39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for newcountry

Hello, I would like ask you how works the FLV Metadata, i use it in order to analyse video streaming websites such as YouTube. It analyses the video header only or the whole video? [CODE]<?php class FLVMetaData { private $buffer; private $metaData; public $fileName; private $typeFlagsAudio; private $typeFlagsVideo; public $VCidMap …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for kiransharma

I use php for web building . my html table sorting ( js ) not working . it is working in other table but not working in my php page .

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for rukshilag

hi - i have coded a seacrch box and its results are displayed in a tabular form. i have also a print button which when pressed shud create a pdf based on that table that is displayed. for this i have a separate page called pdf.php. i am using ezpdf …

Member Avatar for Encrypted

Yesterday I setup a message/note script for a "view project" page. It seemed to work fine. Today I went to test it out a bit more and on random occasions I get stuck in a confirm loop. Screenshot: [url]http://rawrgv.com/images/screenlnl.png[/url] I tried unsetting the form submit variable, but that doesn't seem …

Member Avatar for Encrypted
Member Avatar for Coleman0610

Okay, I"m developing a program for community service for a local company. It is my first point of sale but I'm only seeing one complication. I've chosen php and it will be storefront only. The Reason its php is because they want to allow vendors to view how much they've …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for seularts

OK this code here should include "lol_url" file: [CODE] <?php $file = 'lol_count.txt'; $data = @file($file); $data = $data[0]; if($handle = @fopen($file, 'w')){ $data = intval($data); $data++; fwrite($handle, $data); fclose($handle); } header('Location: '.include ('lol_url').''); ?> [/CODE] the "lol_url" file contains an url address, such as: http//www.example.com How can I make …

Member Avatar for EvolutionFallen
Member Avatar for egoche

Please bear with me as I'm new to PHP. Yesterday, I was working on an HTML form and everything was working fine (PHP would process the information and send an email as expected), but when I started this morning nothing happens. A couple weeks ago I installed WAMP using mostly …

Member Avatar for egoche
Member Avatar for LloydFarrell

hi all im looking to use a select mysql query - but im trying to query the database against a users logged in sessions. I have the sessions working correctly but I am unsure how to included the session data in my sql select query. here is my users session …

Member Avatar for qazplm114477
Member Avatar for niths

[QUOTE]hi all, in my insert project page wen i am above to insert project if the project size is greater than the allocated size then it should display some alert message,but my code not displaying anything.so please check my code. Thank u.[/QUOTE] [CODE]<?php $id=$_GET['f1']; @session_start(); require_once ("check.php"); createsessions($username,$password,$userid,$projectid,$projectname,$filename,$size,$allocatedmemory,$answer,$usedmemory); $con=mysql_connect("","invensis","invensis"); if(!$con) …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for muzvambarara

can i use websitebaker without a server, like using localhost. I am trying to develop a small website and i am using windows xp. Any help is highly appreciated. thanks in advance...

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for cityportalguy

Hello All, I'm new to DaniWeb. I am trying to find php programmers and a website designer to help with a city portal website. I have created a php yellowpages, event calendar, coupon section. Real Estate, Dining, Shopping, and Hotel and Motel guide also. I have an advance user login …

Member Avatar for vijju0987
Member Avatar for praghna

Hi All, When i open my site in IE Browser i am getting as 400 image downloading in the status bar.How can i avoid this in my site.Can any one help me in solving this problem.Its urgent.My site is getting slow also due to this.

Member Avatar for colweb
Member Avatar for raede

hi,can anyone plz help me..the coding wuz ok,it generate the image from in my directories except it shows a blank image...i don't know wats the prob,plz help me... here is the coding... <?php // connect to mysql server $link = mysql_connect('localhost', 'root', 'abc123'); if (!$link) { die('Not connected : ' …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for shahaksh

hi all please send me the code of autosuggest with database in php and in the html only textbox autosuggest fill with database. Reply as early as possible.

Member Avatar for Will Gresham
Member Avatar for aneeka

How can I join MySQL tables from different databases when the only similar field is the primary key of the first table in Php?

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for Decency

Hi all i need to know if there is by a way by any chance to delete unused images from my virtual directory or wwwroot folder dunamically on the user request using php ? thank you all

Member Avatar for charvie
Member Avatar for rukshilag

hi below is the code i am using to try and execute a pdf report. now the following code i saved in a separate file in the website folder itself. and in the form that contains the print button, when clicked i want it to execute the code in the …

Member Avatar for codewalkz

Hi, I need something like recursion wherein the query repeats itself using it's result to start the NEXT - SAME - QUERY. I made 1 but it just simple reecho the same result. [CODE]// KUNIN ANG ID NI KURIMAW $root = $_GET['id']; $result = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) as count, id, sponsor …

Member Avatar for codewalkz
Member Avatar for niths

[QUOTE]hi all, in my insert project page wen i am above to insert project if the project size is greater than the allocated size then it should display some alert message,but my code not displaying anything.so please check my code. Thank u.[/QUOTE] [CODE]<?php $id=$_GET['f1']; @session_start(); require_once ("check.php"); createsessions($username,$password,$userid,$projectid,$projectname,$filename,$size,$allocatedmemory,$answer,$usedmemory); $con=mysql_connect("","invensis","invensis"); if(!$con) …

Member Avatar for jonathanroy
Member Avatar for simiking

Hi all, I'm having problems passing my variables using thru the url. Here's the code. [CODE =php] $connection = mysql_connect($dbhost, $dbusername, $dbpassword) or die (mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($dbname, $connection); //i use this line to test that variable id has been passed. //this also happens to be the error point $test = "select …

Member Avatar for colweb
Member Avatar for D4n1sD

For example. You got 1 list with 3 options. a b c once someone select a it instantly appears a text through php under the list or above it. Without to reload or anything else. I have seen it before 100%. pseudo code [CODE] <li> <option 1> a</o> <option 2> …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for mahe4us

Dear All, Sorry for my frequent questions in this forum. I have came here with a lot of questions. I need help in socket programming in php. For example, Lets consider I have a ip number and port number. Using this ip and port values i want to send a …

Member Avatar for BzzBee
Member Avatar for jeepguy

I have 50+ domains I have parked and instead of using GoDaddy's default parked page I created my own to generate ad revenue or at the very least help increase Google PR. Currently Im using [CODE]<?php echo(preg_replace('/^[a-z]*./','',$_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"])); ?>[/CODE] to display domain.com throughout the page. However, my next step is to …

Member Avatar for star_lavender

hi...anyone got ideas on the drop down list and jgraph?actually everything goes well at first but after I add the drop down list code for selection to sort the graph based on year, the graph didn't show in the same page??anyone know how to solve this problem?? part of the …

Member Avatar for star_lavender
Member Avatar for Feenix45

[CODE]<?php //redirect the user to login if session is invalid include("validate_session.php"); $alert =0; $userid=$_SESSION["userid"]; //Connecting to database include("db_connect.php"); foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) if (substr($key,0,8) =="txt_chk_") { $alert =1; $itemid=substr($key,8,3); $purtime=substr($key,11,8); $purdate=substr($key,19,10); $itemdate=substr($key,8); foreach ($_POST as $key1 => $value1) if ($key<>$key1) { $tempstr= substr($key1,0,strlen($key1)-strlen($itemdate)); if (substr($key1,strlen($tempstr))==$itemdate) { if ($tempstr=="txt_qty_") …

Member Avatar for kek1205
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, I have an API key for google maps and its giving me the following response. My first question is, how can i extract the data? Normally i work with XML responses via CURL so im new to this. If i do use the XML example i just get …

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for rukshilag

i have downloaded and extracted fpdf into my root folder site folder.. i want to know how i can generate a pdf file when i press a button called print. please help? and wehre do i put this fpdf code? is it in the script that contains the output?

Member Avatar for rukshilag
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, There is a webform which manipulates a lot of database tables after submit action by a user. Is there any easy way of finding out which tables have been affected after the process? Database has 259 tables and php pages and classes are very messy and complex. Also no …

Member Avatar for veledrom
Member Avatar for loloy123

Hi, Ive been at this all weekend and can't figure it out.... I need to take it name and 3 results via a form and store this in a mysql database - done. Then I need to print on screen via php who got the highest score. The highest score …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for picador

Hello all, I'm new here :) After I upload new .mo file on the server I get blank page after first few refreshes, like server cache the old file... After that everything seems to be ok. I use slackware, lighttpd 1.5, PHP5... I thought that only apache server does caching, …

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The End.