480 Topics

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Member Avatar for anumash

Hello, I am starting out learning Python syntax and in the book that I am reading it is mentioned that objects are assigned by reference and not by value, i.e. foo1=4 foo2=foo1 Now foo2 and foo1 refer to the same object in memory and I even verified this by using …

Member Avatar for megaflo
Member Avatar for VigneshCIyer

Hi, I have to print the following pattern and I am having difficulty in figuring out how exactly should the looping work. The Following is the Pattern that I need * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Eschen515

Hi i have an assignment I’m working on. I have to let the user input their date of birth and then the program will print its age. I don’t know a lot about VB so if there is an easy way to do this. Thanks for the help. From looking …

Member Avatar for ChristaJocelyn
Member Avatar for Satyam_1

Hi, I have vb.net application In the form there are 2 RichtextBox. To print the data in richtextbox I am using e.graphics method. This is my code to print them.... The size of printing Richtextbox are fixed.. If Richtextbox1 has more data than the print area , then print does …

Member Avatar for Satyam_1
Member Avatar for wilsonchama

Hi guys, Am trying to print datagridview contents to pdf. I have tried to use the code below I learned from the net, bu it is giving an error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." Private Sub bntToPDF_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) …

Member Avatar for zinist
Member Avatar for vasudha k

Can anyone help me out ?....... I have written a code for a form. the first five fileds in the form must be filled automatically by capturing the user id from login page. I have been able to capture the data and print it on the screen But, Iam not …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for ram619

Hello everyone! this is a code to reverse strings of a array of char ptr. I am passing the char* array, dynamically allocating memory to reverse and link with the char* array. The print it gives in the str_rev() are perfect. But when I print same thing in main(), it …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for Utopia_1

Problem Statement: NAtural DIAlogue team at Orange labs has an abbreviation "Nadia Team". This abbreviation causes a big problem for them in Egypt as a lot of Egyptians think this team is owned by a female called nadia and they don't know they are working on NAtural DIAlogue. To solve …

Member Avatar for David W
Member Avatar for wudie47

Trying to create function called parseExtension that takes a file name as a string parameter and returns the file extension. Going to ask users to input a filename ie. Python.exe then print the file extension. I tried to split the text and a number of issues for me so far. …

Member Avatar for wudie47
Member Avatar for Anna123

Dear All, I have two files where I need to map file_1 to file_2 based on the similarity of the 1st column from file_1 to 8th column to file_2 and print the similar rows with annotaions for that. I am able to achieve that with the following perl script. But …

Member Avatar for 2teez
Member Avatar for nk.shilpa

Hello I am new to Python and I have a question for a simple piece of code as below: temp = '32' if temp > 85: print "Hot" elif temp > 62: print "Comfortable" else: print "Cold" According to my understanding, when the program compiles and goes to line 2, …

Member Avatar for nk.shilpa
Member Avatar for teenucr

Hi, I have a Datatable in this Format Col1 col2 col3 A B C A B M I need to print in gridview in the following format Col1 col2 col3 Col4 A B C M Please Help me..

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for Michael_43

I am trying to validate if this is a BST or not and return a true or false. I believe I have the code right but i cannot get it to print properly if I could get any help how to fix my problem it would be greatly appreciated. Test …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew

I have the following $subUsername = trim($_POST["user"]); $sql = "SELECT userID, username, password FROM user WHERE username = ':user')"; $q = $conn->prepare($sql); $q->bindParam(':user', $subUsername); $q->execute(); $result = $q->fetch(PDO::FETCHASSOC); print_r($result); echo "</p>"; print_r($subUsername); echo "</p>"; print_r($subPassword); However `$result` is always just an empty array, if I run the SQL on the …

Member Avatar for Mike Askew
Member Avatar for SpottyBlue

Hi, The ticket counter program looks fine, but I have ran into a different problem. It is regarding about the transaction class (lines 64 - 110). After I input the number of tickets to print out, it will register to the transaction class. But when I want to view the …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Hassaan_3

An electricity board charges the following rates to domestic users to discourage large consumption of energy: Unit used (u) Residential rate Commercial rate 0 < units <= 100 6 8 100 < units <= 200 8 13 200 < units <= 400 12 17 500 < units <= 800 17 …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for SpottyBlue

Hey, it's been a year never using Java. I want to get help with this, so I was trying to print the number of ticket entered, but got error. Can help? import java.util.*; class Transport { protected double price; // Price per person for each transport protected int seatsRemaining; // …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Trabelsi

Hi, first, sorry for my english i am not good at all, I am trying to create a form that contains two drop-down lists , the first is related to the second list , I noticed that the first list of data ( joursemaine ) appears as a question mark …

Member Avatar for Trabelsi
Member Avatar for Jc

I'm trying to print out form input using getElementById but it doesn't seem to work. Please help. <?php $strhtml = 'DomDoc.html'; // create the DOMDocument object, and load HTML from a string $dochtml = new DOMDocument(); $dochtml->loadHTML($strhtml); // get the element with id="dv1" $elm = $dochtml->getElementById('name'); // get the tag …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for drag

I have array like this stdClass Object ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 10 [value] => 46426 [value_integer] => 0 ) [1] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 9 [value] => 1987 [value_integer] => 0 ) [2] => stdClass Object ( [field_id] => 8 [value] => 558/65 [value_integer] …

Member Avatar for diafol
Member Avatar for Tko_1

Hello so i have this encode/decode script <?php // Encoding key $key = "vns98ogavna5489hverz9np950yhz9gzx89fghjv9pv4598hj"; function encode($string,$key) { $key = sha1($key); $strLen = strlen($string); $keyLen = strlen($key); for ($i = 0; $i < $strLen; $i++) { $ordStr = ord(substr($string,$i,1)); if ($j == $keyLen) { $j = 0; } $ordKey = ord(substr($key,$j,1)); …

Member Avatar for Tko_1
Member Avatar for manateejoe

I am trying to create a GUI using Tkinter, that reads in serial data. I eventually want multiple check buttons (for each possible port), and when the checkbutton is clicked, I would like the raw data from the port to continuously print onto a textbox in the GUI. I did …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Treglanu

I am using C# and trying to print one document to multiple tray ( each page to different Tray) in same print job , i cant find a way to do that. Any help would be appreciated. In word 2013.

Member Avatar for 良红
Member Avatar for andrewumoh

Pls frnds help me with these question in qbasic programming. 1. Write basic statement to assign two values 400 and 200, reading a data list to the identifier L and W 2. Write a program to point the value of a box with dimension 3 by 4 by 6, print …

Member Avatar for HiHe
Member Avatar for paul-lucas

Hello, after print my query print_r ($code_2); I have received the result which has the duplicate array. Please help me to merge them! Thanks. Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [id] => 1 [name] => admin [phone] => 353534545 [notes] => ) ) Array ( [0] => stdClass Object …

Member Avatar for paul-lucas
Member Avatar for sunshine1020

Please ,could you explain this sentence The wins should be input in a parameter-less value returning function that returns the wins to the main function returning function just returns value and does not print message , right ? #include<iostream> using namespace std; int wins(int wins) { cout<<"Please input the number …

Member Avatar for sunshine1020
Member Avatar for jrp370

hey everyone im making a program that takes a number (n) from the user and then decides if it is prime or not and prints that decision to the screen [CODE] from math import * def main(): n=eval(input("please enter the number you wish to check:")) n=abs(n) if n < 2: …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for munchlaxxx

Any ideas of how I can have a calendar for all 12 months print for any year? The user inputs the year and the day of the week for January 1st of that year. (Sunday = 0, Monday = 1, etc.) *Important*: I cannot use cases. (That's what I've mostly …

Member Avatar for 0igo
Member Avatar for ayesha789

Dear All I have developed a lease management System. I have stored 4000+ Lease agreements and purchase orders. Folders Structure Main Folder : LAPO Subfolders: North , Center , South Subfolders : 1245 , 9867 like these (numeric) In each numeric folder there are 2 files LA.pdf and PO.Pdf How …

Member Avatar for cereal
Member Avatar for Sen_1

hi! i have an application which will filter my access db for expiring dates and it will print using crystal report. the expiry date format on my database is as short text. so far this is my code. it prints the records but only when i choose the exact dates.i …

Member Avatar for David_50

The End.