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We have a requirement in our company Fomax Information Technologies Pvt. Ltd. Fomax is Global company having there operation in USA, German, Middle East, UK, Australia and offshore development center in India. Our core expertise areas are web development, E-commerce application, and interactive multimedia services and solutions. Fomax is providing …

Member Avatar for doctorphp

Hi All, I am in the middle of developing an admin center for my friend's website. He has asked to be able to read his emails by clicking on a link which takes him to a page which displays all his emails. I nodded slowly (thinking to my self "I …

Member Avatar for racertim
Member Avatar for DarkBerzerk™

Hey there, i am making cPanel to the websites i cr8.. so wanna it easy to the user to edit the texts.. gonna tell u what i have done. the user have cPanel page...with text form, when he type the text and confirm some script automatic save this text into …

Member Avatar for DarkBerzerk™
Member Avatar for virspy

Hello Friends, Good Morning, I want in my website the visitor ip has to be shown or it log in seperate file. As iam successful in doing that, but my problem is iam not getting the exact IP Adress of the Host or visitor. Please help me in finding the …

Member Avatar for JameB
Member Avatar for Silvershaft

Hey! I got a little login script, like when user presses the button it sends the form and does the php code to check the account, what I want to do is if the password or username is wrong, that the user will be redirected to loginpage and I want …

Member Avatar for Silvershaft
Member Avatar for mobo57

Again the dumb question. Sorry in advance and thanks for your responses in advance! Here is my code after the DB connection: [CODE]$result = mysql_query( "SELECT * FROM overall WHERE profilename IS NOT NULL AND username = '$reguser'" )or die(mysql_error()); while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){ echo $row['profilename'].$row['prodesc']."<br />"; }[/CODE] What I am …

Member Avatar for mobo57
Member Avatar for DarkBerzerk™

I was looking long time ago for perfect contact form that check if the input info is right and with security image....At least one week ago found it.....and because i just joined this website today so i wanna help the members as i can :) If u want c this …

Member Avatar for DarkBerzerk™
Member Avatar for roba1989

Hello. I am trying to create an update form that will update values in a MySQL database. The forms are generated for each different row in the database through a while loop (ie whilst there is another row, make a new form on the page). However, I cannot get it …

Member Avatar for xylude
Member Avatar for levsha

Let's say I have a form with 'file' type input control on it among other input controls. My PHP emails the submitted form data somewhere. As far as I know, in order to attach an uploaded from the form file to the email, I have to save it first in …

Member Avatar for levsha
Member Avatar for scaiferw

I need to create a form validation system where the user will be returned to the form with the valid data still in the form and the bad data barked for correction. Can anyone point me to a good tutorial for that sort of thing?

Member Avatar for silviud
Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i had a table and there are some users prsent in it. each user is having an edit button so now wen i click on edit button i could be able to edit that value means that label should turn as textbox with update cancel button so how …

Member Avatar for jrock2004
Member Avatar for hostmost

Hi I need to create small php script which do the follows but I am unsucessful. It works like this: When we run php script then it opens a page with 2 columns where we can enter information and there is also a submit button. I want that in first …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Tyler78701

HELP! I have not been able to determine why I keep getting the following error: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected $end in /home/bark/public_html/boutique/contact_us.php on line 211 Line 211 is the last line of code. I uploaded the file as an attachment To duplicate the message you may go to [URL="http://barkplace.com/boutique/products_new.php"]http://barkplace.com/boutique/products_new.php[/URL] …

Member Avatar for vibhaJ
Member Avatar for cristi08

What the best choice for speed, but for security? It very important to know because I do not know how large this online database will be, and can be very unplesent to discover after one week from going uploaded that the aplication has crash.

Member Avatar for tesuji
Member Avatar for canterorist

If i submit using <input:text>, i can see the result but if i use <input:file>. i cannot upload. jquery code; [CODE]// JavaScript Document $(document).ready(function(){ $("#myformcom").submit(function(){ var str=$(this).serialize(); //var result; $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "uploadfiles.php", data: str, success:function(msg) { $("#error").ajaxComplete(function(event,request,settings) { if(msg=='Successfully Submitted') { $(this).html(msg); } else{ $(this).html(msg); } return true; …

Member Avatar for pwinfrey
Member Avatar for cosai

I have a folder that users uploadings are gone into. A person can upload a php file and not get caught if he changes the extension so How can I prevent php to execute anything in the directory (recursively). Allowing PHP only execute files whose extension is .php will also …

Member Avatar for cosai
Member Avatar for dccgrwpk

all computer courses are avelable go to [url]http://dccgrwpk.blogspot.com[/url]

Member Avatar for Awah Mohamed

please guys i need your help , i have got a database with the name of a2354076_db and i have created the table caller users with this code : [CODE] CREATE TABLE users ( P_Id int, username varchar(255), pass varchar(255), email varchar(255), country varchar(255) ) [/CODE] and then i wanted …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for jjemphoung

please help me! i just installed wampserver2 in my laptop. i want to make my website accessible in another computer which is NOT inside my network. i am inside a wireless network. i put online my wamp and then when i type my WAN ip address in my address bar, …

Member Avatar for jjemphoung
Member Avatar for Mukt@R

hello , i want to make like this . _ [CODE]$m = $_GET["uion"]; class NewGo { public $username = '$m'; public $password = '1131'; } [/CODE] but its not working . plz anyone tell me the exact correct code

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for benhowdle89

Hi I have a html page with a div and i'm loading data into it every 10 seconds (using jQuery load().) from a php page which is querying a mysql db. This is great but what i want to do is if a value in the table i'm loading into …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for canterorist

what softwares do i need to make me use the PHP in ubuntu? i'm trying to install adobe cs3, it won't work. please help me. i'm new user in ubuntu. please help me.

Member Avatar for jrock2004
Member Avatar for niths

hi all, i am having a page where i can upload images.so now my problem is i hav to view the image that is uploaded and that should display on the web page. My code is uploading an image in the images folder. so now i need to display that …

Member Avatar for niths
Member Avatar for maria99

Hi I am a very new php web developer. I studied php, mysql recently. I want to start a php web project. Please help me to find out a free tools (which is very easy) to develope a web application. I installed xampp in my system. Thank you

Member Avatar for jaikanth123
Member Avatar for Metse

'am a beginner & am busy designing a site that has simple order-form which captures details of a cust and submit them throuth as an email using php, which works fine. my problem is i added 2 list boxes, one(as a drop-down) pre-populated with items-to-order which allows the user to …

Member Avatar for mak_80
Member Avatar for mangel.murti

hi , [B]all i want to delete files after xx days from a folder using php [/B] thnx in adv..

Member Avatar for mangel.murti
Member Avatar for stevenm84

Hi all, I've been asked to do a website for a rural based school. They want an online application for admissions. I have a basic knowledge of webpage design but not advanced enough...here are the following requirements: Aim: to develop an online application management system. 'front end' users can apply …

Member Avatar for stevenm84
Member Avatar for DarkBerzerk™

Hi i am new in this website and i hope i have fun with all the members here, I am trying to make code that get all the names of the files from folder and beside each one link to delete it This is the code i have done but …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for cristi08

Today is a long day ! I wish to replace the entire old data from a table with new one. Update is not helping me cause i do not have an autoincrement field. What to do? Thank you in advance

Member Avatar for cristi08
Member Avatar for QWaz

Hi, I am having a bit of trouble getting my fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ) to print the way I want. I am also unsure if fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ) is the right thing to use. Code below. [CODE] $sqlTotal = "SELECT SUM(price) FROM `$user` WHERE `cart`=1"; $total = $conn->query($sqlTotal); $total->execute(); $totalResult = $total->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ); $totalResult = print_r($totalResult); …

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The End.