39,316 Topics

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While I've been working with MySQL for years, this is the first time I've run across this very newbie-esq issue. Due to a client demand, I must host their website files (PHP) on a IIS server that is not running MySQL (instead, they are running MSSQL). However, I have developed …

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Member Avatar for BigFormat

Hi all, I'd like to filter an input string with a list of commas separated numeric ids to understand if it matches the pattern (only digits and commas allowed, i.e. "112,5,16,4578,ecc"). I'm trying to perform a regular expression match using preg_match. [code=PHP] $ids_list = '112,5,16,4578'; if (preg_match('/[0-9,]*/', $ids_list)) echo'OK!'; else …

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Member Avatar for leeZA1

Hi, i have a database which stores admin account details when an administrator selects to view all acounts is there any way of changing the password do they cannot read them all??

Member Avatar for leeZA1
Member Avatar for chunalt787

I have the following php code: [CODE]$query = "INSERT INTO flashcards VALUES (null, '".$_POST['front0']."', '".$_POST['back0']."', ".$link.", ".$details.", NOW()); INSERT INTO bundleflashcardlink VALUES (null, ".$flashcardbundleid.", LAST_INSERT_ID());"; $result = mysql_query($query);[/CODE] which gives me the following error: [CODE]DB Connection error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds …

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Member Avatar for niths

[QUOTE]hi all, i want to pass the value selected by radio button to url. so please help me. thank u..[/QUOTE] [CODE] <?php ob_start(); @session_start(); require_once ("check.php"); $con=mysql_connect("","invensis","invensis"); if(!$con) { die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); } mysql_select_db("database_myproject",$con); $query= mysql_query("SELECT projectassign FROM projectassign where userid=(select userid from users where username='$username' and …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for Asimina

Hi Guys, I Have a Database where i save Birth Dates like this: 12 Jan 2000 i want to display this on my page [COLOR="Red"]without[/COLOR] the[B] year[/B]. so lets say the only " 12 Jan " how do i do that? thanks

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for kardklub

this is what i have so far [CODE]<?php require "backend/functions.php"; dbconn(); $errmsg = ""; // get the .pdf #################### this is me getting my pdf############### $gotten = @mysql_query("select * from pdf order by pid desc limit 1"); $row = @mysql_fetch_assoc($gotten); $fileatt = $row[imgdata]; ################################################################ #but with this lines 27 28 …

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Member Avatar for Folaju

Hi, I am trying to use accented characters on a URL link on a web browser. the links will be similar to this: [url]http://fr.wikipedia....3%A9n%C3%A9rale[/url] I am not sure what section to put this in but as the site is mostly PHP i added it here. I was wondering if anyone …

Member Avatar for theighost
Member Avatar for ursrathika

hai experts i have a problem to dropdown list, i have use this url coding [url]http://www.plus2net.com/php_tutorial..._down_list.php[/url] (download link --ajax dd) this process use two dropdownlist boxes , my problem is i want insert dropdownlist text only,but here they use get value... how to get dropdownlist text value....pls give me a …

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Member Avatar for eusb

Hey guys i'm having trouble with php. i made a script to check the database for simillar info and it was working fine until i added the " AND email = '$email ' " part in the mysql query . Now it just doesn't show anything ....no echo no nothing …

Member Avatar for colweb
Member Avatar for michael_r

hi i have got a form which looks like this: [CODE]<form action="<?php echo $_SERVER['php_self];?>" method="post"> <input type="checkbox" name="flight[]" value="kingfisher" /> <input type="checkbox" name="flight[]" value="Spicejet" /> <input type="checkbox" name="flight[]" value="AirIndia" /> </form> [/CODE] i need to generate a query which would select data based on the result of this form. for …

Member Avatar for urtrivedi
Member Avatar for Nuuk

I have recently moved my site to a new server. It was working fine on two other servers but on the new one I get the following error: [QUOTE]Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/a7247396/public_html/index.html on line 74[/QUOTE] The code in question was written by somebody else as I …

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Member Avatar for vrgopakumar

I have to call some c++ functions in php files. how can i create an extention dll which will work with php.

Member Avatar for theighost
Member Avatar for aquaticdeity

Hi all, I don't know whether my question belong here but any ways why every browser has a built-in regex engine? Why they have to find patterns in a http page?

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for CyanBot

Hi guys! I'm just trying to look at a php page on my local webserver. It was working fine yesterday. Now php files just display as whatever text is in the file. Since yesterday, I've installed GD. So I guess that's what broke it. So....what should I do now? Thanks …

Member Avatar for pclfw
Member Avatar for niths

[QUOTE]hi all, i having a problem. i hav selected a value by radio button and i should pass that value to the 3rd page. so i think i can get that by using session. so can any one help me. thank u.. [/QUOTE] [CODE] <td><input name="radio" type="radio" id="radio[]" checked="checked" value="<?php …

Member Avatar for prem2
Member Avatar for Encrypted

Alright, so I've got this dynamic form. My problem is.. the name could be anything between "1" to "100000" depending on what the output of a script is and which parts of the output the user chooses to select. What would you do to get all of the values from …

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Member Avatar for virspy

Hello friends, I have a strange problem i require the google search in my website but the search has to display only the sponsored links and the related search items. like in [url]http://www.ebuyers.com/[/url] can any one tell me the concept of how to get those results Thank u in advance

Member Avatar for theighost
Member Avatar for kumiyare

Hi, Every body. I am writing a PHP thumbnail script, My goal is to upload images to the server and save the original images inside images directory and save the thumbnail to thumb directory which is inside images directory. Now every thing working fine, except the BMP type images, when …

Member Avatar for phpuser
Member Avatar for star_lavender

hi...I have three different ph files that received value from those files... class_survey.php [CODE] <?php class surveyForm { function selectForm() { //query to display form } function insert_survey_result($rating, $form) { if($form=="survey1") { echo "form: $form"; //check whether the form passing at here is correct for($j=1;$j<=count($rating);$j++) { echo $sql1 = "INSERT …

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Member Avatar for Reliable

I know the include function can't completely replace a template, but in cases where there could be a choice which do you think would be more efficient?

Member Avatar for bjeffries
Member Avatar for tomkaczocha

Hi guys, I hope you can help me with a bug. I have an update form to update data in a mysql database. Whenever a user wants to update the picture they uploaded it through the html form. For some reason my mysql querie on line 67 is not updating …

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Member Avatar for tbelczak

I have way too many hours into this and I feel as though it is due to a configuration difference somewhere between the two servers. Here is code for two simple scripts: [B]TEST1.PHP[/B] [code=php] <?php session_start(); $cart[0] = array('item_number' => '12345', 'qty' => '5'); $_SESSION['cart'] = serialize($cart); header('Location: test2.php'); exit(); …

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Member Avatar for scrchrds

I am really new to php and am attempting to create a news reader on my site. I have gotten it running just fine in a page of its own, BUT, I need it to be inside a php include. How do I link different scripts and stylesheets in the …

Member Avatar for Tekkno
Member Avatar for Tekkno

[code=php] $results = mysql_query("SELECT column1, column2, date, time FROM table ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1"); $row_table = mysql_fetch_assoc($results); [/code] For some odd reason this does not return data, however if I change it to: [code=php] $results = mysql_query("SELECT column1, column2, date, time FROM table ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 2"); $row_table …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for rasheed0987

Salam to all. I m new to this forum. I m doing Php Mysql just for fun. I want to make a "login form and Register me" form . so plz tell me the simple code for it.

Member Avatar for colweb
Member Avatar for bjeffries

Well at least I think my troubles are with the get variable. I know my code is amateur I am very new to PHP and trying to learn as much as I can. So I am trying to create a photo gallery any having trouble with getting my get variable …

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Member Avatar for jpknoob

I'm trying to create a form that updates stock in mysql database. I have created the forms to upload new stcok and they work fine. However, i'm including a link that will take the user to an update php that will then update the required fields, but i can't seem …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Famous16

hi everyone, can anyone explain that how to place a banner on the top of a home page using PHP coding. If anyone has the solution then please help me. Waiting for your nice reply With Regards,

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for vinpkl

hi all i have a checkbox and input box [code] $others_text=$_REQUEST['others_text']; [/code] [code] <input type="checkbox" value="<?php echo $others_text ?>" name="checkacc[]" id="checkacc[]" /> Others <input type="text" style="width:200px;" name="others_text" /> [/code] i want that the customer should tick the checkbox and enter the information in text box and that information should become …

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The End.