39,388 Topics

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Member Avatar for abhishektiwari

I have a application where which uses asp.net and php both.So i need a web hosting where i can run both into one.Can anyone suggest me the name of the hosting company where i can run that application. Thanks in advance!!

Member Avatar for ShemoPT
Member Avatar for proprasee

i have 10 buttons by default colour is red. for each click its colour changes to blue then red that was implemented. The problem is i ahave an array of 10 elements.initially value 0. when button changes to blue corresponding value changed to 1 for red -0 how can i …

Member Avatar for dasatti
Member Avatar for new_divine

how to resize and make the thumbnail view of the photos like in facebook or other sites without distorting the photos

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for jeet_portal

Hi... I have a small doubt about php print statment. pls let me know if there is any reason Here is a doubt for me. [CODE] <?php $a=08; print $a; ?> [/CODE] why its output is 0.

Member Avatar for jeet_portal
Member Avatar for R3Slick

like in my previous posts, I have a search.php file and a searchResults.php file. There is a drop down menu on the search.php file and it has various methods to search a table in my DB like EmployeeID, EmpName, Team, Department, and Manager. i got all the rest working; however, …

Member Avatar for R3Slick
Member Avatar for mpierre

Hello Every one, im in a need for some help i have the following issue : ---[B] Warning: mysql_fetch_array(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource in D:\Hosting\00000\html\index.php on line 10[/B] this is what the code looks like Can some one please assist me on what is wrong …

Member Avatar for venkat0904
Member Avatar for arushibafna

hey, while working on my project, i encountered a problem .here's the description- a teacher is required to insert marks of 15 students.( 15 is just the random no. , it can vary) . so a page is displayed with the roll no. and names with a text box in …

Member Avatar for venkat0904
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, Is there any chance of resizing gif, tif, bmp, jpg, png I know that we can jpg files. Thanks

Member Avatar for venkat0904
Member Avatar for futhonguy

Hi, I had developed a viewing table from mysql database using php and it is showing me the whole list of contents in a single webpage. I would like to know if there anyway i can actually split the contents into multiple pages for easy viewing?? Your help is greatly …

Member Avatar for futhonguy
Member Avatar for kjelle392

Hello friends! I'm just beginning with JavaScript (and Ajax). My loginscript now works with Ajax - that is; the script is sending a request to the servers PHP script to check username and password, but I wonder what that script should return - and how to use that response. Either …

Member Avatar for ryan_vietnow
Member Avatar for lifeworks

hi im not sure if this is a php issue, or a doctype thing - im using the 'strict' doctype... all of the apostrophes (') in my text are being swopped out for black diamonds with a question mark in them...? Huh?

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for Webbg

I can't get my select query correct. I have 4 tables and 2 foreign keys. Here are my table structures. [iCODE] movies movieid int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key moviename varchar directid int unsigned # foreign key to directors table date adddate genres genreid int unsigned not null auto_increment …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for dmkc

Hi guys, Ok, so I'm using the code below to display the fields from a table on my webpage. I used some code to paginate the results as there's a lot of records, however I can't seem to get it working properly, and I'm going crazy trying to work out …

Member Avatar for kireol
Member Avatar for bimaljr

Hello I am creating a big website and some of php file will be bigger than 1MB So, I want to know what is max file size of .PHP file to execute or include. Thanks

Member Avatar for samarudge
Member Avatar for valonesal

Ok so I have a bit of code. [CODE]echo "<span class='sortstyle'><strong>Average rating:</strong> "; while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) { $rating1 += $row[rating1]; } $avgrating = round($rating1/$numberofrows, 2); echo $avgrating." / 5</span><span class='sortstyle'><strong>Total reviews:</strong> ".$numberofrows."</span>"; }[/CODE] I want this to display the values from my database but from different rows so I tried. …

Member Avatar for kireol
Member Avatar for momo219

So... I have a 2 Table (mysql) Db. Table 1 = (sub)Menu, Table 2 = Images per (sub)Menu. Typical scenario - new.php - loads a form with a MENU ADD form, and a List of current Menus (with Edit and Delete). Edit loads Edit.php, with MENU Edit form (id got …

Member Avatar for momo219
Member Avatar for K0ns3rv

Hello daniweb. I am currently involved in a project were we need to be able to generate confirmation mails, our original thought was to code an html mail, but we quickly deserted that idea. Therefor I need a powerful yet simple PDF class for PHP. I have no greater interest …

Member Avatar for venkat0904
Member Avatar for sammoray

this problem is too old with me please try to help I made online users table in db and when user is logging in . the code is [COLOR="Red"]$sql="insert into online_users(username) values('".$_SEESION['username']."')"; mysql_query($sql);[/COLOR] but I couldn't specify the users who went offline to delete them from the table please help …

Member Avatar for phpuser
Member Avatar for ampLife

please help me with this:), what i wanted to do is to retrieved all the values in table per row. how do i do this? in checkboxes.please help. heres my code: [CODE] echo "<td><input type='checkbox' name='enrolldis[][][]' value=''></td>"; echo "<td>$secname</td><td>$subjcode</td><td>$subjname</td><td>$schoolyear</td><td>$room</td><td>$days</td><td>$sectime</td><td>$slotavailable</td><td>$unitload</td>";echo "</tr>"; [/CODE] how do i put values in arrays of checkboxes? …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for vishalonne

hi every body I have written a code for deletion of records from database. my navigation path is like this 1. [COLOR="Green"]member.php [/COLOR](for selecting the delete option from menu) 2. [COLOR="green"]deleteadministrator.php [/COLOR]( for entering id of customer and search for the record if reord found then to click on delete …

Member Avatar for vishalonne
Member Avatar for vishalonne

Dear Php Experts I created few php file : [COLOR="Green"]Login Page - loginform.php[/COLOR] this page takes user id and password and fetch department from database then it post them to : [COLOR="green"]Checking File - userchek.php [/COLOR] where session is created if id password and every think goes fine other wise …

Member Avatar for vishalonne
Member Avatar for BzzBee

I have a contact information form where users come and fill their info. There are different fields on form like name, email, phone no. ect. i don't want to let user to enter that detail again and again. i want to set cookies so when he/she will open that form …

Member Avatar for venkat0904
Member Avatar for mudunuru

How to use Ajax for thumbnails navigation.The thumbnails have been genereted by PHP.

Member Avatar for jcanaway

Hello Every on i have wrote some scripts for my website and i am getting Undefined variable Notices on a couple Variables like exampled below [CODE] $i = 0; foreach($value as $row) { $content .= "<option value=\"".$i."\" ".$selected.">".$row."</option>\n"; $i++; } [/CODE] now every time i view the page with the …

Member Avatar for ko ko
Member Avatar for mr_scooby

Can ignore other post not sure why i closed it, not solved lol, not enough coffee too much looking at php anyway. I have this form I'm working on and found something interesting attempt1 this way works exactly how I want, which is nothing in the input boxes and no …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for shishtawitch

if i have following link [CODE]<a href="#Next/?s=5">Next Value</a>[/CODE] If i click on Next Value the address bar url will be [CODE]http://www.domain.com/#Next/?s=5[/CODE] then how can i get the value of s

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for freshfitz

I have a simple gallery script in flash that has a php admin. The login works in firefox but no IE it redirects you right back to the login page can anyone figure this out it's 3 files index.php admin.php config.php the index.php redirects you to admin.php. index.php [CODE]<? $login=$_POST['login']; …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for smartspriggs

I have a .phpfile in the xamp/php/www folder but can't get it to work with lofalhost.

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for newbie37

I am stuck. I have a beginning php class and have run into a wall. Any help will be appreciated. here is the from that is submitted for paycheck calculation: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>Untitled Document</title> </head> <body> …

Member Avatar for FlashCreations
Member Avatar for foxwizzy

is it posible to increase a mysql table default value to increase by a number based on another number E.X. i have a default value set to 10 how do i increase it by 1 every 3 minult also if i add a new number "3"(in a box or text …

Member Avatar for diafol

The End.