15,192 Topics

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Member Avatar for axa121

Hi, I am still very new to python and programming so could anyone help me on how to input lines from a user, one line at a time until they type "." on a separate line. I also wanted to count how many lines they entered. What I tried was …

Member Avatar for masterofpuppets
Member Avatar for sentinel123

hey folks, i'm trying myself on a csv based adressbook but I get the following error: [CODE] Traceback (most recent call last): File "C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Mo\Desktop\adressbook.py", line 11, in <module> writer.writerows(data) File "C:\Python26\lib\csv.py", line 149, in writerows rows.append(self._dict_to_list(rowdict)) File "C:\Python26\lib\csv.py", line 140, in _dict_to_list ", ".join(wrong_fields)) ValueError: dict contains fields …

Member Avatar for J-M DESMETTRE
Member Avatar for AlexandreS

I'm having difficulties parsing filepaths sent as arguments: If I type: [code]os.path.normpath('D:\Data2\090925')[/code] I get [code]'D:\\Data2\x0090925'[/code] 0bviously the \0 in the folder name is upsetting the formatting. I can correct it with the following: [code]os.path.normpath(r'D:\Data2\090925')[/code] which gives [code]'D:\\Data2\\090925'[/code] My problem is, how do I achieve the same result with sys.argv, namely: …

Member Avatar for AlexandreS
Member Avatar for theweirdone

Hi, I'm trying to get a list of the subjects that I'm getting from emails in gmail. I can get the subjects, but I can't seem to get them into a list. Here's my code so far: [CODE] #! usr/bin/env python import imaplib M=imaplib.IMAP4_SSL('imap.gmail.com', 993) M.login('user@gmail.com','password') M.select() typ, emails = …

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for gangster88

I need the function to be able to walk in all four directions with equal probabbility and return the distance away from the starting point. The function below only takes steps forwards and backwards? [code] def main(): numWalks, numSteps = getInputs() averageSteps = takeWalks(numWalks, numSteps) printExpectedDistance(averageSteps) def getInputs(): numWalks = …

Member Avatar for thecheesewheel
Member Avatar for sentinel123

hi guys is there a way to refer to every 2nd symbol of a string? example: [CODE] mystring = 'bananasplit' [/CODE] i want to refer to every 2nd and every 3rd symbol of any string the user types in. in this case the 1st symbol is 'b', the 2nd is …

Member Avatar for sentinel123
Member Avatar for d8m9

Hi, Iam new in python (1/2year) and here is the thing: I made a small text editor with tkinter and I want to generate web page from the text editor (from formated text). To web page generating I will use the HTMLgen module. So it must be created another python …

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Member Avatar for funfullson

I wrote a gui with qt and converted it into python.it came below. know I want to use the information witch user entered.for example the text boxes text or want decide around the buttons clicked or any thing else.at all how can i manage my qt forms data in my …

Member Avatar for funfullson
Member Avatar for Inkoosikas

Hay, I am a noob, to the programing world, so i need a little help with lists. My problem is; I would like to create a list that contains the percent that each number of the first list is of sum of the firs list list. so like this. [CODE]first_list=[1,2,3,4,5] …

Member Avatar for Inkoosikas
Member Avatar for Dmc15

Im trying to create a python program capable of solving a maze. I need it to be able to solve a maze that is any number of rows in height and any number of columns in width. I need the maze itself to be brought in as input from a …

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for klackey19

This program is supposed to add, subtract, multiply, and divide complex numbers and doubles as well as complex numbers against complex numbers. When i try to run it, I get a syntax error at line 59 and cannot figure out why. Any help/advice/pointers would be greatly appreciated. [CODE]class complex: def …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for No Sam

Hi. I'm a retired computer programmer learning Python to use with my graduate studies in cognitive science and artificial intelligence. Specifically I am looking for the application of Python in Natural Language Processing, per the Natural Language Tool Kit, per [url]http://www.nltk.org/download[/url] I'll be taking a course in Natural Language Processing …

Member Avatar for MSV22

Hi I am new to this forum so please excuse me if am not following the etiquette. I am a beginner in wxpython. For a project I need to create a color palette. Please check and tell me what I am doing wrong. Any help,suggestion,code snippet is welcome. [code] import …

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Member Avatar for lewashby

Does anyone know where I can find some sort of UML (unified modeling language) tool for python? I think it might help me understand OOP a little better, but I don't really know, I just read about UML and that's all I know. Thanks.

Member Avatar for ShadyTyrant
Member Avatar for mahela007

I've been trying to read up about how tkinter (or more accurately Tk) works on windows AND linux. Here's what I've understood so far. Tk is a predefined set of widgets. That is stuff like text boxes, check boxes, drop down lists etc. Tkinter is just a way of translating …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Kruptein

I have the following code: but for some reason it just won't work if I touch the i the query self works, cause if I just do .Append(str(i)) without the split strip it returns all the tables.. [code=python] def mysql_table(self): self.list_box_3.Set([]) try: self.cursor.execute("SHOW TABLES;") self.query = self.cursor.fetchall() except: self.log("error") for …

Member Avatar for Kruptein
Member Avatar for Democles

I have been contemplating on what would be best, when it comes to learning. What I mean by that is, I have a certain job. The goal in that job is to learn python, because the job uses python django and a few other languages to complete websites. I do …

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for need help!

My mission is to reproduce the "print screen" button. Must be in memory(no saving the file...). [CODE] import PIL import ImageWin as IW import ImageGrab import win32clipboard, win32con img=ImageGrab.grab() img=IW.Dib(img) win32clipboard.OpenClipboard() win32clipboard.SetClipboardData(win32con.CF_BITMAP, img) win32clipboard.CloseClipboard() [/CODE] [COLOR="Red"] raises TypeError: expected a readable buffer object! [/COLOR] I tried using the tostring method.

Member Avatar for kvard

Hello, I've stumbled upon question I can't solve on my own. What I need is to write a program in python that would perform selection sort, but here's trick - it has to be recursive. So, for example I have l = [3,2,1] after using sort(l), l = [1,2,3] I've …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Garee

So for one of my university projects we have been assigned a problem to complete. I have the code working fine for the example output provided however I just need some help regarding a few errors that need fixing with different inputs. I am not asking for you to do …

Member Avatar for masterofpuppets
Member Avatar for npn_

Hello, I've been downloading my news for offline use with this script: wget -r --no-parent -Q4096m -U Mozilla A.stm -erobots=off [url]http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/business/default.stm[/url]' But it dumps it into one folder, and the titles are numbered. Is there any regular expression or other command I can use to seperate them into folders by …

Member Avatar for slate
Member Avatar for mn_kthompson

For those of you that are familiar with wx... I'm just dipping my toe into the world of wxPython and I've been trying to put together a very simple Wizard app. Right now I have code that is working properly, but I'd like to know how I can change the …

Member Avatar for mn_kthompson
Member Avatar for MRWIGGLES

Writing my own turtle class (I understand that Python has it's own turtle class, but this is for an assignment) with an imported graphics.py to draw a koch snowflake and c-curve. What I have came up with so far are all the functions I need. I just need some assistance …

Member Avatar for Lardmeister
Member Avatar for paulgerard11

have code snippet.any ideas? for clust in clusters: #for each name in a list of names i have outNM = "fam" + str(count) + ".mcl.fas" #a series of files i want written to outFL = open(outNM, 'a') for c in clust: #for each letter in my list of names that …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for coffeebox

I know it seems that everyone is writing a 'backup' program these days. I started working on this a couple weeks ago and now my dream just keeps growing. I have written a script that uses rsync to backup selected files and folders in my home directory to an external …

Member Avatar for ov3rcl0ck
Member Avatar for hondros

Okay, here's my issue. I want to take a message a user enters, and then take it and convert it to a number, the standard a-z = 1-26, with space equaling 0. I haven't put in any punctuation yet. Anyways, I think I needed a loop, and I made this …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for Kruptein

I have 2 frames in my wxpython program, MyFrame and OptionFrame if I start my program it shows MyFrame, and if I end it, the frame disappears and the program stops. If I start my program and choose to show the option frame, it will show it, but if I …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for Gribouillis

This snippet defines a function [b]chmod[/b] which uses symbolic strings to represent the mode (eg [b]u+rwx[/b]) like the shell command 'chmod'.

Member Avatar for EvaDo

I want to add a bunch of tags similar to *BTAU1293812 to the end of a bunch of strings (eg ">ASIOHDA87982374:r:23423:2342: 2342 known" i have : count = 0 ....then i open the file and the handle for line in fi: if line[0]==">": handle.write(line +"*" + "BTAU1293812" +str(count) + "\n") …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Tech B

I am currently a student in computer Information Technology and I would like to ask those of you who are experienced working in this field. I didn't really know what forum to post this, so I am posting in Python because I love the language and have posted here before. …

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The End.