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Member Avatar for balam

Hi need help with this code. i get a the error msg Warning: mysql_fetch_assoc(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result but dont know were to change. my connection is fine???? [code] <?php include ("connect.php"); // max display per page $per_page = 5; // get start variable $start = …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for whiteyoh

Hi All, Im wanting the following script to output to an XML file, but im getting an error on line 18 and i have hit a brick wall. Help would be appreciated. [code] <?php require_once("connect.inc.php"); $db = getConnectionMySql(); $stmt = $db->query("SELECT email, name, lastlogin FROM subscriber"); while ( $obj = …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for julzk

I have an SQL Query question that I'd like help with if possible :) I have two tables "tbl_jobs" and "tbl_jobs_done" Here are the fields for both tables: tbl_jobs -jobs_id -jobs_description -jobs_datestart -jobs_dateend -jobs_datetype -jobs_user -jobs_updateuser tbl_jobs_done -jobs_done_id -jobs_id -jobs_date -jobs_comment -jobs_datedone -jobs_timedone -jobs_user How this works is, I have …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for ultranet

Is there a way to detect missing images and redirect them to a static image? Basically if I had an image that I was displaying from a different site (with permission), and that image were removed, is there a way I can default that image to a default .gif? I …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for shishtawitch

i have a form in another form............ <form1> <form2> </for> </form> the form2 is submited automatically, and has only one field of fileupload, and is auto processing file upload with jquery ajax...!! it works fine for me but when i pass the response filename of form2 to form1 <input> field …

Member Avatar for shishtawitch
Member Avatar for thuku

I wana perform a search on my mysql database.i want to search 4 categories at the same time e.g a person who wants to search for a nike shoe, size no 7, in africa, in kenya. How will i go about dat.

Member Avatar for thuku
Member Avatar for benkyma

I have the following code which results in a mysql error. However, when I use this query in PHPMyAdmin it works fine. Can anyone see what is causing the error? [CODE] for($i=0; $i<10; $i++) { $nextDay = $i+1; $startDateTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-$i days")); $endDateTime = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime("-$nextDay days")); …

Member Avatar for benkyma
Member Avatar for Kruptein

I have this table(building_lvl): [icode]lvl | building_id | region_id[/icode] And I want to get the region_id for which building_id=3 has lvl 2 and building_id=2 has lvl 5 [code]SELECT * FROM building_lvl INNER JOIN regions ON regions.region_id = building_lvl.region_id WHERE ((building_lvl.building_id='3') && (building_lvl.lvl > 1)) && ((building_lvl.building_id='2') && (building_lvl.lvl > 4)) …

Member Avatar for Kruptein
Member Avatar for zeusofolus

I am checking to see if a value has been entered in a form and then updating only if a value is entered. The problem is I want 0 to be an option that can be entered and php is treating 0 as if it were the same as NULL …

Member Avatar for Atli
Member Avatar for catfleamassacre

I am fairly new to image uploaders (worked in animation for a long time). I have an image upload form that works fine. The image uploads and redirects to another PHP page (imageupload_file.php) that confirms the image uploaded and gives you the name of the image and size on the …

Member Avatar for muralibobby2015
Member Avatar for veledrom

Hi, Code below returns this. [code] Array ( [0] => 3 [id] => 3 [1] => John [name] => John [2] => Goog [surname] => Goog ) [/code] Everything repeated. Why? Also, I need to serialize. I need it for some other reason. [code] $sql="SELECT * FROM friends WHERE id='3'"; …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for iraberyl

hi, got a new prob, how can i create a php page that automatically refreshes each time i access the page.

Member Avatar for iraberyl
Member Avatar for Clawsy

Hi I'm making a login panel which sends data to the same page and I use a class made by me and called 'user' that stored user information and autentification. When I refresh the page I check if any session was created before (it was created at first successfull login …

Member Avatar for darius_#2
Member Avatar for phpangel

Hi guyz, i'm aiming for a php and My SQL dabase website, can anybody guide me plz? appreciate the help:)

Member Avatar for GL.Za
Member Avatar for shishtawitch

hi, i am trying to upload an image with comment......!! mycode is like below...... if($_POST){ getting posted variables for comment mysql_query(adding into database); if(image is posted){now getting image variables mysql_query(inserting into database); } } if works fine for me but problem is that i have two different tables one for …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for dmkc

Hi everyone, I've been a reader for a long time, now I've joined up, as I'm fairly stumped on this one!! I'm currently teaching myself mysql and php at work, and have a problem. I am using php to produce a listing of restaurants on a page, and I would …

Member Avatar for dmkc
Member Avatar for Muazam

Why doesn't this work? I choose English and it doesn't do anything... neither does Norsk work. Anyone help please, thanks. [CODE]<?php //nodag = Norwegian day //endag = English Day // dag = day if(!isset($GET_['ok'])) { //start if ?> <form action="" method="get"> <select name="lan"> <option value="eng">English</option> <option value="no">Norsk</option> </select> <input type="submit" …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for futhonguy

I would like to make some query using the SELECT function. However i wasnt able to get the results i want. My code is as follow: [CODE] $sql = "SELECT * FROM device WHERE ((device_num like '%$val_d%') OR (dib like '%$val_dp%')) ";[/CODE] can i write it in this way? pls …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for muralibobby2015

hello, i want to do a new task. but it is new to me. any body help plz... i want to send registration form through email to users. then user fill that registration form. i wrote javascript in mail body but in that javascript not working. below is my 'mail …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for mrjoli021

Why doesnt this code work. I keep getting false even when i type in the correct username and password [code] $user_name = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE username = '".$Entered_UserName ."' AND password = '".md5($Entered_PassWord) . "'"); $user_name_password = mysql_fetch_assoc($user_name); if($user_name_password === false) { echo 'false'; } else echo 'true'; …

Member Avatar for cwarn23
Member Avatar for applebiz89

I have a webform for users of the site to insert information about theirself and then an image. However I don't want to save the image into the database as it will slow everything down...is there a way to save the image to my hardrive then create a link in …

Member Avatar for network18
Member Avatar for soeb
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Member Avatar for levsha

I have an HTML form with three dropdown selects: month, day and year. I have four fields in my MySQL table: month, day, year, and date. The 'date' field is supposed to contain the concatenated values of the year, month and day separated by dashes. I write this in my …

Member Avatar for levsha
Member Avatar for dupinoz

hi there, im sorry if this has been posted before i have searched through the threads and have not found what i am looking for, however it is entirely possible that i have missed it, i have spent the whole day looking at search results and basically i need some …

Member Avatar for langsor
Member Avatar for iraberyl

Hi, actually i've posted from the wrong thread and i apologize for that. anyway, let me post my problem and it goes like this. we've successfully created drop down menus that is connected to our database. we have 5 fields to display, each field contains different data [(ex. first field …

Member Avatar for iraberyl
Member Avatar for niche1

I successfully scripted an fetch array while loop on a table called example. What's the name of the function that will return the name of the array that was created by the fetch array while loop? What's the name of the function that will turn the number of rows in …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for arushibafna

hello i am new to xampp . and making a project using php & mysql. whenever my php files run, its doesn't show any changes in my database. for eg. ,if i have entered certain values on my html page and through my php page ,the values is getting inserted …

Member Avatar for arushibafna
Member Avatar for sadiebee

Hello folks! Is it possible to create directories on my web server based on new database entries? I am implementing a photo gallery and want to have it such that, when a user ADDS a new Gallery, a (sub)directory is created with the name that the user gave the gallery. …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for motieno

Hi, Could someone assist me with this code. It gives me an error message whenever i press the submit button. It gives me this error message We are very sorry, but there were error(s) found with the form your submitted. These errors appear below. Please go back and fix these …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for rahul8590

In many of the forums i have observed that , we can re direct the page like thanks for logging in u will be redirected in 5 secs and eventually the 5 secs decreases to 0 and the page gets redirected. In my php code i could redirect the page …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

The End.