39,316 Topics

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Member Avatar for boyRevolt

Hello DaniWeb. It's my first time to do PHP, so please bear with me. I've read books and viewed tutorials just to solve this one. I want to have a variable number of text fields. Then, I want to have the contents of those text fields loaded in an array …

Member Avatar for saiprem
Member Avatar for surya_nar

I have a table from which I populate a list box. I need to display/edit the details of the particular record which I click on, which has to be retrieved from the same table from which the list box is populated. I need the correct coding for both the events. …

Member Avatar for saiprem
Member Avatar for alexgv14

I have this array below. [CODE]$LOGIN_INFORMATION = array( 'user1' => 'user1password', 'user2' => 'user2password' );[/CODE] And I want to make the array so that it loads all the username and passwords from a datbase instead. How could I do that? Any help is appreciated.

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for neethub3@gmail

code to link database selected through dropdownlist with corresponding database in mysql.Plz reply as soon as possible. Dropdownlist will list all database names inserted in a particular table

Member Avatar for saiprem
Member Avatar for D4n1sD

So for example I want to create a list of inputs and the user is able to choose from that list 1 option. And if that option is checked without pressing any button the image reloads or whatever.

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for lisles

i cannot pass the result of mysql_fetch_object to another function. [code=php] function sessionStartCase($challenge,$user,$pass){ global $conn; $ipaddress = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $url = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; if (isset($challenge) && isset($user) && isset($pass)) { $password = getPasswordForCase($user); echo $result->case_user_id; //if( @mysql_num_rows($row) ) { //$result = @mysql_fetch_object($row); if (validate($challenge, $pass, $password)) { echo "valid"; $result->case_user_pass; echo $result->case_user_id; …

Member Avatar for whiteyoh
Member Avatar for JerieLsky

How am I going to create a relationship from one table to another in phpmyadmin? Like a one to many relationship?

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Virangya

Hello.. I'm an university student and I'm developing an ecommerce system using OOPHP in MVC architecture. I find it difficult to find related articles regarding PHP in MVC. Can some one please provide me with any example or a link which would give me an idea about how i can …

Member Avatar for vitana
Member Avatar for softx

I would like to make a tree menu with category and sub category in Php. When i click on category then display subcategory with link that subcategory page. it is with mysql database. I m tiered to make this but i can't. Please help me. I m providing a Example....... …

Member Avatar for vitana
Member Avatar for rukshilag

working on a form to update particular user details if required. as you can see there is also a print button. i want to know how i can print out the div=formData if print button is clicked. according to my current code when print is pressed the whole form itself …

Member Avatar for vitana
Member Avatar for stu9954

I have started to code a website with a simple PHP dynamic page. I am getting a error message on the homepage "Notice: Undefined index: page in C:\w\www\index.php on line 26". However the page does come up underneath the error. Can some one please take a look at the code …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I'm having the most frustrating time trying to select data from two different tables that relate to each other. I have a database that has the following tables: [B]images[/B], [B]gallery[/B], [B]categories[/B], [B]news[/B] ([B]news[/B] is somewhat irrelevant to my current problem) The [B]gallery[/B] table has the following columns: [QUOTE]_____________________ …

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for itisnot_me

hey all, i know in this day and age tech it linked with each other. is there a way to send faxes and receive faxes just using php. or if there is a service what is the cheapest. what i would need to do is have a system set up …

Member Avatar for sophiagregs
Member Avatar for Molinski

I am new to most the web programming experience and I have a php page (lets call it form.php for brevity) that posts some form information (including an attachment) to another php file that validates organizes the information (which I will call sendMail.php) and then mails it to the destination. …

Member Avatar for Molinski
Member Avatar for futhonguy

Hi, i am trying to extract number out from a text which i grab from the database. [B]EG: ACK9734N[/B], I would like to extract just the number [B]9724[/B] from the text, how can i do so? i understand about using preg_match() but when i tried to do that, the number …

Member Avatar for futhonguy
Member Avatar for atzaman

Hi In desperate need of some help! I'm having trouble with a mod I'm make on the threadbit template. I'd like to add some additional information from new columns added to the thread table which will show on forumdisplay. To do this I need to use the threadid in the …

Member Avatar for atzaman
Member Avatar for Raka0

[CODE]<input type="checkbox" name="opid[]" id="<?php echo $row['opid'];?>"value="<?php echo $row['opid'];?>"value="<?php echo $_POST['opid'];?>" /> <label for = "<?php echo $row['opid'];?>"></label> <?php $opid= $_POST['opid']; $opids =""; foreach ($_POST['opid'] as $opid ) $opids.=((int)$opid)."," ; $opids=substr($opids,0,-1); $sql="DELETE FROM opentopic WHERE opid IN ($opids)"; $res = mysql_query($sql) or die(mysql_error() ) ; ?>[/CODE] Hi, I used the above …

Member Avatar for LethargicCoder
Member Avatar for TheVendor

Hello, I'm new at php. I have this simple problem I can't figure out. So I have the variable $name and I want the name to appear on a page plus be linkable. But the link has use the variable.. like this: http://www.website.com/$name And also I only want $name to …

Member Avatar for TheVendor
Member Avatar for capoon

Good day Experts ,this form displays error as shown below [CODE] Warning: mail() [function.mail]: Failed to connect to mailserver at "localhost" port 25, verify your "SMTP" and "smtp_port" setting in php.ini or use ini_set() in C:\Tomcat 6.0\webapps\fphp\email-contact\send_contact.php on line 15 ERROR [/CODE] the code is as follow [CODE] ---------------------contact.php------------------- <table …

Member Avatar for capoon
Member Avatar for Elemen7s

Hi all, I am doing a website which will have a large amount of files uploaded to it which only the admin will upload files to it, users can't. I split the template in parts, the banner in its own .php file, the navigation bar in its own and so …

Member Avatar for Elemen7s
Member Avatar for nonshatter

Hey guys, I am really close with this but can't quite get it right... All I am trying to do is retrieve the users details based on their 'u_id' and display them. [CODE] <?php require ('dbconnect.php'); $user = $_SESSION['username']; //Get the users username $requestuid = mysql_query("SELECT u_id FROM user_usr WHERE …

Member Avatar for nonshatter
Member Avatar for rizwan6feb

I am working on an application in Vb.NET the pulls data from an online MySQL server. The problem i was facing was that my application had no direct access to internet. The application connects to a proxy server which was blocking access to database server because the proxy server only …

Member Avatar for nik00726
Member Avatar for gunnarflax

Hi! I'm currently using Dreamweaver as my code editor for web development but I'm considering using open source applications instead. I've always supported open source development and let's face it, Adobe's programs costs a whole lot. So I read about using Eclipse for web development and did some searching and …

Member Avatar for gunnarflax
Member Avatar for rahul8590

i was just trying the new DBMS , herd it was kinda faster than MySql in some case. the below is the code i have taken (Standard example) and still i am getting error. [code] <?php // create new database (OO interface) $db = new SQLiteDatabase("db.sqlite"); // create table foo …

Member Avatar for jmoli
Member Avatar for woss

Hi all, Can anyone please help me about this problem? I want to upload file from one server to another using some sort of php class or some another PEAR file? For now I have downloaded pear file from pear.php.net. It works great but when I want to send files …

Member Avatar for i-ensan
Member Avatar for julio gomez

Hi, I am using a PHP parser to extract some contents from a RSS feed. The parser used to work just fine, but when I changed my hosting the parser stopped working and now it shows the following error: XML Error: not well-formed (invalid token) at line 11 The XML …

Member Avatar for julio gomez
Member Avatar for alokas88

Hi, I want to display a form in php..i hav this variable called $fields if($fields==1){ I want to print 1 text box} if($fields==2){ I want to print 2 text boxes and so on} The whole thing should be submitted to an action.php page how can i do dat in php??

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for alokas88

Hii, I am working on a php-mysql GUI..MY problem is iam asking the user to input the number of fields he wants on his new table.According to the number inputted dat many number of text boxes should come on the screen .How can i do this ?Is there any way …

Member Avatar for rajarajan2017
Member Avatar for caro88

Can anyone help?? I want to 2 sql command in a php file. The query is run in the search book, i want the query to get info from the loan table, if this table is empty then to display the details in the book table? Please help!!

Member Avatar for liamfriel
Member Avatar for AmieFeetandToes

Hello Everyone! I am working on a search form in PHP for a client's website. So everything works, the search brings results. What I am wanting to accomplish now is to be able to search more than one field, specifically first name and last name. Let's say if a user …

Member Avatar for colweb

The End.