39,388 Topics
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how can i create a php page where the page is gone refreshed automaticly without reloading page and user could see other users activity just like facebook.................!! | |
i have a data in mysql in this format.. 1,2,3,4,5,6... can i split and show this data in this format in mysql?? 1 2 3 4 5 6 thanks ijn advance ![]() | |
[CODE]<?php //Distance Function function distance($findId, $userToSearch, $userids, &$nodes){ $searchquery="SELECT '($findId)' FROM 'users' WHERE userid='($userToSearch)'"; $queryResult=mysql_query($searchquery); while($blah=mysql_fetch_assoc($queryResult)) { $result=$blah["$findId"]; } if($result == '1'){ return 1; } else{ $userToSearch=array_pop($userids); if($userToSearch!=NULL){ $count=(distance($findId,$userToSearch, $userids, &$nodes)+1); } return $count; } echo "Search Failed. <br>"; return 0; } $SQL2 = "SELECT userid FROM `users`"; $query2=mysql_query($SQL2); while($userid_temp=mysql_fetch_assoc($query2)) … | |
Hello, What permissions should PHP files have on a unix/linux system? Is 655 appropriate? Many thanks in advance. ![]() | |
Hi Guys, This isn't really the right place to post this, but there doesn't seem to be a right place, so here it goes! I'm running a bunch of subversion repositories (one repository per project) over http (using apache). One of the repositories is a shared_classes repository that stores shared … | |
i want to give an option like 'Import' where on clicking on this word , a window should open from where i can choose file and and then can use that file on my page. i can do this by giving an input text box with type file but i … | |
hi, Is there a way to include a php file in .tpl file. basically i have a menu (javascript,html and css based) that i want to include in the .tpl file. thanks | |
![]() | I am new to arrays, and was thinking they could help me in my racing project. I have two pages, one displaying the data, and the other, currently used as a php include, that contains the array. I can get the more simple elements of the array working, but I … ![]() |
I have this form I'm working on and found something interesting attempt1 this way works exactly how I want, which is nothing in the input boxes and no error messages on loading the registration form, once submit is entered the empty fields have a message appear next to them, the … | |
I have followed the online tutorials for setting up your first php project using netbeans ide 6.5 mi. my project - NewPHPProject tree appears in the Projects window but i cant see the project's index.php file. What could be wrong? NewPHPProject tree | source Files | NewPHPProject tree That is … | |
What is difference between $message And $$message? in PHP | |
when i wrote localhost/site/images/ i can see all images of my site... how can i stop it...!! i tried .htaccess with code "deny to all" but it does not show images when i run the site on browser..!! What should i do.? | |
I got a search.php file and a search_results.php file like in my previous thread...the user can select from a dropDown menu what they want to search EmployeeID/EmployeeName/Manager/Department/Team then a text box where they can type in the ID, full name (with spaces) ,Department..ect I got the search for ID, Department, … | |
Hello! I am trying to create some sort of a crawler. I was using file_get_contents() to get the pages until i stumbled on this one site, where that didn't work: [CODE=php]$page = 'http://www.site.com/page.php'; $content = file_get_contents($page); echo htmlspecialchars($content);[/CODE] This returned a completely blank page. After looking it up, it appears … | |
what problem i am actually facing is that .. i have a database -- table in which i have lng and lat saved .. And i want that when i fetch them in textual form i also get the address to which those particular set of lng and lat are … | |
May I know why I cannot submit my search function by pressing enter? When I enter the primary key and press enter, it will show this : Notice: Undefined index: submit in c:\easyphp1-8\www\efiling\accountingdeleteprocess.php on line 23 But if I enter the primary key and press the submit button, there is … | |
i want to encrpt query parameters in Url... So that end user unable to understand it..!!! [url]www.test.com/page.php?uid=1234&tid=234[/url] can we encrypt or hide value through .htaccess..??? | |
Ok so I have been working on this all day but cant get it. I want to add an Employee ID to an Employee Table....I got this much...But first I need to check if that ID exists already. How can I do this, here is my code: [CODE]<?php session_start(); require_once … | |
HI I have a while loop and it's a foreach in it.The while loop showes a query result but if there was a foreach in the while loop ,it's run just one time but if it isn't in it ,the while run untill fetching all the result but I want … | |
My EOT font doesn't work in PHP. It only work in HTML. Can anyone help me? Thanks. | |
Hello. I have text fields with data that is not being inserted into my table 'Election'. The Election table has these fields: ID (primary key and auto-increment), title, open_datetime, close_datetime, department, adminID, active (default is 'N') I checked to make sure all the field names are the same. Everything works … | |
i have the following code [CODE]<?php $id = $_SESSION["user_session"]; $get = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id='$id'"); $total_found = mysql_num_rows($get); if($total_found==0){ my code goes here }else{ while($g = mysql_fetch_array($get)){ $id_2 = $g["id"]; $query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM table WHERE id != '$id' AND id!='$id_2'"); while($z = mysql_fetch_array($query)){ mycode goes here … | |
[B]Hello I am PHP programmer I want to create system tags Like wordpress for my site I'd love to get ideas / explanation of how to do it and how it works Thanks Daniel[/B] | |
I'm having problem with opening php pages in browser. I'm using apache web server and the problem is that instead of a page browser shows php code that i wrote in text editor (for example it shows <?php phpinfo(); ?> instead list with informations about php). Everything worked fine before … | |
Hi, for one of my projects at uni i have to create a PHP based text game, i am basing mine on the colossal cave game. i am trying to use the explode function to split my string up into variables to check against my database but am getting the … | |
hello, i have store value in database like this in only one field. [CODE] one. two. three.[/CODE] but i am retriveing from database that is displaying like this [CODE] one.two.three. [/CODE] but i want same format.like in database [CODE] one. two. three.[/CODE] | |
Hi again, I'm working on a marquee components list for work and i'm stuck on something that seems pretty basic but it's totally flumped me! I have a form with 10 fields, each representing a marquee size when the submit is clicked in effect it searches the database 10 times … | |
I want to display records from database in this order 1 2 3 4 5 6 ........ or 1 4 .... 2 5 ... 3 6..... pls can anybody help me ........ | |
i want to talk to php programmer talk about php oop thank [URL removed] | |
ok I've been looking all over the net and I cannot find anything about this issue anywhere, other than the same problem is mentioned once in a great while, but never shown how to rectify this. I'm at a point where I can't do anything else and I could use … |
The End.