15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for txwooley

I wrote a script (kind of a learning thing) to open .rar archived files using unrar (non-free) in Linux. Now I want to add a section where my script will check to see if unrar is installed. To complicate matters, Linux also has a package 'unrar-free', and both use the …

Member Avatar for txwooley
Member Avatar for deonis

Hello ! I'm wondering is there simple way in python to check for file modifications by external sources similar to what existing in gedit or drpython (text editors). So far I was able to check for file modification but I don't know how to "call" this function(see code bellow). I …

Member Avatar for ariel.goldstien

Hi I am trying to create an image with text hebrew in it using Image and ImageDraw moduls but I keep getting erros. this is the code import Image import ImageDraw a = u'\u05d0'#the unicode of the letter I want to display im=Image.new('RGB',(200,200),(100,100,100)) d=ImageDraw.Draw(im) d.text((0,0),a) this is the error I …

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Member Avatar for pysup

Hi, The code below will check if a particular exe is running in windows, return the Process ID and force kill the process. If anybody has an easier way to do it please feel free to comment :)

Member Avatar for Tech B
Member Avatar for garyinspringhil

python def question def spinBox_Changed(self, a0, b0=785, c0=300): self.LCDNumber10.display((b0-c0)/a0) this works great if I manually have b0 and c0 values there but I need to get these variables from a slider value and spinbox valve respectively. The slider is self.slider5_2.value tried lots of combos like .value display Value etc. The …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for nomemory

Hello, regarding OOP I have Java background, and I usually think in java when I code OOP in python (which sometimes is actually a bad thing). [CODE=python]#!/usr/bin/python class Card(): SUIT = { 'C':'Clubs', 'D':'Diamonds', 'H':'Hearts', 'S':'Spades' } VALUES = { '2':2, '3':3, '4':4, '5':5, '6':6, '7':7, '8':8, '9':9, \ '10':10, …

Member Avatar for nomemory
Member Avatar for Hylle

Hi I have problems using Call module functions from the package Skype4Py. Here's my code so far: import Skype4Py import time skype = Skype4Py.Skype() skype.Attach() ring = Skype4Py.call.Call Offer = "Echo / Sound Test Service" ring.Finish() Here's my error for this code: Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Users\a user …

Member Avatar for axa121

[code] from string import * def removePunctuation(sentence): sentence = lower(sentence) new_sentence = "" for char in sentence: if char not in punctuation: new_sentence = new_sentence + char return new_sentence def wordFrequences(sentence): wordCounts = {} split_sentence = new_sentence.split() print split_sentence for entry in split_sentence: for word in entry: wordCounts[entry] = wordCounts.get …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for itsbrad212

I am making a twitter client in python and wxpython. As of now, my static text is not printing. How can I change this code so it will print out what I want it to? [CODE]import wx import twitter class main(wx.Frame): def __init__(self,parent,id): wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,id, "Twitter Client", size=(700,400)) panel=wx.Panel(self) menubar = …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

I was sitting Idle and I decided to write simple image viewer to try myself on DC/Canvas but I didn't find any tutorial to guide me as I have never done that before. Here there are some restriction and I cannot view showme do. So anyone to help me with …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI

Hi, i have been using the wxPython TimeCtrl for a while now, when fiddling with it i realised that it would never go to 10:00 AM.. It would always just skip to 11 o'clock. I found it still did this in the wxpython demo. I was wondering if this was …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for Lolalola

Hi, I try insert new themes in PLone 3. But show this error: [code] C:\Program Files\Plone>bin\buildout Uninstalling zopepy. While: Installing. Uninstalling zopepy. An internal error occured due to a bug in either zc.buildout or in a recipe being used: Traceback (most recent call last): File "c:\program files\plone\buildout-cache\eggs\zc.buildout-1.4.3-py2.4.egg\z c\buildout\buildout.py", line 1660, …

Member Avatar for Lolalola
Member Avatar for d8m9

Hello, Iam beginner in python and my english is not so good. Sorry. I want (must) to write a program witch must read the .txt file and pursuant to the informations in text write another text to another file. :) example: [B]in .txt file:[/B] <HEADLINE text="This is headline 1"> <PARAGRAPH …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for SwisherStreets

How would i write a program that asks for you to input a letter (a for example) and how many letters you want to shift (3 for example) and gives you the decoded letter (D)? Also how would you loop it so it goes from Z and starts over with …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for dinilkarun

Hello Friends, Through python I am able to generate an excel report. In one of the cells I have populated an e-mail address which shows up as a hyperlink. Can I make this hyper link to launch outlook with the e-mail address present in the cell in the "To" and …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for drboring

I am new to Python Server Pages (psp). Can psp “read” the html field value? Example: [CODE] <html> : : <body> <input type="hidden" id="selected" name="selected" value="0"> <% # Read/Get the above hidden field value # Perform some task #re-write the hidden field value %> : : </body> </html> [/CODE] Thanks …

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Member Avatar for sindhujavenkat
Member Avatar for garyinspringhil

I am trying to finish the second release of this hpgl interface for ubuntu/linux, The first release is popular but not very feature rich. My problem is I have added two large save and read in settings buttons on the bottom of the gui window. I need to be able …

Member Avatar for garyinspringhil
Member Avatar for bharatk

Hello I have generated a list of words & their occurrences. Now, how to I filter them based to the starting alphabet. I.e. all words starting with 'a' should be filtered from thos list & put into 1 list along with their occurrences, similarly b,c & d. This is the …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for anishakaul

This is the python code from a file 'legend.py' that prints the contents of variable 'doc' to console: [CODE=python]print '\n'.join (doc)[/CODE] Now through the above code, whatever is inside doc gets written to the console, if I run python legend.py description.xml Below is a shell script : [QUOTE][B]for z in …

Member Avatar for anishakaul
Member Avatar for Goonie12

In a file called functions.py, write the functions listed in the table below. Include a docstring comment for each function. The docstring should be an appropriate rephrasing of the specification on the right-hand side of the table. See the Assignment rules page for guidance on how to write good docstrings. …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Jonhpt

Hello, I have a little problem. My program (LH-ABC 3.2.0) works well in Windows XP and Vista. But in windows seven programa closed, but process keep going :S What can be problem? Maybe one thread not closed? But this problem is exclusive in windows seven. Source of my program in …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for htrantk

I am learning Python now. It is too complicated. I started the file that i did but it crashed. Can you show me how to do it? Write a Python program to convert a given weight from kg to pound and to gal and to liter. 1kg=0.2642gal=2.205lb 1gal = 3.785liter …

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Member Avatar for cascade3891

Hello Python community, I've just finished building an app with Python and I'd like to share my experiences and get some feedback. This was from scratch (no code templates) all the way to compile and distribution on a Windows environment. Now all my colleagues at work are using the app …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for evilweasel_47

Hi folks, I am a newbie to python, and I would be grateful if someone could point out the mistake in my program. Basically, I have a huge text file similar to the format below: AAAAAGACTCGAGTGCGCGGA 0 AAAAAGATAAGCTAATTAAGCTACTGG 0 AAAAAGATAAGCTAATTAAGCTACTGGGTT 1 AAAAAGGGGGCTCACAGGGGAGGGGTAT 1 AAAAAGGTCGCCTGACGGCTGC 0 The text is nothing but …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Tech B

I've been reading a lot here lately on self replicating code. I wanted to try my hand at it. It only copies itself in forward directories. I.E. "C:\Users\cd.." is not supported yet but will be later. I wanted to post it here to see if anyone had ideas, tips, and …

Member Avatar for mahela007

I got this from the python docuemtation. date2 = date1 + timedelta --->date2 is timedelta.days days removed from date1. (1) date2 = date1 - timedelta---> Computes date2 such that date2 + timedelta == date1. (2) timedelta is an object representing a time [I]difference[/I] and a date object represent a certain …

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Member Avatar for Lolalola

Hi, Can you recommend a book in Python language for the creation of pages (webmasters). Without any Framework. Thanks Which part of ... [B]If you know a good project, please post it here. If you have questions, start your own thread and don't clutter the sticky.[/B] ... don't you understand? …

Member Avatar for sindhujavenkat

I am new to Python.. I want to know how can be the number of lines can be reduced? My task is to print whatever Simon says from the text file given below. the o/p should be sing,dance, go to school. Is there any way to make the following program …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for mahela007

how can I check the difference between two dates using the datetime modules? (or any other module that would do the same thing). I want to read a date from a file (which was written in the same format as the datetime module uses) and then calculate the difference in …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

The End.