15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for subhra1234

hello,everyone,basically,i am trying to install [B]pyaramid[/B] framework,i have [B]windows[/B] installed in my system,and i am follwing this link at the time of installing pyramid.... [B][url]http://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid/en/1.0-branch/narr/install.html[/url][/B] [B][COLOR="red"]1.[/COLOR][/B][B]Installed Python 3.2 in my system and set the path D:\python32 in My Computer->Properties –> Advanced Tab –> Environment Variables and add that directory to …

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Member Avatar for subhra1234

hello,everyone,i am a beginner in python and at the time of creating a project in pyramid framework i am facing some sort of problem,i have a windows system,and i have pyramid installed in my system.... my current location of python is d:\python27 i am following this tutorial from pyramid documentation …

Member Avatar for LdaXy

i'm learning python currently, coming from c++ and i realized that i can't do certain things like in C++ anyways, i created a class call Object_refs: [CODE] #attempt to make a structure like class using INIT #to define all common variables. class Object_refs: def __INIT__(self, descriptor_type, type, reference_count, flags): self.desctype …

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Member Avatar for inuasha

I want to be able to generate my own random numbers without using the random module. I want to do this that way I can learn somewhat how to do the big boy code on my own.

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for soltak

Hi, I'm using Windows and Python 3. I'm having problems using [B]os.listdir[/B] with Unicode. Let's say I have a directory which contains files with Unicode file names. The name and path of the directory itself might or might not be Unicode. When it is Unicode, I can't seem to get …

Member Avatar for soltak
Member Avatar for edwords12

I want to know what to do if i have some content in a text file, i wish to preprocess it by removing certain things. from the file the text file has content as shown below sub_401000 proc near [B]; [/B]CODE XREF: sub_4021FD+7Fp [B]; [/B]sub_403366+40Dp ... loc_401019: ; CODE XREF: …

Member Avatar for sorry711
Member Avatar for patyypol

need to make a function that sorts integers from smallest to largest without using the sort function in python python must open a file with integers one per line store the data in a list then print the unsorted list then bubble sort code sorts the list from smallest to …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for WolfShield

Hey everyone, I was wondering what some reasons would be to use an XRC file in a program? Does it make it easier to read? Does it help with organization? Are there times where that format is needed/beneficial? Just looking to know, - [B][I]WolfShield[/I][/B]

Member Avatar for harrygriet

Hi I am trying to create a simple webserver program in python 3.2.2 and I want the server to process different methods other than GET and POST. These methods are handled by default by the library. I want to handle a OPTIONS method and I used a do_OPTIONS() method to …

Member Avatar for iPanda

I'm trying to open a program while I'm in a python script using the subprocess.call() function, It opens the program but for some reason the program doesn't allows that and just throw an "Unhandled exception" error, I know the problem is probably in the program so there may be any …

Member Avatar for iPanda
Member Avatar for apeiron27

hi i have this line in my code that seems to slow down as my loop progresses.. for i in range(start, end): nPack = struct.pack('<I',i) at first it takes about 0.00something second but later it starts to take like 0.12 sec. i have huge no of different start and end …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for jackbauer24

My son, a ten year old is so like "[B]I WANT TO MAKE SOFTWARE!!!!!I WANT TO PROGRAM!!!!!!!!!I DON'T WANT TO STEP INTO LANGUAGES LIKE [URL="http://www.simplecodeworks.com/website.html"]http://www.simplecodeworks.com/website.html[/URL] OR [URL="http://scratch.mit.edu/"]http://scratch.mit.edu/[/URL] OR [url]http://www.alice.org/[/url] !!!!![/B]"He knows--- [LIST=1] [*]Basic Python(for, while, variables, raw_input, readline) [*]Extremely little about C++ [*]Quite a lot of Javascript(alert, prompt, *a little …

Member Avatar for jbennet
Member Avatar for sbutler0311

I'm need to use the Goldbach Conjecture to write a program that gets an even number greater than 2 from the user, that checks to make sure it's even and greater than two, and then finds two prime numbers that sum to the user's number. I've tried so many different …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for pwolf

the objective is as follows: Write a function splitWord(word, numOfChar) that takes in a word and a number as arguments. The function will split the word into smaller segments with each segment containing the number of letter specified in the numOfChar argument. These segments are stored and returned in a …

Member Avatar for pwolf
Member Avatar for Duane Vick

[CODE]#from sys import exit # #medical_kit = (0) # #def room_4b(): # global medical_kit # if medical_kit >= 1: # print "You have a medical kit." # else medical_kit <= 0: # print "If only you could revive him somehow." # ####Here is the error I get when script is …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for chebude

I am trying to catch error on file input/output. The try functions works fine but as it pass to the next line my code breaks. How can I exit gracefully when the 'infile' doesnt exist? [CODE] try: infile = open ('Book1.txt', "r") except IOError: print "input file %s is missing" …

Member Avatar for chebude
Member Avatar for apeiron27

i imported struct module and packed my integer data with '<I' do my packed data still retain their number characteristics? i only need to do booliean check comparing two numbers in packed form like a>b or a=b stuff like that. i did couple of tests and it seems to work …

Member Avatar for TrustyTony
Member Avatar for pwolf

Is there something wrong with this code i wrote? i get the feeling i made a mistake and cant quite recall what, its quite frustrating. The function is supposed to determine the dimensions of a matrix and if it is, or is not, a valid matrix ( for example, if …

Member Avatar for pwolf
Member Avatar for pwolf

I have the task of writing a function to determine the outcome of a game of tictactoe, i at first thought use a couple of for loops but that proved pointless, and then the only way i could think of was to write an if...elif...else statement for each row, column …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for Tcll

hey... I can't seem to find any tutorials that only use PyOGL... can anyone help out?? also... I found an early thread asking the same Q, where vegaseat mislead someone about OGL back in 2008... :P I just thought I'd point out OGL development is actually thriving, but it's code-base …

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Member Avatar for Sinnocence

I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to save a html page to a website's filemanager labeled as .html so that it would be searchable. Like a wiki. for example: print "<html>" print "<title>python</title>" print "<body>" print """<h1> I would Like to save this page as http://www.mysite.com/python.html</h1>""" print …

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Member Avatar for Mouche

Hello. I wrote a program to convert decimal fraction values into binary fractions. I seem to be running into some floating point accuracy problems. After multiplying a floating point number by 2 over and over, eventually the number becomes corrupted. Since I'm multiplying so many times, I think the error …

Member Avatar for Mouche
Member Avatar for ihatehippies

I've been working with python's SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer a bit and I'm having some difficulty making a publicly available server. Everything works fine when I set the server address as 'localhost' [CODE=python]self.server = SocketServer.ThreadingTCPServer(('localhost', constants.cmdport), Handler)[/CODE] As long as the both the server and client are on the same computer and both …

Member Avatar for ihatehippies
Member Avatar for Pony Cursed

Hi, My question is about: How select a "Window" that exist ? Because I don't know how select. What I know is create a new window, but don't select a that already exists. What I have done this is it: (throw how "sub-process" already minimized) [CODE] import subprocess if subprocess.mswindows: …

Member Avatar for Pony Cursed
Member Avatar for natehome

hi im trying to make a program that will go to 4chan and download a the images on a thread(i.e. [url]http://4chan.org/b[/url]). the program will work the first time but after that when i go to run it again it trys to download the same urls as it did the first …

Member Avatar for pwolf

Im stuck with the following: Define a function isPrime(number) that takes in a number as argument and return True if the number is a prime number. Hint: A number, x is a prime number if it is only divisible by 1 and x itself. By definition, 1 is not a …

Member Avatar for pwolf
Member Avatar for RLS0812

This is a working beta of a virtual slot machine I am working on. Eventually I'm going to add a GUI. [CODE]# Python 3 # Slot Machine # By : RLS0812 # Note: The Odds are a bit off of what they actually are. import random def Reels(): # [0]Winning …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Take a look at a typical Windows GUI frame (form) with a menubar, statusbar, panel, label and buttons. Set the font and size of text, click the buttons to create some events. All of this and much more is in the free wxPython package.

Member Avatar for pyphil
Member Avatar for drlockdown

I'm new to Python. Just started school for programming and have run into a bit of trouble with python. seems every time i go to run module a little window will pop up labeled SyntaxError, and inside of the window it says invalid syntax. Not to sure what's going on, …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for wzunix

Hiya, recently came across these two grid methods; but am confused about the distinction between them. wonder if anyone could give a simple example to tell the diff? Thanks a million!

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The End.