fetch_DATA1=$_GET['name1']; if($_GET['name1']) echo "<form action=trial.php method=get></form>"; else echo "<form action=trial2.php method=get></form>"; ?>[/code] what i … | |
Rapid Application Development has come a long way since the early days of Delphi and Visual Basic in the mid 1990s. I remember those days well, as I immersed myself in Pascal development with the original Delphi back in 1995 and even wrote a couple of books about it. Delphi … | |
Hi all, Welcome to Study Group 13 (SG13) ^_^ We are a group of people – mostly students – who are self-learners. We share the study materials (obviously online materials), help each other in debugging our codes, and give advice regarding programming or studying problems. Q&A: Q: What programming languages … | |
Hey guys, I'm having some AJAX troubles that hopefully someone can help me with. I have some PHP code, which works fine. And I'm trying to call the PHP function with AJAX. But I've never used AJAX at all so I'm a little confused. I've tried to fiddle around with … | |
hi, i have a site which is secure with a username and password combination with mysql backend database. the encryption is sha1 for the password. what about securing the url? at the moment it displays for example: page_name.php?ID=24 if you modify the ID other users can see other pages they … | |
I try to create a selection page, where different query are made, depending on selected checkboxes, and textboxes. It works for most the part but I a selection between zipcode ranges and year of birth range (between nbs_zip and nbs_zip2 and between nbs_contact_year and nbs_contact_year2). It works when I have … | |
I want to be able to open a PowerPoint file in PHP and copy read all the contents? How it is possible,have any idea? | |
![]() | Hi All. I am having some trouble with a script which allows a user to upload a photo. When the page first loads it checks if the user has reached their maximum photo capacity. If they have then it will redirect them to another page. If they can upload more … ![]() |
Hello. I have a php file with a form on it. the form has a few text fields and a few file fields. The problem is that for some weird reason the file upload fields screw everything up. After I press submit, it carries NO data to the fallowing page. … | |
Hi all, I am looking for php help. i want to create a login page for access to 1 table (data) in my database (app1) consisting of about 10 fields. I will be giving the user the password and creating a password for them, but I need them to be … | |
Hi all, I have a code which works fine. [code=php] <?php $db = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); mysql_select_db("test",$db); $today = date("F j, Y, g:i a"); //echo $today;exit(); $file = "test.txt"; $fp = fopen($file, "r"); $data = fread($fp, filesize($file)); fclose($fp); $output = str_replace("\t|\t", "|", $data); $output = explode("\n", $output); foreach($output as $var) { //$categories_id … | |
|__www/ | |__application/ | |__includes.php | |__public/ |__index.php the line in the index.php says require_once ('application/includes.php'); and that includes.php file will have similar require_once which has reference to files under the subfolders of application. i'm using ubuntu lamp stack. i got this open source project which was first developed in … | |
Hello, I am new to Cron and want to test if it's working, I don't have a live server so I am using xamp and wamp. How can I test if my cron code is working? I don't want to use windows scheduler as I am not interested in performing … | |
I know the image size for the PC in Four Wonder not upload from is drawn from four Wonder I find the sizing. Fit already been done by This อ่ะ ครับ. $ S = GetimageSize ($ pro); $ W = (int) $ s [0]; $ H = (int) $ s … | |
Hey guys fairly new to PHP as is, I need to run a PHP function call through an onClick which through my research I have found that I need to use AJAX. Let me explain better what I am trying to do. I am currently using Simplepie PHP to pull … |
The End.