15,192 Topics

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Member Avatar for web_test

Hi, I am very new to python. Please , Can some one tell me how to post the data to a form. I need to test the user login page by entering username , password values. There is a also login button next to these fields.

Member Avatar for web_test
Member Avatar for ajakuk

Can anybody suggest a solution? I am not able to display any plots, graphs or pictures using Python. e.g. when using the matplotlib.pyplot.imshow, I get the following answer: <matplotlib.image.AxesImage object at 0x01C77850> Nothing else is displayed nor any picture pops up. It seems to me the picture is created as …

Member Avatar for ajakuk
Member Avatar for rrvamsi

Hi, I am new user of python and now i am struck with a problem. Please help me in solving this. I am trying to create a logfile for every action by using a standard template available. My code is able to create & rename a log file by using …

Member Avatar for ronir
Member Avatar for PixelHead777

... I find it interesting that these are projects for the[I] beginners[/I]. Of course, these projects I've found often result in constant research and use of extremely confusing modules. If a module is confusing and is required for a project? It immediately bumps up to intermediate difficulty in my book. …

Member Avatar for Ene Uran
Member Avatar for G33KKitty

hey guys i have a very basic program but unfortunatly it does not recognise how many bombs are near it it just displays ok if there is no bomb. and if there is a bomb a message pops up saying bomb would you like to retry, If i press no …

Member Avatar for JasonHippy
Member Avatar for Begjinner

Hi, I got two question. :) First there is this annoying problem with running my script from IDLE that for the character é (the ' and e) I got after using ord() the value 233. When I run the script from cmd.exe I get the value 130. Why the difference …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for liamchou

How can I use from Sample--A convert to Sample--B or Sample--C? If there have more radom sample in one file how can i filter it? I mean, I have to open one file and the file included more ROWS in Sample--A CHIP FRAME_4X, $ (1, 4HTFRR2-0A-00, AD=0.005, SF=0.5) ROWS 38500/76200 …

Member Avatar for liamchou
Member Avatar for twistedphrame

Hello all, I'm having an issue with getting the ip address of a client accessing an xmlrpcserver, some of the time the code will work and then when I go to transfer the classes/methods (copy and paste) into my other file neither work and both have the same error: Server: …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for hondros

Okay, Im using Python 2.6, and the latest version of pygame. In my game, I have circles moving away from you, you have to catch them, and if you catch them, they disappear. The amount of circles can vary, and that is the issue I am having. As of now, …

Member Avatar for ronir
Member Avatar for sarosh

hi everyone... we have to run any python file e.g. show.py at startup..i.e. when OS starts it runs automatically. we are proceeding this way, writing a startup script named forfyp2 ,pasting it in init.d , making it exe using chmod , creating startup links using update-rc.d forfyp2 defaults. After this …

Member Avatar for BirdaoGwra

Hi, Could someone kindly tell me how to stop maximizing a dialog box with cursor? Like, when we create a toplevel window, it is possible to maximize that window with mouse, holding its border. I want to fix the size of the window? How? Thanks in advance Regards

Member Avatar for BirdaoGwra
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Wallpaper or tile images are small images that can be spread across a background repetitively. A common practice on web pages. The surface created with wx.PaintDC() can be used for this effect and still allows other widgets to be put on top of the wallpaper. The small tile image is …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Lolalola

hi, how run standard zope cms? I download from this: [url]http://www.zope.org/Products/CMF/[/url] CMF-2.1.1.zip (1.42 M) and CMFDefault extract and put in Zope\lib\python\Products, then restart Zope. But i don't see cms site in add field or control panel

Member Avatar for trips.dude

Hi All, I am new to the programming world. I was just writing this code to generate N prime numbers. User should input the value for N which is the total number of prime numbers to print out. I have written this code but it doesnt throw the desired output. …

Member Avatar for samvinogar
Member Avatar for punter999

hello seniors, i want to serialize a matrix of any dimension to be serialized and stored in the hard.i will be thankful if you guide me about this.how can i perform this work..? your response and help will appreciated Regards Punter

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Member Avatar for dnamgyel

[TEX] Input1: [འབྲུག་གི་རང་ལུགས་འཆམ་།] [དུས་རབས་བརྒྱད་པའི་ནང་] [གཏེར་འཆམ་དང་] [པད་གླིང་གིང་གསུམ་] [ལ་སོགས་པའི་འཆམ་གྱི་རིགས་ཚུ་ད་ལྟོ་བར་ན་ཡང་] [ཡོངས་གྲགས་སྦེ་] [རྐྱབ་སྲོལ་ཡོདཔ་ཨིན་།] ->actual file (requiring special font support so I have modified the Inputs) [AB'C'DEF'GH'I'] [JKL'MN'O'|] and so on ..........[ ......|] Input2: འབྲུག་ གི་ རང་ལུགས་ འཆམ་ ། གཏེར་འཆམ་ དང་ པད་གླིང་གིང་ གསུམ་ ལ་སོགས་ པའི་ འཆམ་ གྱི་ རིགས་ ཚུ་ ད་ལྟོ་ བར་ན་ ཡང་ ཡོངས་གྲགས་ སྦེ་ རྐྱབ་སྲོལ་ …

Member Avatar for dnamgyel
Member Avatar for Sauronevileye

I have a filtered excelfile, im using XLRD to loop through rows and read values from it. The problem is that i do not want the values that is hidden/filtered. I cant for my life found how to do that. Maybe some guy here can help me.

Member Avatar for ariel.goldstien

It seem that PIL was built without FreeType support. how do I Install the FreeType dev files and rebuild PIL again.

Member Avatar for mahela007

How can I make a program wait for a few seconds before proceeding? An example of where this would come in handy is when the program allows the user 5 seconds before it proceeds with some default option... can I do this using python?

Member Avatar for mahela007
Member Avatar for pankti

I want to reset the ComboBoxEntry when the arrow symbol on it is clicked, but could not find any method that is called when arrow symbol on dropdown list is clicked. None of the signals button_press_event, key_press_event or focus_in_event works. This all are called when the text area on dropdown …

Member Avatar for pankti
Member Avatar for shadwickman

Hello, I was wondering how to go about having a redirect of stdout with Python take effect in a C extension. My python script redirects sys.stdout into a file handle created with [i]open(...)[/i], but within the function in my compiled C-extension, any output ([i]printf[/i], [i]puts[/i], etc) is still given to …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for calccrypto

how do i get this code to stop referring to its present value, so that the values already saved in the list are not changed to the present value? [CODE] Cm = 0x5A827999; Mm = 0x6ED9EBA1 Cr = 19; Mr = 17 Tm = [[0]*8]*24 Tr = [[0]*8]*24 for i …

Member Avatar for calccrypto
Member Avatar for lrh9

I've seen these in documentation, namely in the "importlib" documentation for Python 3.1, and I'm wondering what the difference is between a "universal newline" and a "standard newline", if any. I know it has to do with the byte sequence that is used to represent newlines, and I think universal …

Member Avatar for HiHe
Member Avatar for adam4u
Member Avatar for Lolalola

Hi, i create in Plone new Folder( add new item. / Folder). And how in new Folder put my working Python script? I hope to understand my problem.

Member Avatar for rehber344

hi frıends. there ıs somethıng(very lıttle thıng) ı dont get my goal ıs to lımıt the data.and ı set ıt to 512 byte. my fırst aproach ıs [CODE]if len(data)>512: last=data[:512] data=data[512:] else: last=data print last so ı made ıt.ı read the data tıll 512 byte so data ıs stıll str …

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Member Avatar for sindhujavenkat

I wanted to know how to access the contacts fron N85 phone using PyQt. add and delete contact methods are available. but i dont know how to retrive the contact names from the contacts. Plz help it out

Member Avatar for anishakaul

Hi, I have managed to create a HTML file inside python code, now can someone help me to convert this to a PNG file through a Python script ?? I did Googling first but it resulted in various soft wares for above purpose which I don't want !! I am …

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Member Avatar for a1eio

Hi, I was wondering how someone would go about making a scrolling ticker or marquee using Tkinter in such a way that allows you to easily add on text and remove.. kinda like a news scroller on the bottom of the tv? thanks all a1eio

Member Avatar for donnie6680
Member Avatar for Stubaan

Hi folks I am struggling to pass the value of a variable, to be used as an argument for a number of sequentially called python scripts, themselves called from a bash script. Apologies for the pathname chaos. Phase 1: reads the case names from a text file, line by line, …

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The End.