39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I'm having a hard time selecting data from my database. What I want to do is when I view the page that allows me to edit a team name (team1 for instance) I want to list all the product types and then check the checkboxes of the product …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for lwaterfo

Hi again all, Can anyone see what is wrong with the code below? [CODE] if ($s>=1) { $prevs=($s-$limit); print "&nbsp;<a href=\\"$PHP_SELF?s=$prevs&q=$var\\">&lt;&lt; Prev 10</a>&nbsp&nbsp;"; }[/CODE] I keep getting an error message: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_VARIABLE ...referencing the print line.

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for sugikrish

Hi frnds, I want the source codew for converting any one format to pdf. Any one know abt this pls help to me. Thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for Daiva
Member Avatar for fasharlht

Hi, I am developing a simple application mailing system in which i need to place a check box in a listbox,which having emails id from database. How do i do it?...For example in the mailing system application , when i have to send a email, it displays all the emails …

Member Avatar for madCoder
Member Avatar for shahaz

Hai All i want a code that fetches a row in a sql database named student and display the result in a table format.........i am a newbie in php................please Help me

Member Avatar for sainigks
Member Avatar for seularts

Here is a dub question. If this code is supposed to restrict files other than jpg, png and gif, why does it do it? This is for a file browser aplication. The image has to be one of the 3 accepted file extensions. [code] $ext - is the var that …

Member Avatar for seularts
Member Avatar for Ejl191

I've been tasked with plotting various points onto a map. Due to financing and the nature of the project we can't use Google or any of that type of thing. So we have to do this the hard way using PHP or Javascript. I'm supplied a map(Mercator) and the coordinates …

Member Avatar for Ejl191
Member Avatar for BlackNinja

Hi folks, i am having a little trouble with sessions and would appreciate any help. What i am trying to do is have the user login and save the password that they enter into a session so i can use the variable in the next page. But for some reason …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for ankitagalaxy
Member Avatar for mpc123

I have this code presently for null to say free but i need also if the info in the ProductPrice field is 0 [code=php] echo is_null($row['ProductPrice']) ? "FREE" : $row['ProductPrice']; echo "</td><td>";[/code] Please help

Member Avatar for mpc123
Member Avatar for Chosen13

Hello, I have a PHP Login Form and it works fine, but users with Fiddler2 (Web Debugging Proxy) have the ability to hide their PHPSESSID Completely. What is a good system that I can use to prevent this, as anonymous users can cause trouble on the website.

Member Avatar for metalix
Member Avatar for braveheart_sb

I would like to know how to create a query that will grab the first two results of the combobox and display on the Third comboBox without refreshing the page just the form i mean all to be done on the same page not a secundary page. Thank you! [CODE=php]<table …

Member Avatar for Daiva
Member Avatar for ajithperuva

Hi, I need to retrieve anchor tag innerHTML using RegExp in php. Consider I have a syntax like [CODE] <div class="detailsGray"> <span class="detailEmail"> <a href="http://example.com"class="fontLink">examples@mail.com</a></span> </div> [/CODE] here how can we retrieve [email]examples@mail.com[/email] using RegExp and preg_match_all(). Thanks

Member Avatar for martin5211
Member Avatar for usmanbzu
Member Avatar for virtualvinodh

Hi, I wrote a piece of code for doing a recursive printing of all the leaf nodes. But it is not moving beyond one or two levels. Here is the code: [code=php] $root = array( "paa" => array ( "adi1" => array ( "cir1" => array ( "aka", "ra", "vinodh","dkido" …

Member Avatar for virtualvinodh
Member Avatar for NoID

Hi Guys, Id like to know if its possible to remove or block sites like [url]http://www.onthesamehost.com?[/url] I mean like htaccess? If so can you please help me Thank you for your time.

Member Avatar for martin5211
Member Avatar for Donno24

Hi Everyone, I was wondering can someone with Ajax experience to have a look at the following PHP script. Its a simple domain checker. I am using sessions to pass data from page to page but when I get to this domain checker page and I search for a domain …

Member Avatar for pssubash

How to load PECL Package at run time . I downloaded zip package and copied to my application and used dl function to load zip package dynamically but i got following error: [COLOR="Red"]Warning: dl() [function.dl]: Unable to load dynamic library './zip.so'[/COLOR] How to resolve it. Let me know your comments.

Member Avatar for martin5211
Member Avatar for henikah

Hello I have to make a menu for a restaurant and I am kind of rookie at MySQL .. The menu has to be 8 columns wide ( 1column + 7 days ) and 8 rows in height . The problem is that it needs to be fully customisable , …

Member Avatar for syamsasi
Member Avatar for Motorider

If this should be posted in another area, such as, layout and design please let me know. A person who post's as Ardav on this board has gotten me this far. I have a relational database that pulls by brand and descriptive keyword. I wish to search and display on …

Member Avatar for dschuett
Member Avatar for DiMono

My web host has closed off port 25 to user code as it was being used by other users to send spam. Unfortunately, I have the following code which I use to validate email addresses: [code=php]function fixed_gethostbyname ($host) { // Try the lookup as normal... $ip = gethostbyname($host); // ...but …

Member Avatar for phpstan
Member Avatar for bben95

What I want to do is to rename a particalar file that is ftp'd to the server into a certain folder which I will call "raw" and have that file renamed to "image.jpg" in the folder "webcam" but the file uploaded by the webcam is different every time because the …

Member Avatar for phpstan
Member Avatar for mpc123

Really hope you can help with this one I have a problem whereby i cant get all my data (over 1million and different csv files) to map and import properly, so i thought it would be better to create new tables with all the information seperate (which i can do …

Member Avatar for phpstan
Member Avatar for kasbas91

Hello Daniweb.com, i hope you can help me, i am will create a dropdown navigation with php and mysql. I have some codes here, as you can look at. My dropdown navigation works. But it will not shows under the right navigations points. As you can se here on my …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for slap01

need help with this one. I need to create a php code to see the items i've selected[CODE]<html> <body> <form method = "get" action = "new.php"> <center> RANDOM IMAGES<br> <table> <?php $images = array('2010 BMW M6.jpg','2011 BMW 750 Li.jpg','2009 BMW M5.jpg','2010 BMW 650 i.jpg','2010 BMW X6 ActiveHybrid.jpg','2010 BMW 550 I …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for peck3277

Hi guys, I have on my server some images. I want people to be able to select the images they want to download through a form then hit download. Then the regular download prompt appears. Can anyone help me this or show me where to begin looking to achieve something …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for fabzster

Hi Normally I would use the mysql_fetch_array command to get vallues from a DB array to print in seperate tables like below: [code=php] echo "<table width=\"100%\" border=\"1\"body bgcolor=\"#ffffff\"align=\"center\"text=\"#ffffff\">"; echo "<th>THUMBNAIL</th><th>NAME</th><th>SIZE</th><th>LOCATION</th>"; while($r = mysql_fetch_array($TagSearch)) { $Code = $r["Code"]; $Name = $r["Name"]; $Size = $r["Size"]; $ImgPath = $r["ImgPath"]; $PurchaseDate = $r["PurchaseDate"]; $StartCycle …

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

hey guys what is wrong with my mysql_fetch_array here is my code : [CODE]<table width="400" border="0" align="center" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td> <strong><h2>Welcome to Our Website</h2></strong> </td> </tr> </table> <br /> <? $mysql_host = "localhost"; $mysql_database = "members"; $tbl_name = "posts"; mysql_connect('localhost','admin','*******')or die("can not connnect to database"); mysql_select_db("$mysql_database")or die("sorry , can …

Member Avatar for raju_boini525
Member Avatar for sam023

i want to read Excel-sheet.. for that i am using PHPExcelReader.. when i use it on localhost.. its work fine but on my linux server it throw this error [code]Fatal error: Class 'ZipArchive' not found[/code] through google i came to know that i have to uncomment the zip.dll in PHP.ini …

Member Avatar for pssubash
Member Avatar for iPeterS

Hi, I'm kind'a new to AJAX, and have not a lot experience with JS, so this might be just a stupid beginners-error... I'm busy creating a PHP-website in which i'd like to implement some dynamic features (like adding comments tot photo's without having to reload, searching a user-DB, etc). I've …

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The End.