39,323 Topics

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Member Avatar for hno

HI i have made a web site. what I want to do is that I want to make a direct link from rapidshare . I mean to transfer a file from rapidshare to my site and give it a direct link address . how can I do so ? thanks

Member Avatar for joe524

Hello, This is my first post. I'm a web designer & SEO guy at a background check company. This morning I was handed down this project that, well... I lack much experience with. Definitely not my area of expertise, but willing to give it a crack rather than my company …

Member Avatar for sam023

i m searching for it from last two hrs. but didnt find anything useful.. i hope some reply to this topic..!!! i just need a php script to upload excelsheet data into mysql table..!! thanks

Member Avatar for chrishea
Member Avatar for Aamit

Hi, i am trying to validate credit card. I want to validate credit card 1> name on card 2> card number 3> card type (visa,mastercard... etc) 4> cvv 5> expiry date I seared on google but most of links gives information to validate card according to number. How to do …

Member Avatar for mschroeder
Member Avatar for mexabet

Please, I need a code that is capable of preventing SEOQuake from loading on my websites, even if a user has installed the plug-in. For example, Google, Yahoo and Bing implements such feature. I just don't want it to load whenever anybody visits my sites.

Member Avatar for mexabet
Member Avatar for ady_1

Hi, I'm new to this and have a quick question. I have a form called register.html and have javascript to check the form validation [CODE=html] <form <input type="submit" value="Submit" onClick="return formValidate()"> </form> [/CODE] so in register.html when user presses submit the formValidate method (javascript) is run. once it returns true, …

Member Avatar for Alxandr
Member Avatar for kbramprasath

[code=php] <?php include("config.php"); // $sql="delete from UsersR where UsersID='$UsersID'"; $sql="CALL DeleteUsers('$_POST[UsersID]')"; if (!mysql_query($sql,$con)) { die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); } echo "1 record deleted"; mysql_close($con); header("location:delete.php"); ?> [/code] it is my procedur [code=mysql] DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `UsersR_DELETE_byPK` GO CREATE PROCEDURE UsersR_DELETE_byPK ( IN UsersID INT(11) ) BEGIN DELETE FROM UsersR …

Member Avatar for sam023
Member Avatar for elanorejoseph

Hi how can i make a drop down menu usibg java script.... please help its urgent.

Member Avatar for iraberyl
Member Avatar for khicontn

i live in Vietnam, so My English is so bad, but i hope you know what i mean. I want to setup a server that use : Apache, PHP, and Ms SQL server persional edition 2000. But i only can connect Apache 2.0 and PHP 5.x it run ok But …

Member Avatar for Justin87
Member Avatar for Wilmar1980

When I run [CODE] $sendURL = "www.example.com"; $fp = fsockopen ($sendURL, "80", $errno, $errstr, 30);[/CODE] I get [CODE] Warning: fsockopen(): php_network_getaddresses: getaddrinfo failed: Name or service not known in /var/www/trunk/www/modules/webshop/run/payment/paypal/ipn_listener.php on line 51[/CODE] And when I set $sendURL to "www.sandbox.paypal.com", I get the same warning. I've been looking into this …

Member Avatar for Wilmar1980
Member Avatar for otherdummy

My friend is writing a simple forum, In this forum there is 1 MySQL database with 4 tables(forumsections, members, posts, replies) The question: He wants to notify by mail those members who have posted new posts, when anybody replies to their post. (like in this forum). Now he has a …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for phouse512

Hello, Right now, I am working on a little text-based game in PHP, and I am running into some problems with some functions that I defined. The exact error is this: [b] Notice: Undefined variable: level in C:\Program Files\wamp\www\germ\game_functions.php on line 52 Notice: Undefined variable: exp_cap in C:\Program Files\wamp\www\germ\game_functions.php on …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for vishalonne

I am developing a small web site. I have a login Page (login_form.php) from where user has to select there user type from dropdown box values are "Administrator", "Store Keeper", "User". When user select "User" option from list in onchange event I am opening one popup window (depart.php) from which …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for OmniX

I was stuffing around and I was wondering if it was at all possible to make a function or method, dynamic at all? In what context? well I would like not to have the specify the elements required by the function so at any given day it can be more …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for TheVendor

Hello, I was wondering if it would be possible to swap an image for another image at a certain time. This would occur when the user's system time hits say 6:00pm then it would switch to a different image. It would have to stay at this same image until say …

Member Avatar for TheVendor
Member Avatar for otherdummy

Hi I need help? please In my site i have smth like newsletter system. Logged in users can post information about their services and this information is shown in my site. I'd like to send such information (posted by users) to the mails of the other member-users of my site. …

Member Avatar for otherdummy
Member Avatar for jonow

On my website whenever i load it in Safari (both on Windows and Mac computers) it scrolls to the bottom of the page. It does not do it in any other browser.

Member Avatar for belper

Hello, I have this php code : [CODE] //echo $i."<br>end-".$end."-start-".$start; echo "<table bgcolor=#666666 bordercolor=#C0C0C0 border=0 width=700 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10><tr><td background=\"images/topbar.gif\" height=\"45\"></td></tr><tr><td>"; echo "<b>$listDatetxt: </b>"; $lines[$i]->showDate(); echo "<br><b>$listnametxt: </b>"; $lines[$i]->showFrom(); echo "</a><br><br><b>$listMessagetxt: </b>"; $lines[$i]->showMessage(); echo "</td></tr> <tr><td background=\"images/footbar.gif\" height=\"30\"></td></tr></table><br>"; } echo "<center>"; [/CODE] This is the problem : In Firefox the table …

Member Avatar for OmniX

I would like to get everyones opinions on what processes should be used to validating and protecting the input into your storage medium aka MySQL. In particular listing possible php functions that hsould be run and maybe once we have a list we put them in order, from most to …

Member Avatar for OmniX
Member Avatar for Byrne86

Hi, I am using 2 list boxes with 4 values in each. I want to create an action when a button is pressed on the form which will be something like this: If(value of list box1 is 1 and value of list box2 is 1) { total = total + …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for wayz1229

can anyone teach me how to do loop for the script below.. thanks in advance.. [CODE] <?php require_once('config.php'); $aid1=$_POST['Question-1']; $aid2=$_POST['Question-2']; $aid3=$_POST['Question-3']; $aid4=$_POST['Question-4']; $aid5=$_POST['Question-5']; $aid6=$_POST['Question-6']; $aid7=$_POST['Question-7']; $aid8=$_POST['Question-8']; $aid9=$_POST['Question-9']; $aid10=$_POST['Question-10']; $qid1=$_POST['qid1']; $qid2=$_POST['qid2']; $qid3=$_POST['qid3']; $qid4=$_POST['qid4']; $qid5=$_POST['qid5']; $qid6=$_POST['qid6']; $qid7=$_POST['qid7']; $qid8=$_POST['qid8']; $qid9=$_POST['qid9']; $qid10=$_POST['qid10']; // update vote counter $query = "UPDATE answers SET acount = acount …

Member Avatar for wayz1229
Member Avatar for tobisan

Hi there, I've just managed to add a new widgitized sidebar to my site, but no matter what I tried, it keeps showing up bellow sidebar 1. any thoughts? heres the style.css: /* begin LayoutCell */ .contentLayout .sidebar1 { position: relative; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; float: left; overflow: …

Member Avatar for sleign

ok laugh at me if you will, call my code sloppy or retarded or not very secure (I'm self-taught and think I do pretty good for where I'm at) but I'm pretty proud of myself for having figured this out. I've been trying to validate a form for the past …

Member Avatar for Devoted Hosting
Member Avatar for shishtawitch

hi, every one....!! i have two sites i.e mydomain.com secondsite.mydomain.com i want to make single login or signup account for both....!! how can it is possible.......!! My problem is that if i pass single session to one site it working but when i open my other site it doesn't works..........!! …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Benjip

I'm building a simple PHP 'shopping cart' (which is actually just a "My Favourites list" kind of function - no payments etc.) and it's been going pretty well so far. I've been modifying code that I found on a tutorial about creating a simple shopping cart, and it's serving its …

Member Avatar for Benjip
Member Avatar for gedas

hi everyone, im trying to create a little form that would simply keep the count of people that have voted and the score of the votes . here is my form in static html [CODE]<form name = "contestants" method="POST"> <font size = "3" face="Arial" color="#dddddd"> <input type="radio" name ="contestant" value …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for bibiki

hey there. I am new to php and just out of curiosity I am trying to build an html table using nested while loops. I expect the following code to produce a table, but it is not doing so. [CODE]<html> <table border="1"> <?php $r=1; $rows = 5; $c = 1; …

Member Avatar for bibiki
Member Avatar for enzo420

Hi all, i've recently made a friends script that adds the id of user who requested the friend (user) and the requestee (req), with a confirmed column, 0 if pending, 1 if accepted. i was looking for a way to search through the friends table for all friends of a …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for sarithak

hi frnds... i m using front end page is in HTML(contactus.html)... back end is in PHP page(contact_action.php).... here i m trying to send mail to admin from user...After successfull completion of mail sending , the user gets a Message.,..(like..messgae successfully send..).. below is my code...can any body change plz... [CODE]if …

Member Avatar for rajabhaskar525
Member Avatar for vishalonne

Can any one help me in solving my problem. My problem is I have Windows 2003 server which maintain different user with different authentication. No I am developing a login program in PHP (PHP and CSS file is attached) I need to fetch the user details from Active Directory of …


The End.