39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for Joaoalex7

hey all, I'm having some troubles with radio buttons. I'm trying to create them dynamically (which i can do without any problems) but now i'm not sure how to get the information of which button was selected. Can anyone help me? Thanks in advance:) this is my code: [CODE]<html> <head> …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for seularts

How can I count unique IP clicks on a image link [B]without [/B]a MySQL db. If any tutorials are at hand could you give me a hint or something please, thanks:)

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for whitestream6

I've got my pagination script working, but now I need help trying to get it to extract data from 2 different sources. The episode data is stored in table episodes, whilst the main table (where the info on airdates for episodes is stored in epdata2). This is my code: [CODE] …

Member Avatar for sourcebits
Member Avatar for izagaren123

hey i need some helpn with some conversion the link currently links the item id to the shopping basket i currently have a submit button on my site which looks like this <!--<input type="button" value="Add to Cart" onclick="addtocart(<?=$row['itemid']?>)" />--> and is linked to this script <!--<script language="javascript"> function addtocart(pid){ document.form1.productid.value=pid; …

Member Avatar for pclfw
Member Avatar for sonia_demo

hello friends, I want to [B]display only those images which are checked.[/B] I had tried so many times but no use. when I checked any images. it displays only [B]last[/B] image. can any tell me where is the problem here is the code. display.php <?php $i=0; $connect = mysql_connect('localhost','root','') or …

Member Avatar for sonia_demo
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Hi all, I have been running errors too much that I realized that I have learned 'bad' behaviour in writting PHP query. So I decided to change. Please tell me what is good behaviour of writting queries that involve PHP variables as well as functions like one below. [CODE=php]$query = …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Elemen7s

Hi all, I used this method (link below) for my website, which works like a charm. [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread277139.html[/url] Now some of my website structure is : index.php contact.php mail-sender.php - ( script to send emails) template/wide_panel.php - (template where the content is) content/wide_panel/contact.php -( the content of the contact.php) content/wide_panel/error_invalid-email.php - …

Member Avatar for Elemen7s
Member Avatar for virspy

Hi , this is shafi, i want small help here is the sample site [url]http://www.tailorstore.com/in/en/tailor-made-shirts[/url][B][/B] in this site he is using 3D model and loading fabric ... and i want help like how is loading fabric ... and it should without any 3d softewere... how we can do it... cn …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Helleshtern

Hello! I have a script to update multiple rows in database but it update [B]all[/B] and I need to [B]only values in checked rows[/B] be updated. What should I change to update only checked rows? [CODE] <?php include 'connect_db.php'; $sql="SELECT * FROM $tbl_name"; $result=mysql_query($sql); // Count table rows $count=mysql_num_rows($result); if($_POST['Submit']) …

Member Avatar for Helleshtern
Member Avatar for niths

[QUOTE]hi all, in my insert project page wen i am above to insert project if the project size is greater than the allocated size then it should display some alert message,but my code not displaying anything.so please check my code. Thank u.[/QUOTE] [CODE]<?php $id=$_GET['f1']; @session_start(); require_once ("check.php"); createsessions($username,$password,$userid,$projectid,$projectname,$filename,$size,$allocatedmemory,$answer,$usedmemory); $con=mysql_connect("","invensis","invensis"); if(!$con) …

Member Avatar for prem2
Member Avatar for xo_vicke93_xo

Hi, i'm not really sure how to explain this. I have a table with a lot of places sorted by date, all connected to a MySQL database. I'd like the table to update automatically everyday and remove the top ones where the date has passed so that the table only …

Member Avatar for liamfriel
Member Avatar for QWaz

Hi, I am having real trouble trying to figure out how I can add multiple rows into a MySQL database at one time. I have a form where the person selects a number from the drop down options. then I need to add that amount of new rows into a …

Member Avatar for QWaz
Member Avatar for rukshilag

Doing a system in drupal using php and mysql. Want to integrate a function for reporting - that is print out watever search result in the search page which displays in tabular form. please help. i have only heard of jasper reports. is there something simpler? if so wat n …

Member Avatar for Ricardo Mariaca
Member Avatar for amaresh417

Hi I am Amaresh Maurya plz tell me about the best book or best tutorial site for PHP........ thanx....

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for rukshilag

Doing a System in Drupal - coding with php and mysql - want to know how i can integrate jasper reports to it so i can generate reports at the click of a button.. does anyone know? please help..

Member Avatar for Ricardo Mariaca
Member Avatar for babusomu
Member Avatar for Darkicon

I'm very new to PHP so I'm still learning how to do stuff. I cannot figure out what is wrong with this code: [CODE=PHP] if($row->played_time >= 60){ $time = round($row->played_time,2) / 60 " mins";} elseif($row->played_time >= 3600){ $time = round($row->played_time,2) / 60 / 60 " hours";} elseif($row->played_time >= 86400){ $time …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for niths

[QUOTE]hi all, I am doing a login page where different users can log in like Superadmin,Admin, User. when Admin logins he can create projects,note that each admin is also given some memory to use he should not exceed that.so my problem is that whenever admin creates a project and if …

Member Avatar for sjusts

Okay I am going to pull out my hair. I have been working on this for over 10 hours and I know someone out there can help me. I am looking to grab information from passed information [code].../testingform.php?name=Shannon&email=shannon%40resultsenterprises.com&char2=checked&ship1=CANADA&enter=1&x=61&y=32 [/code] the field I am pulling is char2=checked it will either come …

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Member Avatar for adity

Hi, The following is what i want to do . Integrate R with PHP such that R functions can be called from within PHP, and the results from R (graphics output, result variables/arrays) are available for further manipulation within PHP. want a PHP extension that links in R capabilities directly, …

Member Avatar for xuexue

plotting data coming from a live database using mysql in a webpage using php/html. thanks in advacne.^^

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Member Avatar for java=hard

I'm doing my assignment, and I can't figure out how do it. For instance, I have to decrease the prices in a "movie" column by 3%...how do you update the table like that? So, would you say: UPDATE table_name SET PRICE = (PRICE * 0.97); ?

Member Avatar for java=hard
Member Avatar for KBL

Within this particular program... (yes i merged two that I had to see if I can get it work...) anyways its suppose to allow me to enter a number and then it will print out the time table for the entered number and also is to be validated so that …

Member Avatar for danielagaba

Hi, I'm displayin data in my database in a table form using a for loop . In my loop i added a radiobutton so that a selected radio button would identify the row on the table. This is the code is used: [CODE] for($j=0;$j<=$nrows2;$j++){ while($row = mysql_fetch_row($result)){ print "<tr><td>".$row [0]."</td><td>".$row …

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for rukshilag

Hi i have downloaded a php class from a website. and i want to know how i am to integrate it with my system??? i mean do i unzip the file to where? please help!

Member Avatar for rukshilag
Member Avatar for caro88

can you run a query just by a button e.g [U]UPDATE DATABASE[/U] when click the button have a query in it to automatically update a table in the database

Member Avatar for caro88
Member Avatar for tatt727

Hi, I have created a mock site for a shop which has a registration form which is validated and then, if all the items pass the validation it should move on to the next page. The validation of the individual form feilds work well, I just can't get the redirecting …

Member Avatar for tatt727
Member Avatar for ayesha789

I have developed 2 Database using MySQL and PHP. I have created member table in which there is a type of user. On basis of type I restricted user to view private pages. Now I wanted to check status of users. when they login, logout means timing of the users.

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Member Avatar for Big-D2xL

Hi, I know this forum for a while and it has been helping me for a time, now I registered myself and I have a question to make you: I'm making a zone in my website where I can see a Top10 of links, products and news, and all of …

Member Avatar for Big-D2xL
Member Avatar for Lolalola

Hi, why in my new file put all program code? When i open "new_doc.doc", give: " first line second line<form method = "post"> Download: new_doc.doc, <input type = "submit" name = "ok" value = "OK" /> </form> " [CODE="php"] <?php if(isset($_POST['ok'])) { header("Content-type: application/octet-stream"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=new_doc.doc"); $data = "first …

Member Avatar for colweb

The End.