39,388 Topics
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I have a database that gets data from a card reader, a person that wants to eat uses the card and the info about the person gets in the database, info like id, day, name... i want to create dropdown lists that will extract data from the database like this: … ![]() | |
Hi there.... I was looking to add Jqzoom in a php page... there are different calls in the page and I got stucked with them..... Though I am a learner and want some one to help me with this..... My Page Shows this code [CODE]require('includes/application_top.php'); $navigation->remove_current_page(); $products_query = tep_db_query("select pd.products_name, … | |
hello friends, I am try to get database values from while loop. but It gives me [B][COLOR="Red"]Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource[/COLOR] in /home/empower.md/www/index_ujbee_file_uploard.php on line 32[/B] here this is my code... [CODE] require "connect_ujbee_file_uploard.php"; require "todo.class_ujbee_file_uploard.php"; // Select all the todos, ordered by position: … ![]() | |
this is my code.i m trying send mail with attachment(word,excel,pdf,etc....any attachment)plz help me how to attach file...mailing list from database(mysql)...thanks in advance <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> <title>Send e-mails</title> <?php $from = "mail@mail.com"; $mesa = $_POST['mess']; $subje = $_POST['subj']; … ![]() | |
hi! i'm trying to upload an image in my site. But the error occur. [B]Warning: chmod(): Operation not permitted in /www/clanteam.com/i/s/e/isellitem/htdocs/test3.php on line 9 [/B] [B]Warning: move_uploaded_file(): Unable to access try/2010 BMW M3 Sedan Front View.jpg in /www/clanteam.com/i/s/e/isellitem/htdocs/test3.php on line 10[/B] php code: [CODE] if(isset($_POST['btnsub'])) { $name=$_FILES['file']['name']; $dir='try/'.$name; chmod('try/',0777); move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'],$dir); … | |
hi i downloaded the wp_page_numbers plug-in and install it in wordpress after that i have installed it i set the option in the admin..and at the lower there is a code that says you need to add to your theme.. Add the code where you find previous_post() and next_post() functions. … | |
So you would think that I could search up on Google and learn all about URL encoding from all the tutorials, but I have been left seriously confused, and extremely frustrated. Here is what I need to do: I need to make a html link that links to a php … | |
I have results of people that i need to compare and echo out. Eg 2x dropdown menus with all the peoples names in and each field then echoed in a table once the 2x dropdowns have been selected. the 2x dropdowns will be the same and have the same names … | |
Hi, I have searched all over google to find a best book for PHP, and feel lost cause a lot of reference, and I can't even try different books at a time. I want to purchase a book on PHP which covers database, it should have a good availability in … | |
Sorry very very new to php , at the end of my table is the following [code=php]echo $row['ProductUrl']; echo "</td></tr>"; } [/code] i want to have an image show on the page and on click of that image it then go to the product url. The [ProductUrl] from data base … | |
Hi I am new to the database concept and I have to make a college project such as hospital management, Transport management system etc. in DBMS. Our college is teaching us MYSQL. Please can anyone advice me as what to use in making these projects. What database type to use … | |
Hi, for example i have this html code: [CODE]<p><strong>Text text.</strong></p> <p><span style="font-size: 14pt;"><span style="background-color: #ff0000;">Text text...</span></span></p> [/CODE] Possible write this text with this style on the image (with php GD)? Thanks | |
Hi, I am pretty new to php and am not sure if what I am attempting to do for a client is possible. Hoping to know if anyone knows if it is and a solution? I want to: - upon registering a new user create a new folder using their … | |
Dear Gurus, I am trying to insert information into three tables then send an email. The purpose of the code is to place uniform orders within a company with multiple stores. Each store must be able to place orders according to job function as well as order accessories available for … | |
Please help with this if you can My example code below is part of a table that echos several fields, for this field I need to echo the text of the field which the below example code now does, but i need to make it state N/A if the field … | |
Please can somebody help with this. I want a Buy Now image to go to the producturl in the database, at the moment I am just echoing , so it only shows the text of the url in the cell. my code currently is [code=php]echo $row['ProductUrl']; echo "</td></tr>"; [/code] Hope … | |
I get an error that eregi() function is deprecated and when I searched for solution which worked for the most to replace eregi() with preg_matc() I get this error Warning: preg_match() [function.preg-match]: Delimiter must not be alphanumeric or backslash in C:\wamp\www\New folder\modules\mod_rokajaxsearch\helper.php on line 112 help me what to do? | |
Hello all, well sometimes user insert information like "name" in the database because of which it causes problem in the site. So anyone tell me how to resolve this problem. I have already used addslashes. | |
hi , my server usually tells me that there is a syntax error so what is it? the error is in line 12 but i dont know what is it here is the code : [CODE] <? $mysql_host = "mysql9.000webhost.com"; $mysql_database = "a2354076_post"; $mysql_user = "username"; $mysql_password = "password"; $tbl_name … | |
[COLOR="Red"][B]Who will please post[/B][/COLOR] | |
Hey all, I would really appreciate it if you can help me with this problem. The basic idea, read all the files in a folder, and print them as links to each file. Which does work. But now, after it gets out of the foreach loop, I need it to … | |
I purchased a template for the sole purpose as it had a page I need for my business and website to request information for customer quotes and I have everything figured out EXCEPT for the checkbox part of it. I have no idea what to do and have spent the … | |
hai i want to convert interger number to float number, how in php? for ex i want to convert 500 to 500.00 | |
Wow, I have no clue what I'm doing.. I'm trying to make a random game and if you roll a 6, you will win 500 rp and I'm trying to insert the 500 rp into the user who is logged in ($_SESSION['username'). But I... just don't know where to begin. … | |
Hi all I'm going to develop an online handicraft store by Joomla. I'm looking for a good and free extension or plugin … for my store. I need an extension that shows the pictures of my art stuff in good manner and when user clicks on one of them, the … | |
Sorry very very new to php , obviously my code below is wrong. What should the code be? [code=php]$result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM TEST Where Name LIKE 'Smith%'") or die(mysql_error()); // Print out result while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo "There are ". $row['COUNT(Surname)'] ."; }[/code] Thanks If anyone can help | |
Hey there everybody! Me and a couple of others are currently making a CMS but we got a problem :( Here is the code: [code=php] function ImportSQL() { $conn = mysql_connect($_POST['host'] . ":" . $_POST['port'], $_POST['user'], $_POST['pass']); mysql_select_db($_POST['vision_db'], $conn); $db_content = @file_get_contents("../sql/Database.sql"); $query = mysql_query($db_content); if(!$query){ return mysql_error(); }else{ return … | |
ex: If user=1 send to user1.php page or if user=2 send to user2.php. else redirect to user page login page. ![]() | |
Hello. I am designing a php forum but one of the things i can't seem to work out or find is how you do the icons on the left side such as 'New' 'No new posts' etc. What i can't work out about it is how you tell php if … | |
I have a page I am putting together that has a drop down box, and allows me to choose an item from the drop down, and then it queries the database matching from the drop down to a table field and then grabs all database entries that match. That part … |
The End.