39,388 Topics
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hi guys i need youre help i have a problem. im retrieving a records (20000+)from my database, $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM banco order by counterindex asc"); but it only display 200+ how can i display all my record by page? any help and suggestion is greatly appreciated. | |
hi friends I want to know than witch other tools like javascript,jquery, i can used with PHP ? ![]() | |
Hi guys, I'm implementing a feature on my site were you can search a database and it will bring back results on a page. I'm not too good with programming as I'm just a casual webmaster so I'm using this tutorial: [url]http://www.designplace.org/scripts.php?page=1&c_id=25[/url] The problem is everytime I click submit it … ![]() | |
Hi All, Can anybody see my error with this following class? im expecting it to show a blank page, but with a title, and when i view source to show the page structure. [code] <?php class webpage { private $doctype = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN\" \"http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd\">"; private $head … | |
Hi guys, can anybody tell me where can i download oracle 9i, please send me some links, Thanks in advance. ![]() | |
Hi - I've got two (2) Tables: Old and New There are two Fields: ID and Status What I want to do is compare the ID fields between New and Old; if a specific ID is in the New table BUT NOT in the Old table, the I want to … | |
![]() | I've been using a php script to send simple emails (no attachment). Suddenly I discovered that when making the body of the letter longer than 5323 bytes, it appeared to be sent but was not. I'm using direct SMTP, and no "PHPmailer" because it's just too complicated -- and I'm … ![]() |
Hey . I have got a small problem . I want to make my website link something long like it contains the said id and many other stuff but i dont know how to do that so please tell what can i do ? | |
hi, i want integrate linkpoint api. i want the process of to integrate api, plz help me thnx inadvance | |
Hey i have upload an image on my database (mysql) and i want to retrieve the blob image on a specific size. until now with this code i can fully retrieve the image on the same dimensions that i have uploaded. The uploaded image has the dimensions 1024X728. I want … | |
I made a PHP class that dramatically simplifies sending text messages with PHP. I know this isn't really a "help me out!" type question per se, but I would like to share the code because I have found it to be tremendously useful. You're free to do whatever you'd like … | |
![]() | I'm wanting to copy a file from one location to another using variables. This doesn't work and I can't figure out why. Is there more code that I need besides what's listed below? [CODE]copy("../upload/".$img,"../gallery/pic/".$img)[/CODE] |
I have created an array as: [CODE] //$field = "email"; //$value = "text"; $structure[$field] = $value; [/CODE] $structure gets passed to a function that uses a for() loop to work through a process and in this process I need to extract the key/value pair [CODE] for($i=0; $i<$cntFields; $i++) { $a … | |
Hi, I have downloads that are available for users. They can click the links to download the file. Once they do this, I have a query that updates the number of downloads that file has received. I need to create a query that adds up all the rows Total Downloads. … | |
Hi, I have a page that lists the names of the Artists in one column, and the title of their song in the next column. I've included a sort section that allows users to view the artist (with the corresponding title) that starts with whatever letter they press. I've now … | |
I AM WEAK IN JAVASCRIPTING, PLEASE HELP ME.[B]THIS IS MY BASIC IDEA TO TOGGLE VALUES USING JAVASCRIPT[/B] [CODE] [COLOR="red"]<?php $xyz=5; ?>[/COLOR] <head> <script type="text/javascript"> var x; function displaymessage() { if (x==5) { alert("yes"); x=1; } else { alert("no"); x=5; } } </script> </head> <body> <form> <input type="button" value="Click me!" onclick="displaymessage();" … | |
hello guys , this is my code which i am trying to use to sign up to test my database connection, so usually when i try to sign up it tells me there is something wrong on line 11 any way this is the code [CODE] <? $mysql_host = "mysql9.000webhost.com"; … | |
Hi, how can I check in php/js when the youtube video is end? :) | |
Hi All, Im after some advice on extending classes. ive got a vehicle class, which is extended by the motorcycle class. my question is how do i create a class of the motor cycle that includes the vehicle class elements. [code] <?php class vehicle { private $wheels; private $engineType; private … | |
![]() | Hi all Is it possible to intergrate my website to my phpbb forum so that when users register with my site, they also get registered with my forum. If anyone knows how to or if they know any sites that tell you please could you post them here. Thanks in … ![]() |
Hi all, I want to display records in the format product1 product2 product3 product4 img1 img2 img3 img4 after retrieving the records from database..and also since there are many records..pagination will also come..please help me as soon as possible.. | |
hi all, Im trying to add a "title" to a switch case statement below, but for some reason im unable to complete, what I thought was a simple task. Hope someone can help and explaine the reasons why cheers, Lloyd [code] switch($ad) { case "add1.gif"; header("Location: http://www.google.co.uk"); break; case "add2.gif"; … | |
Warning: mssql_connect() [function.mssql-connect]: message: Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'. (severity 14) in \usr\local\htdocs\connect.php on line 5 [B] We are using the following code for connectivity[/B] mssql_connect('servername,port', 'username', 'password'); mssql_select_db("dbname"); | |
I believe there may be something wrong with my PHP.ini as I can create cookies using the setcookie function but cannot access the cookie using the COOKIE function. Please note: I have enabled cookies in my browser I then have 2 very simple scripts in separate files file 1 [CODE] … | |
i have created a registration page. when user fill it and submit a unique user_id will be given him. but problem is when user_id has been given if user refresh the page a new user_id will be alloted to him. if he refresh the page for thousand time a new … | |
Let's say, I have a web application where many users are going to submit the iformation at the same time to be redirected to another pages and complete the rest of this application process. The problem is, how can I distanguish among all the users and be able to retrive … | |
After hosting, i get this error:"Can't connect to MySQL server on 'localhost' (10061)" The code was working fine in my computer. I have hosted it in windows platform and i am using mysql and php. Here is my code for db connection $connection = mysql_connect(localhost,uname,pword) or die (mysql_error()); $db = … | |
Resolved UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE Value: 7; Failed to write file to disk. Introduced in PHP 5.1.0. This error will happen in this case image size is shown as zero 0. 1.In php first file is written in temp folder and then it is uploaded required folder , so check your tem folder … | |
Hi all i need to generate a 10 digit (at least) alphanumeric id when a customer submits a form, it has to be unique. Is there an easy way of doing this or do i just use the uniqid function and then check against the database that it doesnt already … | |
Well, I have no idea whats going on... But here is the problem: I have these files: [CODE]$file2 = "password_protect.php"; $newfile = $newDir . "/password_protect.php"; if (!copy($file2, $newfile)) { echo "Creation failed."; } else{ chmod($newfile, 0777); chmod("passProcess.php", 0777); echo "Step 1/2 completed.<br />" ?> <form action="passProcess.php?var=Users/<?PHP echo $projectname ?>/" method="post"> … |
The End.