15,192 Topics
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I am trying to do this simple encoding program for class. It is supposed to encode it using the ASCII chart and some slight modding of the number. Then it should be written to a file 'encryptedmessage.txt' for later reading by a decoder later. My issue is I dont know … | |
Im working on python and I need to write a program to see if a number N is prime. I also need it to be able to check whether the number is even, and then, check whether the number is divisible by an odd number between 3 and &radic&N. Im … | |
hi , I need use the python language write code (I must use below packeges) 1.python-2.6.6 2.nltk-2.0b9.win32 3.numpy-1.6.1-win32-superpack-python2.6 4.PyYAML-3.09.win32-py2.6 and I am already write a code all code are normal. my current problem is : I need to develop windows application use these packages, there are some IDEs like SharpDevelop,ironpythonstudio … | |
I have an app I wrote in Python/wxPython. When I click a button, the action that is taken will depend on whether or not a modifier key (such as CTRL) is currently pressed. I can't toggle a swich based on a keypress event (eg ctrldown = True or False) because … | |
Here unsystematic play with linked list structure Object Oriented style. If you have performance critical code, please do not use this but use the superb faster than list [URL="http://pypi.python.org/pypi/blist/"]blist module[/URL] (including sorted versions of main data structures). As OO newbie (though with some 30 years of other programming), I wanted … | |
Use the Node class. Create a tester module that contains the following function definitions and code for testing them. The function definitions are: 1. A function length (not len) that expects a single linked structure as argument. The function returns the number of items in the structure. 2. Define a … | |
Hello All I'm not quite sure you can do this but it seems to me like something python is probably able to do. Basically, I need to assert that somewhere in my list of lists i have a '2', and a '1'. Now my lists in the biglist are all … | |
Does anybody know how to clear all widgets; labels, buttons, etc. from a tkinter frame so that new ones may be put in their place? I've tried self.destroy() but that makes the frame unreachable, and self.grid_forget() followed by, "and without" self.grid() neither of these work, at least not as expected. … | |
[CODE]# phonebook dictionary phonebook={'francis':'francis@gmail.com','iris': 'iris@gmail.com','karen':'karen@gmail.com'} name=raw_input('what name you want to check :') # check if the name is in the dictionary if name in phonebook.items() : name=key print phonebook.get(key) # if yes, print the email else: print 'not here' # check the correctness of the program # I could not … | |
I wrote the following code in Python. It does not sort the list. Can anyone help me out? [CODE] theList = [] def simpleSort(): pos = 1 comps = 0 while pos < len(theList): comps += 1 if ord(theList[pos]) >= ord(theList[pos - 1]): pos += 1 else: temp = theList[pos] … | |
I am having trouble with a python homework question. The problem is the following: You are to write a program that counts the frequencies of each word in a text file (text.in), and outputs each word with its count to a file (word.out). Here a word is defined as a … | |
I have a list of numbers, and for each value in the list, I need to compute something based off of that value and the previous 7 values. I'm sure there is an easy bit of code to do this, but I am just at a loss right now. For … | |
Hi all, I'm working on this problem where I want to get a dictionary list of all tree species with the count. That part has been worked out. With in the for loop for tree species, I also want to get the sum of DBH (diameter breast height) for each … | |
I am encountering the error attached "UnicodeEncodeError: ASCII codec can't encode character u'\0152' in position 124: ordinal not in range(128)" Please help me solve this..... | |
I've just started Python and need to write a program that tells if a string is a palindrome. Here is what I have so far. [CODE] def palp(word): if len(word) < 2: return True left_index = (0) right_index = len(word) - 1 while len(left_index) <> len(right_index): return False if left_index … | |
Not received any RSS updates from Python group since 22 September. RSS feeder reports an "error" will try again. Other Daniweb RSS feeds working fine. | |
![]() | Hey, so i want to make a funktion that prints all the words from a list (words.txt) that doesn't contain the letter e. I tried something like this: [CODE]def has_no_e2(word): fin = open('words.txt') for line in fin: word = line.strip() if letter in word: letter == ('e') print(word)[/CODE] But i … |
I'm completely new to Python and unsure how to run this script. The script is to take in an image folder and for each image, if the size isn't a power of 2, it will add "paddings" to it to make sure it's a power of 2. (These pictures are … | |
import math def board_gen(width, height): height = int(height) width = int(width) xo = ['O','X','O','X','O','X','O','X','O'] strt_ltr = 1 board = [] for row in range(1, (height+1)): strt_ltr = int(math.sqrt((strt_ltr-1)**2)) line = xo[strt_ltr:(width+strt_ltr)] board.append(line) return board config = ['O','X','O','X','O','X','O','X','O'] if (height%2==True): print config[0:width] else: print config[1:width] I do not know where to … | |
OS: Win7x64 6.1.7601 py: 2.7.2 (default, Jun 12 2011, 14:24:46) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] I was able to create a logging class that posts to a file; however, despite reading several tutorials and the traceback docs from python.org, and creating a 'handleError' method, I'm unable to get my code … | |
I am trying to create a python program but i have a question about a certain part of the loop for example i have [CODE] question = input("press 1 or 2") if statement == 1: print "somthing" elif statement == 2: print "abc" [/CODE] ok my question now is for … | |
As most of us know in tkinter in order to properly display an image it must be assigned to a variable, however what if you don't know that amount of images that are going to be necessary? i.e. A friend list, how would one display the friends pictures? | |
I'm trying to utilize partial in order to bind an image to it's associated name in a list "you'll see what I mean" but I'm getting a TypeError thrown on it, this is my first time trying to work with partials so I'm just not quite sure what's going on: … | |
Hello! I didn't read the rules or anything, so I don't know if I'm posting in the right place, but I need help with a program as soon as possible. I have to answer this question: Find the first ORF in a sequence from a position (findORF(DNA, position)). It must … | |
I have to take ascii values from characters in a paragraph and make them print like: 116 = t = (# of times it appears) i have everything printing right except for the number of times it appears. I don't know what I am doing wrong with this counter. any … | |
here is my code: [CODE]conbi = ['a1','b1','c3','c4','f7'] left_unmatched = 5 wrongtimes = 0 right = 0 guess = input('Shoot: ').split(' ') guess = list (guess) for i in range(len(guess)): if guess[i] in conbi: left_unmatched -=1 right +=1 print ('Hit:',right,'Missed: ',left_unmatched) print ('Hit:',right,'Missed: ',left_unmatched)[/CODE] when I enter a1 b1 c3 c4 … | |
Can someone help me convert the following C++ code to python, please. I am fairly new to python. [CODE]void main() { int i,j,cnt,l,count[50]= {0}; char str[50]; clrscr(); printf("Enter the string: "); scanf("%s",str); printf("\n\tOriginal String is: %s",str); printf("\n\n\tEncoded String is: "); l = strlen(str); for(i=0; i< l; i*=1) { j = … | |
Hi, I have this code to communicate to an RFID device that outputs hex values. [CODE]import serial COMPort='COM13' mySer=serial.Serial(COMPort, 9600, timeout=2) try: mySer.flushInput() print "".join(["0x%2x " %(ord(c)) for c in list(mySer.readall)]) print msg finally: print 'Close' mySer.close()[/CODE] but cause error [ICODE]Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Python26\rfidtest.py", line 6, in … | |
I am Making A program for malking a phonebook. for that i am storing a list in dictionary. Like this: [code] phbuk={} def add(): a=raw_input('Name :') b=raw_input('Email :') c=raw_input('Mobile :') name=[a,b,c] d=len(phbuk) phbuk[d+1]=name [/code] Now if i want to delete a particular record just by giving name then how can … | |
hi, i am interested how is possible to work with python from dos and if somebody have some simple example. |
The End.