15,192 Topics

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Member Avatar for fummy

[CODE]import re, os ...from os.path import join as pjoin, isdir ...targetdir = raw_input('c:\volatility-1.3_Beta>c:\python26\) ...os.chdir(targetdir) ...if targetdir = raw_input ...then exec ('python.exe volatility pslist -f c:\python26\nick.img')[/CODE] ************************** Can you help please... Trying to run this program to execute the currently runing processes on the \nick.img... that I capture... program not working... …

Member Avatar for fummy

Can someone help please! I need to search for a different set of strings like: 'fummy' or 'users' or 'logon' from a directory like this: C:\mycase\Nic..\ A Text document is stored in there LIKE: 544, Text Document, 45, 588 KB Can some help to write a script or python program …

Member Avatar for Murtan
Member Avatar for Kippstah

Ok. So. Who doesn't know how to convert on paper or in their head decimal numbers ==ยป binary number, or vise-versa? Well. I've successfully programmed a conversion calculator for those who just never took the time to learn, for those who don't care to learn, and for those who've got …

Member Avatar for Kippstah
Member Avatar for Yeen

I've been trying to figure out how to capitalize all the sentences in a string. In the string [CODE]a = "this is the test string! will it work? let's find out. it should work! or should it? oh yes. indeed." [/CODE] I want all the characters after [I]". " "! …

Member Avatar for Yeen
Member Avatar for vegaseat

Here we apply the module difflib to compare two texts line by line and show the lines of the first text that are different from the second text.

Member Avatar for jimothy
Member Avatar for checker

[CODE]element = {'H': 1, 'N': 6, 'F': 7, 'Cl': 7} i = input("Enter: ") dots = '*' totalDots = (dots * i)[/CODE] Enter: H Traceback (most recent call last): File "D:/Python26/lewisdot.py", line 4, in <module> i = input("Enter: ") File "<string>", line 1, in <module> NameError: name 'H' is not …

Member Avatar for jimothy
Member Avatar for vikramsra

Hi, i am new to python world my problem is that i am getting a output file from a software which is very messy first i just want to delete first 3 rows and the columns F onwards from the excel file and that i just want to change the …

Member Avatar for vikramsra
Member Avatar for lisedaton

hi everybody!!! I will really appreciate if somebody could help me.... we are working with c and python and the same time and it gets confusing sometimes... I need to write a program in python tha will receive a string and it will print only the number in the string …

Member Avatar for Namibnat
Member Avatar for santosh.ssit

Hi how to get wat all buttons are present in GUI window using python here i want to read all the buttons present in a window .

Member Avatar for lllllIllIlllI
Member Avatar for FlowerGirl1027

I need to analyze a list of five cards as a poker hand. After printing the cards, the program needs to categorize accordingly. Royal Flush: 10, Jack, Queen, King, Ace all of the same suit. Straight Flush: Five ranks in a row, all of the same suit Four of a …

Member Avatar for Nazere

Hey guys, im verymuch stuck on my assignments and its due today. i was wondering if someone could help write the program. Ive attached a zip file containing the detail of the assignments, there are three in total. I really would appreciate any help. thnx naz

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for Judgment

I require a program that will remove all trailing whitespace (any spaces that occur at the end of a line) from a text file. It should do something like: Space Stripper Enter the name of the file to be stripped: news.txt Any help would be gladly appreciated. I'm also seeking …

Member Avatar for Namibnat
Member Avatar for andrewktmeikle

Hello, I'm having a slight problem with my code. The task is to create an indexing program, similar to the ones the google uses. The problem i'm having is that we have to remove the common ending from the words left after the removal of stop_words(which is a list variable …

Member Avatar for andrewktmeikle
Member Avatar for Dan08

hey everyone, i am writting an app with tkinter, well ive tried quite alot of different ways but i couldnt find the solution for my problem. So, in that window there is time and i need it to constantly change, like every second. Any ideas? Thanks Dan08

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Member Avatar for hackabusa

Hi, I'm having some issues with a maze solver that I'm coding for an assignment. Here's what I have so far: [CODE] def main(): maze = open(raw_input("Please enter the filename of the maze:"),'r') x=0 y=0 with maze as maze_file: maze = [list(line.strip()) for line in maze_file] for i in maze: …

Member Avatar for hackabusa
Member Avatar for SoulMazer

Okay, well I'm having trouble getting a variable from one place to the other. I have two scripts: for now, let's call them MainScript.py and ChildScript.py. [code=python]#!/usr/bin/python # MainScript.py import ChildScript from Tkinter import * class GetVariable: def __init__(self): master = Tk() master.withdraw() ChildScript.VariableDialog(master) # From right here, I would …

Member Avatar for SoulMazer
Member Avatar for Workingwmyhands

I need help with an online tutorial (this is not homework) [url]http://www.upriss.org.uk/python/session3.html[/url] It is something very simple, but I am a beginner so I don't understand yet. Write a script that asks someone to input their first name, last name and phone number. If the user does not type at …

Member Avatar for SoulMazer
Member Avatar for ptn001

Hi, I am new to python but learned somewhat about lists, tuples, dictionaries, db and gui (just introductory stuffs), and am trying to write a program that will alllow users to input some key words to search in a report. if key words are present in the report then the …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for need help!

This is some code I wrote for a music program... Any way on making it neater/more pythonic? [CODE] from Tkinter import * import pygame playlist=[] pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() camera=pygame.mixer.Sound("E:\\Peter\\Python_stuff\\data\\Music\\camera1.wav") one=pygame.mixer.Sound("E:\\Peter\\Python_stuff\\data\\Music\\one.wav") wrong=pygame.mixer.Sound("E:\\Peter\\Python_stuff\\data\\Music\\wrong.wav") root=Tk() root.title("DJ Pro") def sound_play(event=None): playlist.append(wrong) wrong.play() def sound_play1(event=None): playlist.append(one) one.play() def sound_play2(event=None): playlist.append(camera) camera.play() def play_all(event=None): for ii in …

Member Avatar for need help!
Member Avatar for fuston05

i am trying to make a password system that will run another one of my programs when answered correctly. not sure how to call my main program in the password prog function. i have played w this over and over, and browsed the library and i am officially stuck. :) …

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Member Avatar for rogerking

The American Heart Association (AHA) suggests that at most 30% of the calories in our diet come from fat. Although food labels give the number of calories and the amount of fat per serving, they often do not give the percentage of calories from fat. This percentage can be calculated …

Member Avatar for masterofpuppets
Member Avatar for fummy

Can someone help please! I need to search for a different set of strings like: 'fummy' or 'users' or 'logon' from a directory like this: C:\mycase\Nic..\ A Text document is stored in there LIKE: 544, Text Document, 45, 588 KB Can some help to write a script or python program …

Member Avatar for fummy
Member Avatar for jimothy

I cant get text working in my programs if I double click the icons in windows but it does work in the WinEditor. Why doesnt it work and what could I do to get text working wherever?

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Devi

First let me say I know absolutely nothing about Python. All I know for sure is that I own the PC game Vampire Bloodlines and I am getting a runtime error. I have researched online and have read that if you have an older version of Python the game will …

Member Avatar for Nick Evan
Member Avatar for richirich007

Hello I an new to python I want to write a function which save the contents to disk I am using GTK also to design . On clicking the save menu item the output should be able to saved at any desired location {on_save_activate()}. Please help me to write the …

Member Avatar for MSV22
Member Avatar for ShadyTyrant

Hello fellow python programmers. I had an idea the other night when watching a video on the creation of the Tasque application. Developers at novel are given a week called "Hack week" were they have no management and are allowed to code anything they like. Well two of the developers …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for etypaldo

I am making a game using pygame and livewires. I am having trouble with the scoreboard- it updates appropriately but does not delete the old scoreboard, thus creating a blob of numbers: [CODE]class Ship(games.Sprite): """Ship, represents the player""" image = games.load_image("ship.bmp") DELAY = 25 def __init__(self, x, y): super(Ship, self).__init__(image …

Member Avatar for tbone2sk
Member Avatar for Dokino

hello, I've wrote this calculator [code=python] from __future__ import division class num: x = input ("Input first number:\n") numb = num() class wtd:#wtd= what to do command = raw_input("What do you want to do?\nadd +\nsubstract -\ndivide /\nmultiply *\n") cmd1 = wtd() bull1 = cmd1.command while cmd1.command != "+" and cmd1.command …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for lewashby

In the following program, why is [COLOR="red"]"Ac"[/COLOR] the first thing that the program outputs? In main, [COLOR="red"]print "Printing a Card Object"[/COLOR] is the first think I see that should print anything. Is it the [COLOR="red"]__str__[/COLOR] method using the rank & suit attributes from the [COLOR="red"]__init__[/COLOR] constructor? [CODE]# Playing Cards # …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for ffs82defxp

this is my code: [CODE]import os,sys import random import webbrowser import time import subprocess as sp cls=os.system("cls") title=os.system('title Hit any key to start searhing!') while True: cls print "" title raw_input() getRandEntry() def getRandEntry(): theFile = open("wordlist.txt","r") wordList = theFile.readlines() theRandoms = [] theRandoms.append(random.choice(wordList)) * 4 startLink(theRandoms) return theRandoms def …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis

The End.