15,190 Topics
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I need to find more ftp examples, like, after logging in, performing an mget * Any pointers? Thanks. cmn | |
I have been fighting the same bug for weeks now with zero success: I am trying to get images to come up on my buttons, but they utterly refuse to show up. Regardless of whether I used my old Python 2.5.1 or now 2.6.5, the following code: [code]'''Minesweeper.''' from Tkinter … | |
Hi everyone First post but I have been browsing as a guest for help with my university python project for a while now. There some really great help on here, Thank you! Right I'm doing a beginners python programming unit as part of my uni course, and as part of … | |
If using CentOS, my Python application can call os.system, command.commands, popen, or subprocess to issue command line requests, what would be the advatage of installing and using the paramiko module for the same requests? | |
![]() | I have a bot that connects to a server. The server code is a base class and the code that processes the data from the server is in a class which inherits the base class. I have two conditions for this assignment: [LIST=1] [*]The entire code should be runnable from … ![]() |
Hello all, i was just wondering how you can make a button link to another page, for instance i want the help option on my start menu to link to a help page, if you can understand this can you please supply a small snippet of code, here is my … | |
Ordering objects is one thing that is changing as we will move to Python3 Python 2.6 gives interesting results [CODE]a=[1,'23',('a','b'),False,[[]],[],'bc',['ab','34'],45,'0',{},True] >>> sorted(a) [False, 1, True, 45, {}, [], [[]], ['ab', '34'], '0', '23', 'bc', ('a', 'b')] >>> print True==1 True >>> print False==0 True >>> print False=='' False [/CODE] Python3 … | |
Hi I'm pleased to say that my programming in Python is going really well and I've managed to write about 70% of the codes I need (for a data analysis program) and now I'm starting with the last 30%. :) I have a text file containing data from a set … | |
I want to fetch a page from a website, which isn't hard at all. But to view that page you have to be logged in (I do have an account on the site). How can I log me in and then fetch the correct page? I thought something with session_id's … | |
[COLOR="Red"][B]Do I use php or ssh? [/B][/COLOR]If so, please tell me how because I haven't got a clue as to either of them. I'm just a singer who started learning to design one site from the past few months. my site is yummyrestaurants.co.uk. [B]I read this [/B][URL="https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/docs/en/sitemap-generator.html#execute"]article on how to … | |
Hi there I have following hash related code in Perl that i need to translate in Python if ( exists $legs->{$reference} ) { logg(" 2nd leg of swapes: $ref - merging"); my $swap = merge_swap_legs( $legs->{$ref}, $fields ); $ref = new_fk_ref( $fxall, $ref, $swap ); } else { $legs->{$ref} = … | |
I have finally got my program finished and going. Im now looking to make it look a bit better. While it is processing it shows and empty tk window. How does one go about putting something in here? I'd just like my users to be reassured it is actually working … | |
I am writing a command line dbm editor and have ran into a small issue. If I try to run certain commands (ie add, remove, display) when I do not have a file open, I get the following error: [icode] Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\William\Desktop\dbmEditor.py.py", line 35, in … | |
Hello friends, I am writing an Application in pygtk ,there i got stuck up with this problem I want to open a text file using any editor using python Can any give some solution to this please ... Thanks in Advance ... | |
Hey everyone, I need help with a Python issue. This is what I have so far: [CODE]scores = [] choice = None while choice != "0": print \ """ High Scores Keeper 0 - Quit 1 - List Scores 2 - Add a Score """ choice = raw_input("Choice: ") print … | |
I need to make this into a multi-dimensional array. I know I need to change presArray = Table1Builder(60, "STR") to presArray = Table1Builder(60,3, "STR") I am not sure how to load it. Do I need three load statements? Help Please! [code] # Import string to use split function. import string … | |
Hey all, I must say that I've had a lot of success with my questions here at DaniWeb, which is why (in my time of need), I'm back and seeking the help of the wise! Hopefully, someone can help me with this and has some basic knowledge of Pygame? Heh, … | |
I am trying to define a function that draws a triangle of a given size using the turn method. I've never used turtle graphics before and am not sure how to go about this. Thank you | |
Hi, I am using Python 2.3.4 in Linux environment. I have some sql files, I execute sql files in a loop. I want to generate seprate log files for every sql files in loop. How can I do this. regards pankaj | |
Ive been working on this for a while, and still am quite stuck. I've got the menu code done and it causes no problems, but as for organising the screen for the remaining two sections I am still having trouble. Im using the .grid() setting, and am thinking if I … | |
This def has too many IF, i don't know how to optimize this code for more simplier and professional. Please take a look. [CODE]def cfg_wlan(self, wlan_cfg): """ Configure a new wlan for Zone Director. Input: a dictionary, supplied in DUT.py Output: none """ if wlan_cfg['auth'] == "PSK": auth = "open" … | |
Here tool functions, which came up during discussions earlier. Expanded slightly, added elimination of traceback prints by try..except. Added dd.mm.yy routine as that is format in my home country Finland. Optimized docstring beginnings to be informative in editor tooltip (at least IDLE shows, but code must be run or imported … | |
Hi, I basically have a dictionary with a few key value pairs in it. [CODE] mydict = {} mydict['key1'] = 2000 mydict['key2'] = 3000 mydict['key3'] = 6000[/CODE] I have read that you can check if a particular key is present in a dict with the '[B]in[/B]' statement like: [CODE]if 'key1' … | |
I have a tab delimeted file that I want to convert into a mysql table. there are 25 tab delimeted fields in the text file. I can get the values in when I construct the SQL statement word by word and get each value individually stated in the VALUES part … | |
Hi Guys, im fairly knew to this world of programming, but it interests me greatly. In order to better my skills, ive decided to tackle a few personal projects in my spare time . . . . Ive been advised to give the Hilbert Curve a bash. However getting started … | |
Hi, I have another question: ¿is there a method that allows me to capitalize the first letter of EVERY WORD in a given string? I know that something like: [CODE=python]a = "hello world" print(a.capitalize())[/CODE] would print "Hello world" but I need it to print Hello World. It's for a program … | |
Does anyone know of a way to change a property from read-only to writable on the fly without changing the source?[CODE=python] >>> p = property(lambda self: self.__p) >>> p.fset = lambda self: self.__p Traceback (most recent call last): File "<pyshell#19>", line 1, in <module> p.fset = lambda self: self.__p TypeError: … | |
OK, in reference to my last thread, I finally got PIL installed and set up. I can even successfully import it (from PIL import Image). All that remains to be done is for me to successfully get an image into my GUIs, and I'll be good to go. Can someone … | |
Here's the code I put together to create concentric circles using Python: [CODE]def concentric(myTurtle,number,spacing): for radius in range(number): x = myTurtle.xcor() y = myTurtle.ycor() myTurtle.up() myTurtle.goto(x,spacing) myTurtle.down() drawCircle(myTurtle,radius*y+spacing) myTurtle.up() myTurtle.goto(x,spacing) myTurtle.down()[/CODE] It, however, has a critical flaw. I need the code to be able to goto any given set of … | |
Hey all, Here is some code for reading Excel spreadsheets (2003 and before) with PyExcelerator. My main problem is that if I leave a cell blank, it gives me an error. I want to be able to have blank cells on my spreadsheet without any problems. Does anyone have any … |
The End.