39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for shishtawitch

how can i create a php page where the page is gone refreshed automaticly without reloading page and user could see other users activity just like facebook.................!!

Member Avatar for jcanaway
Member Avatar for sam023

i have a data in mysql in this format.. 1,2,3,4,5,6... can i split and show this data in this format in mysql?? 1 2 3 4 5 6 thanks ijn advance

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Cy137

[CODE]<?php //Distance Function function distance($findId, $userToSearch, $userids, &$nodes){ $searchquery="SELECT '($findId)' FROM 'users' WHERE userid='($userToSearch)'"; $queryResult=mysql_query($searchquery); while($blah=mysql_fetch_assoc($queryResult)) { $result=$blah["$findId"]; } if($result == '1'){ return 1; } else{ $userToSearch=array_pop($userids); if($userToSearch!=NULL){ $count=(distance($findId,$userToSearch, $userids, &$nodes)+1); } return $count; } echo "Search Failed. <br>"; return 0; } $SQL2 = "SELECT userid FROM `users`"; $query2=mysql_query($SQL2); while($userid_temp=mysql_fetch_assoc($query2)) …

Member Avatar for ryy705

Hello, What permissions should PHP files have on a unix/linux system? Is 655 appropriate? Many thanks in advance.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for unixmonkey

Hi Guys, This isn't really the right place to post this, but there doesn't seem to be a right place, so here it goes! I'm running a bunch of subversion repositories (one repository per project) over http (using apache). One of the repositories is a shared_classes repository that stores shared …

Member Avatar for unixmonkey
Member Avatar for indoreankita

i want to give an option like 'Import' where on clicking on this word , a window should open from where i can choose file and and then can use that file on my page. i can do this by giving an input text box with type file but i …

Member Avatar for sam1

hi, Is there a way to include a php file in .tpl file. basically i have a menu (javascript,html and css based) that i want to include in the .tpl file. thanks

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Borderline

I am new to arrays, and was thinking they could help me in my racing project. I have two pages, one displaying the data, and the other, currently used as a php include, that contains the array. I can get the more simple elements of the array working, but I …

Member Avatar for Borderline
Member Avatar for mr_scooby

I have this form I'm working on and found something interesting attempt1 this way works exactly how I want, which is nothing in the input boxes and no error messages on loading the registration form, once submit is entered the empty fields have a message appear next to them, the …

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for motieno

I have followed the online tutorials for setting up your first php project using netbeans ide 6.5 mi. my project - NewPHPProject tree appears in the Projects window but i cant see the project's index.php file. What could be wrong? NewPHPProject tree | source Files | NewPHPProject tree That is …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Mahesh_J
Member Avatar for sam023

when i wrote localhost/site/images/ i can see all images of my site... how can i stop it...!! i tried .htaccess with code "deny to all" but it does not show images when i run the site on browser..!! What should i do.?

Member Avatar for sam023
Member Avatar for R3Slick

I got a search.php file and a search_results.php file like in my previous thread...the user can select from a dropDown menu what they want to search EmployeeID/EmployeeName/Manager/Department/Team then a text box where they can type in the ID, full name (with spaces) ,Department..ect I got the search for ID, Department, …

Member Avatar for R3Slick
Member Avatar for Leandro-AL

Hello! I am trying to create some sort of a crawler. I was using file_get_contents() to get the pages until i stumbled on this one site, where that didn't work: [CODE=php]$page = 'http://www.site.com/page.php'; $content = file_get_contents($page); echo htmlspecialchars($content);[/CODE] This returned a completely blank page. After looking it up, it appears …

Member Avatar for kireol
Member Avatar for aruti

what problem i am actually facing is that .. i have a database -- table in which i have lng and lat saved .. And i want that when i fetch them in textual form i also get the address to which those particular set of lng and lat are …

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for kira4

May I know why I cannot submit my search function by pressing enter? When I enter the primary key and press enter, it will show this : Notice: Undefined index: submit in c:\easyphp1-8\www\efiling\accountingdeleteprocess.php on line 23 But if I enter the primary key and press the submit button, there is …

Member Avatar for kira4
Member Avatar for sam023

i want to encrpt query parameters in Url... So that end user unable to understand it..!!! [url]www.test.com/page.php?uid=1234&tid=234[/url] can we encrypt or hide value through .htaccess..???

Member Avatar for venkat0904
Member Avatar for R3Slick

Ok so I have been working on this all day but cant get it. I want to add an Employee ID to an Employee Table....I got this much...But first I need to check if that ID exists already. How can I do this, here is my code: [CODE]<?php session_start(); require_once …

Member Avatar for venkat0904
Member Avatar for hno

HI I have a while loop and it's a foreach in it.The while loop showes a query result but if there was a foreach in the while loop ,it's run just one time but if it isn't in it ,the while run untill fetching all the result but I want …

Member Avatar for hno
Member Avatar for ko ko

My EOT font doesn't work in PHP. It only work in HTML. Can anyone help me? Thanks.

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for loveisblind

Hello. I have text fields with data that is not being inserted into my table 'Election'. The Election table has these fields: ID (primary key and auto-increment), title, open_datetime, close_datetime, department, adminID, active (default is 'N') I checked to make sure all the field names are the same. Everything works …

Member Avatar for loveisblind
Member Avatar for shishtawitch

i have the following code [CODE]<?php $id = $_SESSION["user_session"]; $get = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id='$id'"); $total_found = mysql_num_rows($get); if($total_found==0){ my code goes here }else{ while($g = mysql_fetch_array($get)){ $id_2 = $g["id"]; $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id != '$id' AND id!='$id_2'"); while($z = mysql_fetch_array($query)){ mycode goes here …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for Danielx

[B]Hello I am PHP programmer I want to create system tags Like wordpress for my site I'd love to get ideas / explanation of how to do it and how it works Thanks Daniel[/B]

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for duka96

I'm having problem with opening php pages in browser. I'm using apache web server and the problem is that instead of a page browser shows php code that i wrote in text editor (for example it shows <?php phpinfo(); ?> instead list with informations about php). Everything worked fine before …

Member Avatar for kireol
Member Avatar for daryll1

Hi, for one of my projects at uni i have to create a PHP based text game, i am basing mine on the colossal cave game. i am trying to use the explode function to split my string up into variables to check against my database but am getting the …

Member Avatar for daryll1
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello, i have store value in database like this in only one field. [CODE] one. two. three.[/CODE] but i am retriveing from database that is displaying like this [CODE] one.two.three. [/CODE] but i want same format.like in database [CODE] one. two. three.[/CODE]

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for emhmk1

Hi again, I'm working on a marquee components list for work and i'm stuck on something that seems pretty basic but it's totally flumped me! I have a form with 10 fields, each representing a marquee size when the submit is clicked in effect it searches the database 10 times …

Member Avatar for zortec
Member Avatar for kiranhg.2008

I want to display records from database in this order 1 2 3 4 5 6 ........ or 1 4 .... 2 5 ... 3 6..... pls can anybody help me ........

Member Avatar for kiranhg.2008
Member Avatar for siamfocus
Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for sleign

ok I've been looking all over the net and I cannot find anything about this issue anywhere, other than the same problem is mentioned once in a great while, but never shown how to rectify this. I'm at a point where I can't do anything else and I could use …

Member Avatar for sleign

The End.