637 Topics

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Member Avatar for pwolf

I have the task of writing a function to determine the outcome of a game of tictactoe, i at first thought use a couple of for loops but that proved pointless, and then the only way i could think of was to write an if...elif...else statement for each row, column …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for venky019

I got a problem regarding searching for a string in a file.txt. Program takes input from user and searches for the string and outputs the first string that finds. Ex: user enters NIW and program should output the string DANIWEB(DA'NIW'EB) I can get the input from user and I dont …

Member Avatar for Lerner
Member Avatar for LogicalOutlier

This program determines the grade average, raised grade average, of individual students and all students. The program takes scanner input. In the scanner, the number of students, the number of grades for each student, and the grades of each student are entered. Ultimately, I need to print out each student's …

Member Avatar for hiddepolen
Member Avatar for Virangya

hi, i have this jquery page that is included in an html file and in that file i have a function with .dialog() i want to open a normal pop up if this dialog doesn't work.. i was wondering how ca i do this... will try() catch() work on this..? …

Member Avatar for Airshow
Member Avatar for pwolf

Create a function generateNumbers(num) that takes in a positive number as argument and returns a list of number from 0 to that number inclusive. Note: The function range(5) will return a list of number [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]. Examples [CODE] >>> generateNumber(1) [0, 1] >>> generateNumber(10) [0, 1, 2, …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for jaclynkinsey

I am having trouble writing a binary search code to search through my string array. I have the user enter the name of a search engine (engine) they want to locate and my binary search function searches through my string array. Here is my code... [CODE] //****************************************************************************** //This function uses …

Member Avatar for Narue
Member Avatar for AlexTrott

Hello, I'm hoping you guys can help. I have a double linked list, and i am trying to add a bubble sort to it,I am really new to java, I've been able to do a bubble sort with great easy whilst using binary trees, but now i'm using a double …

Member Avatar for JamesCherrill
Member Avatar for Virangya

hi, how can i select only unique string out of a series of iterating strings? for example, i have this folder which contains number of files with quite long names. i have used readdir() to find all the files. assume that the name of the file has an format. eg: …

Member Avatar for Virangya
Member Avatar for ogsirus

Hey guys. Im try to write a program with 3 major things which are two lists and a random. what i want to do is say whatever values are in those lists then produce so many random value if you get what i mean. so say list one value is …

Member Avatar for thines01
Member Avatar for ben25x

This code prints coordinates for a square that another program uses. For space's sake I have cut out all the other program's code, but I believe it is a simple syntax mistake with my if() statements. I have followed the rules and looked just about everywhere and followed all of …

Member Avatar for Adak
Member Avatar for Smartflight

The aim is simple: Input a string from the user, input a word that is to be searched in the string, and return "Found" or "Not found" I have worked down the following code, and it works. [CODE]#include <iostream.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> void main () { char para[200], word[20]; …

Member Avatar for Smartflight
Member Avatar for jim_underpants

Assume that we have a mergesort algorithm which takes 2 series as an input and returns 1 after the merge each time. So that if we want to count say memory blocks we would need 2 blocks for the input and 1 for the output accordingly, total size of 3 …

Member Avatar for Rashakil Fol
Member Avatar for adohertyd

I am writing a spellchecker program and have some issues. First thing is that I need to make better use of the memory. My code iterates through a large dictionary file repeatedly. I know its better to read this into memory first then iterate through the block but I really …

Member Avatar for VernonDozier
Member Avatar for FiToKa

Hello, everybody! I've been struggling on implementing the Binary Tree data structure with some standard functions in it. After reading information from many sources and some work on my own, I've came up to this: [url]http://pastebin.com/B6Gtjb61[/url] Problems occur in the main funciton. What I can't understand is why does the …

Member Avatar for FiToKa
Member Avatar for ibthevivin

So basically I'm stuck at the do-while statement. Should I use a do while? or a for loop? This program is supposed to test my ability to use loops. [CODE]/*Create an application that reads an integer value and prints the sum of all even integers between 2 * and the …

Member Avatar for stultuske
Member Avatar for Daman824

I've been trying to make a cash register program and right now this is my draft. For the program, the prices need to add up to a total which than will be calculated with HST and discount amounts. The discount needs to be the lowest number price entered from all …

Member Avatar for Daman824
Member Avatar for BoBok2002

I am trying to build a binary search tree. The elements in my input file is printing, but with junk. The problem is with the sentinel in the while loop. I'm not sure of what else to try. I've tried: while (infile) while (count != 14 && infile.good()) while (strcmp(Str, …

Member Avatar for maryam ahmad

i'm working on visual studio 2008. I'm trying use fopen to open txt files and it does not give any errors but its not doing the required task either. i've to submit this project on monday! please help here's part of the code: [CODE]#include <stdio.h> #include<iostream> #include <conio.h> #include <string> …

Member Avatar for maryam ahmad
Member Avatar for challarao

Hello, I wrote two programs which sort first names which are already sorted by their last names.One is with Selection sort and the other is with Quicksort! The question is , "is any one of them stable?." "If the names with same first names are still in sorted order by …

Member Avatar for WaltP
Member Avatar for Ahmed2

Hello every body I'm trying to iterate through a list for a certian number of times using a for loop. below is the current code I've written, but this will iterate through the list until it ends. [CODE]list<FileInfo*>::iterator p = currentlist.begin(); while(p != currentlist.end()) { cout << (*p)->remainingtime << " …

Member Avatar for Schol-R-LEA
Member Avatar for Ahmed2

Hello there, submissiontime length finishtime remainingtime 1031 17:11 574.1025391 MB 1050 17:30 1 1326 22:06 536.0175781 MB 1343 22:23 2 2721 45:21:00 608.1279297 MB 2741 45:41:00 3 32 0:32 575.8115234 MB 51 0:51 4 1161 19:21 652.6259766 MB 1182 19:42 5 937 15:37 288.7597656 MB 946 15:46 6 3087 51:27:00 …

Member Avatar for Ahmed2
Member Avatar for lmytilin

[CODE] #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <cctype> #include <iomanip> #define N 36 using namespace std; string EraseWhiteSpaces(string &str_nospaces) { int i; for (int i=0;i<str_nospaces.length();i++) { if (str_nospaces[i]==' '||(str_nospaces[i]=='\t')) { str_nospaces.erase(i,1); i--; } } return str_nospaces; } string ConvertToLowerCase(string &str_lowercase) { int i; for (i=0;i<str_lowercase.length();i++) str_lowercase[i]=tolower(str_lowercase[i]); return str_lowercase; } void SortedFrequences(int …

Member Avatar for mikrosfoititis
Member Avatar for mkbear

Hey so Im a beginner, and I need some help. My professor gave us this code: [CODE] def average(list): total = 0.0 for number in list: total += number return total / len(list) [/CODE] Then, he asked us to rewrite that program so that it uses a while loop instead. …

Member Avatar for askandstudy
Member Avatar for mkbear

Hey so Im a beginner, and I need some help. My professor gave us this code: def average(list): total = 0.0 for number in list: total += number return total / len(list) Then, he asked us to rewrite that program so that it uses a while loop instead. So far …

Member Avatar for inuasha
Member Avatar for dolfan55aj

I'm working in the confines of a binary search tree and an AVL tree, doing some operations to find different statistics for these trees when given large random values. For instance some of my functions include finding the average leaf node depth, find the shallowest leaf node, etc. My question …

Member Avatar for mazzica1
Member Avatar for JohnQ002

I have to create a program in C and not C++, that allows the user to create a file that stores names and numbers, displays them and sorts the dates by names or numbers using Bubble sorting. I know how to create a program that sorts names and numbers that …

Member Avatar for JohnQ002
Member Avatar for dsmush

Hi trying to recover an RSA encrypted 5 character word using a forward search dictionary attack in Python but having difficulty. The word was encrypted in 2 24 bit blocks (3648141 5604637) padding last block with a space e = 5 n = 21508387 table = {} for ptext in …

Member Avatar for mzimmers

Hi, all - I'm relatively new to iterators, and to template functions, so I suppose it was inevitable that the first time I tried to combine them, I'd run into a problem. Here's the function: [CODE]template <class T> int getVectort(ifstream & s, long nbrCells, typename vector<T>::iterator iter) { int rc …

Member Avatar for mzimmers
Member Avatar for rutwvu

I was asked to write a program, based on parent-child cooperation, which uses a “parallel” merge sort to a sequence of 800 numbers from a text file.I have to read the sequence of 800 integers, which I store in an array, and then pass half of them to a child, …

Member Avatar for rutwvu
Member Avatar for jdiaz1302

Hi everyone, well I have trying to do an elevator simulator, wich have to includo the panel with the floor, available floors, and a button panel with available floors and button up, down, but I dont understand is how to use the timers for up and down, because I vague …

Member Avatar for Reverend Jim

The End.