39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for sam023

i m searching a record from database. and it contain more than 10lac records. it take lot of time and some times mysql got crashed. how i can reduce searching time..?? does xml will be helpful in this case.?

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Member Avatar for niranga

Hi All, This is the first time I'm working with FTP functions in PHP. I have to create a link to send a [B].sql[/B] file to another server using its' FTP logins. I used ftp_put() function in the following way [CODE]ftp_put($connection, $file_name_1, $file_name_2, FTP_ASCII);[/CODE] It works perfectly in my [B]localhost[/B]. …

Member Avatar for niranga
Member Avatar for cleigh

I am asking this as general question first because I am not sure that what I am trying to do is even possible. I am using Dreamweaver 8. I have created a php page that accesses a mySQL database to include information from just one record on a form. Through …

Member Avatar for cleigh
Member Avatar for Phil++

Hey, I'm working on a project and require some help. I have two tables in the same database and I want to query each table using the ID just using one query. It works but it displays the same information more than once even though there is only one entry. …

Member Avatar for Encrypted
Member Avatar for QWaz

Hi, I'm fairly new to php and am having a lot of trouble with a simple little select problem. I have tried it about 20 different ways and it just keeps spitting out errors and not working My code is: [code] <?php session_start(); // built in php function to start …

Member Avatar for QWaz
Member Avatar for ErikV

Hay, I had a question about a login system that i want to create. I have SQL express 2005 with value's ( business name, passwords e.d. ). This system we use to fill in what we did at the company, and how much time we spend on it. This system …

Member Avatar for ErikV
Member Avatar for SMHouston

Having a little issue with a from and MYSQL. I created a Job Interview form that takes certain criteria from the interviewer and places that information into a database so you can extract the information later. What my problem is I'm getting no error messages or successful output. It's not …

Member Avatar for SMHouston
Member Avatar for jamesbarnhill

I'm pretty sure this is a simple fix, but I don't see it: [CODE]foreach($rows as $row) { $result .= "<li><a href='"javascript:void(0)" onclick="javascript:chatWith('.$row->username.')">" .htmlspecialchars(getNameFormatOnline($row->name,$row->username,$ueConfig['name_format']))."</a></li>\n"; }[/CODE] This is a list of online users; putting the username inside "javascript:chatWith('USERNAME_HERE')", to initiate a chat. Thanks, James

Member Avatar for CFROG
Member Avatar for piers

I have tried using is_numeric to validate some form data to make sure it is only numbers that are entered into the form. I couldnt get it to work so I decided to try and put a-z\A-Z in preg_match. I cannot get either of them to work although there are …

Member Avatar for piers
Member Avatar for slucia

I am working on a site that require a php script running on a server without any request, it is a bot script that keeps (not full time but at least once a day) checking client accounts and send mail to clients when something happens.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for xuexue

hi there..just wanna ask some help, regarding the creation of line graphs in php..i want to display a graph in my page..i have seen many examples but it does not fit what i wanted.. please help me.. thanks thanks ^_^

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Venom Rush

Hi all I'm trying to figure out how to go about finding all <a> tags in a string and replacing the spaces within the <a> tag with underscores. Below is an example: Before [CODE=html]<a href="path/to/page" class="pageLink">Page Name</a>[/CODE] After [CODE=html]<a_href="path/to/page"_class="pageLink">Page_Name</a>[/CODE] Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Venom Rush
Member Avatar for manolisvl46

hallo there again i would like to modify some entries on my ldap server via php actually i want to move some students from one dn to another i use ldap rename but nothing happens ... [CODE] $newparent='cn='.$save[$i].',cn=****,ou=******,ou=****.,ou=******,dc=****,dc=*** $dn= $save[$i+1]; $dn2=split("[,]",$dn);//that is the name of the student(which is on the …

Member Avatar for manolisvl46

hallo there... is there a way to handle data from a POST method like [CODE]$listOfItems=$_POST['listOfItems'];[/CODE] on the variable though are inserted values of an array such as( 1234|john;3455|helen;.....e.t.c.) is there a way to "brake" the variable so as to get one by one the array values... thank you

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Member Avatar for mikeypc2010

Hi guys, I'm a bit of a newbie to PHP/MySQL, so please excuse me if I seem ignorant of something seemingly obvious. I'm writing a booking system for a holiday home rental company. I'm building it up slowly. What I have so far is trying to calculate the number of …

Member Avatar for soldierflup
Member Avatar for MDanz

i have a column in mysql called origin which is type integer(not ascending or descending). All rows have an origin assigned to them can't be duplicated... e.g. two rows with the same origin(integer). when inserting a new row. Just say row 1 has origin 15 and i'm inserting a new …

Member Avatar for JRM
Member Avatar for myuncleisbob

Hello, I have been searching for a solution on how to solve this problem for almost a month now. I'm at a point where I feel like I've traveled around the world 7 times and still haven't found the answer. I hate introductions so I'm just going to go ahead …

Member Avatar for myuncleisbob
Member Avatar for phpDave

Hi! I have a counter that increments by 1 for every page view. [CODE]$colname_Recordset1 = "-1"; if (isset($_GET['urlcode'])) { $colname_Recordset1 = $_GET['urlcode']; } mysql_query("UPDATE users SET counter = counter + 1 WHERE urlcode = '$colname_Recordset1'");[/CODE] It works in IE but counts twice in firefox the first time the page is …

Member Avatar for phpDave
Member Avatar for D4n1sD

Is it possible by any way to make a .php with all the data into it a .png Example: You got a php that the data displays in the order you want and u want to like screenshot it and post it into the main .php like a fucntion createphptoimg("test.php")

Member Avatar for Tekkno
Member Avatar for alexgv14

[CODE]<?php $jpg = $GLOBALS['HTTP_RAW_POST_DATA']; $img = 'MyPicture.jpg'; $to = $_GET['email']; //header("Content-type: image/jpeg"); //header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=".$img); //echo $jpg; $FromEmail = 'wcww@gmail.com'; $FromName = 'We Can Waste Wise'; $msg = 'We hope you will come play again!'; $subject = 'Your Recyclable Art!!'; $To = strip_tags($to); $HTMLMessage =''; $Subject =strip_tags($subject); $boundary1 =rand(0,9)."-" .rand(10000000000,9999999999)."-" …

Member Avatar for icestorm

Hi, I am new to encryption and have read a lot but still don't know what I'm doing. Just to clarify when using the keys is it just for a handshake between the client and server to allow access or does it affect the caesar cipher as well? because after …

Member Avatar for kristo5747

Greetings! I have a form that's meant to be a rudimentary search engine. The forms calls the piece of code below and outputs successfully the results in a new tab. [CODE]<?php //Includes the db config file $dbconf = include '.../config/dbConfig.php'; //checks if fields are set. if(isset($_POST['submit'])) { if( !empty($_POST['search_string']) ) …

Member Avatar for kristo5747
Member Avatar for niranga

Hi all, I am working on a PHP project. Im having a problem giving the 'src' for a image, because the image file is placed outside of the www folder :(. Let me explain more. When I log in to my server using FTP logins, it gives the directory structure …

Member Avatar for Owais_Khan
Member Avatar for leeZA1

Hi, i need help please! i have a page were users can upload images, the name and path to where the image is stored is stored in the database. I want the aministartor to be able to view all of the images. when i try this it returns the path …

Member Avatar for genevish
Member Avatar for gajendra dharwa

[code] <?php $conn=<?php $conn=mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die("could not connect:" . mysql_error() ); $sql=mysql_select_db('btche_db',$conn); $studet="SELECT id,pass FROM student2 WHERE id = '".$_REQUEST['stid']."' AND pass = '".$_REQUEST['stpass']."' "; $result = mysql_query($studet); while ($row=mysql_fetch_array($result)) { session_start(); $_SESSION['id'] = $_POST['stid']; $_SESSION['userpass'] = $_POST['stpass']; $_SESSION['authuser'] = 0; if(($_SESSION['id'] == $row['id']) and ($_SESSION['pass'] == $row['pass'])) { $_SESSION['authuser'] …

Member Avatar for genevish
Member Avatar for QWaz

Hi, I am a php newbie. The site is a sports site, and contains information on about 10 teams. However each team has it's own admin section. I would like to have 1 general login page that lets a user access the database that relates to their team. I don't …

Member Avatar for QWaz
Member Avatar for brahimhackman

hello everybody i have a big problem with the connection of mysql connect i want to connect to an other data base with out binding Ip adresse in the host server . i have an application and i want to manage 2 web sites with this appliction because the tow …

Member Avatar for brahimhackman
Member Avatar for Waher

I am using Wampserver for my Windows Apache-PHP-MySQL stack. The file accessed has a header that defines it as utf-8, meta tag in HTML also defines it as utf-8. My best guess so far is that it has something to do with Apache. Searching through Google was of little help …

Member Avatar for nav33n
Member Avatar for Eris

Hi. I've got 2 classes that provide services and 1 wsdl file for both of them, 1 SoapServer and 1 SoapClient. When I do $server->setClass("Class1"); $server->handle(); I can call functions from Class1 in the SoapClient. But if I do $server->setClass("Class1"); $server->setClass("Class2"); $server->handle(); then I am able only to call the …

Member Avatar for brahimhackman
Member Avatar for AkhJ

Hello All, Greetings of the day! I am new to PHP & working on a project. What my senior had asked to do is to , creat a drop down menu. I did the same. And just below of drop down menu there is a Text Box, where user can …

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The End.