15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for ffs82defxp

I noticed that when i posted programs on here people gave me their versions, and had [CODE] import * def somethng_here(): while True: Try: pass except ValueError #or some other types of things liek that [/CODE] I don't understand how a function can be FALSE, as well as how these …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for lrh9

Lately I've been writing a lot of code involving the creation of new objects, and I quickly come to find that Python almost always creates a reference to an object instead of a new object. I understand the importance of conserving memory usage, but in this instance I actually need …

Member Avatar for lrh9
Member Avatar for lidyaMikhail

hello i have a python chat server (multi client) and i wanted to connect a java client to it but i have been searching alot about java-python connection and i got solutions like using APIs as YAML or SOAP but i just can't figure out which one or if there's …

Member Avatar for MRWIGGLES

can anyone help me determine it? from the looks of pages on google. it's just a bunch of 90 degree angles that are constantly rotated 45 degrees about it's axis. thanks.

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for newtri13

I have a small script that connects using ssh and opens a tunnel on port 3306. It works in the ipython interpreter if i type it in manually. However when I try to run the script from the interpreter or command line I get the error message "Can't connect to …

Member Avatar for newtri13
Member Avatar for hondros

Okay, this is what I am trying to do. I am attempting to create my own encrypter. I have the base encryption running, used just to encrypt a string you put in. I am going to add functionality to open a text file's contents and encrypt them, outputing them into …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for goisagi

So my listname is men =[] How can i print just the 10 first elements of the list? It contains 15... And it's a matrix... I thought about making a while-loop while i > 9: but it didn't work. Can anybody help me please? :)[code]for gender in men: print gender[0] …

Member Avatar for goisagi
Member Avatar for El Duke

I can't believe I am getting this error again and again .... Here is my class: [CODE]class LANGUAGE: def __init__(self, val): self.val = val def Set(self): return self.val [/CODE] Here is the function call: [CODE]if text in translate._languages: msg = "You have chosen the " + translate._languages[text] global NewLang newlang …

Member Avatar for El Duke
Member Avatar for aditri

i try to connect python to internet but can't Error 407 Proxy authentication required Is there someone who can help thank -

Member Avatar for jwxie

[CODE] # This is my second attempt writting a class class Getlist(object): def __init__(self,list1=[],list2=[]): self.list1 = list1 self.list2 = list2 def printIt(self): print self.list1 print self.list2 # This will combine the two lists together class combineList(Getlist): def __init__(self): for i in range(len(getlist.list1)): print getlist.list1[i],getlist.list2[i] getlist = Getlist([1,2,3],['a','b','c']) getlist.printIt() combineList = …

Member Avatar for jwxie
Member Avatar for ffs82defxp

It won't work! [CODE]def get_user_choice(): from string import digits user_choice = input('Type a number, 1 to 6.\n\n') if user_choice == '': print 'Not a valid choice.' raw_input() main() check_if_true(user_choice) def check_if_true(): import random comp_choice = random.randint(1,6) if comp_choice != userchoice: print 'The computer won :(' return comp_choice, user_choice else: print …

Member Avatar for ffs82defxp
Member Avatar for Nazere

hey guyz, i need to make a code for searching the names in the list txt. i pretty much got the other parts, but when im kinda stuck on searching. [CODE] def main(): list_of_names = open_file() print""" --------------- non sorted---------------------""" print_names(list_of_names) print """ ----------------sorted-------------------------""" list_of_names = sort_names(list_of_names) save_file(list_of_names) search_names(list_of_names) def …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for JuvenileMango

Hi, I'm trying to write a hangman game program, but some things aren't working properly. [CODE]def hangman(): choice=input("Enter a letter: ") a=type.find(str(choice)) if len(choice)>1: print ("Only one letter please") hangman() elif a!=-1: b[a]=str(choice) print ("Correct") c=''.join(b) print (c) if type==c: print ("WINNAR!") else: hangman() else: d+=1 e[d]=choice if d==0: print …

Member Avatar for JuvenileMango
Member Avatar for python.noob

Hi everybody, I just started learning pyqt.. I referred it's wiki page and found some but only two links are useful.. I finished pyqt tutorial in zetcode.. It was really good.. I've downloaded cross-platform GUI programming with pyqt book.. But it's not an ideal book to start with for the …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for Kippstah

Ok, uhh... I need help. My loop to keep the program running or to quit isn't working right. Can somebody help me figure it out? I tried a couple of methods, and they didn't work. Do anybody have any idea? By the way, this is for a blood drive program …

Member Avatar for Kippstah
Member Avatar for basti!

Hello together, sorry for my bad english. I'm complete new to python and its very difficult for me, so i hope that you can help me. i have got a csv in which there are names and telephone numbers. Now i have to do an program that shows me the …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for lewashby

In the following program, I have three different comments each after a line of code. Please read those comments to answer my questions. [CODE] # Property Critter # Demonstrates get and set methods and properties class Critter(object): """A virtual pet""" def __init__(self, name): print "A new critter has been born!" …

Member Avatar for lrh9
Member Avatar for jmark13

I have some cnf files, which are txt files that are in a specific format for conjunctive normal form formulas. I want to take this file, which looks something like this: c The random seed used to shuffle this instance was seed=1755086696 p cnf 1200 4919 -35 491 -1180 0 …

Member Avatar for jmark13
Member Avatar for sanitizer

System: Xubuntu, Karmic 9.10 Compiler: gcc Python: python2.6 IDE: CODE::BLOCKS Trying the following example: #include "Python.h" void initxyzzy(void); /* Forward */ int main(int argc, char **argv) { /* Pass argv[0] to the Python interpreter */ Py_SetProgramName(argv[0]); /* Initialize the Python interpreter. Required. */ Py_Initialize(); /* Add a static module */ …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Namibnat

[COLOR="Red"]Note two things: First off, I don't guarantee that it works well. Writing to files, if done wrong can always break things. Be careful. I mostly participate in this forum (the Python part) for fun, and my code is written like that. Second: this script is about copying things. I …

Member Avatar for Namibnat
Member Avatar for rmatelot

Extract Blocks of Info from Log File New learner..this would be my first try at writing in Python that I can actually put to use: Have log file content that looks like [URL="http://i.imgur.com/RcU3J.jpg"]this[/URL] Basically - I only want to keep "slots" with the indicator "[COLOR="Red"]/* mysql */[/COLOR]" - the blocks …

Member Avatar for Namibnat
Member Avatar for jwxie

Hi, my professor is asking a project. Overview: Get x number of students for a simple survey. Make a data analysis, including [1] name [2] gender [3] ID [4] Question 1 and data analysis - probability - % - distribution In this project, each student is an "object" I am …

Member Avatar for jwxie
Member Avatar for Elvedon

Thanks for your input vegaseat. I have posted the code that is giving me the problem in the two scripts and I hope you can comment further. Thanks in advance - Elvedon. [CODE]#The script displayed below is only part of the larger original script.# #filename = 'firstScript.py' #!/usr/bin/python from Tkinter …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for pysup

Hi, I need to login to a site, make some changes and then there is an apply button which i need to click to save the changes. The HTML code is as below for the buttons [ICODE]<input type="button" onclick="clickApply()" alt="Apply" value="Apply " class="button" name="applybutton" id="postApply"/>[/ICODE] I am able to login …

Member Avatar for ruandejun
Member Avatar for n00bprogrammer

Hello, I'm fairly new to programming, and am working on a project for a programming class. I've run into a problem, and need some help... I'm writing a hangman game and I'm having trouble getting the guessed letter to replace the correct hidden letter. Say the word is DICTIONARY, if …

Member Avatar for Namibnat
Member Avatar for lewashby

In the following program, the second line in main print [COLOR="Red"]"Printing a Card object:"[/COLOR], is not showing up when I run the program. Could someone please tell me what's going on? Thanks. [CODE]# Playing Cards # Demonstrates combining objects class Card(object): """ A playing card. """ RANKS = ["A", "2", …

Member Avatar for snippsat
Member Avatar for alokjadhav

I am using SWIG to extend Python to C++. Understand that there is a different forum for SWIG users but I am still waiting for a response on that list. But the questions I have consists of basic Python C API releated. I hope this list will be able to …

Member Avatar for alokjadhav
Member Avatar for fummy

[CODE]import re, os ...from os.path import join as pjoin, isdir ...targetdir = raw_input('c:\volatility-1.3_Beta>c:\python26\) ...os.chdir(targetdir) ...if targetdir = raw_input ...then exec ('python.exe volatility pslist -f c:\python26\nick.img')[/CODE] ************************** Can you help please... Trying to run this program to execute the currently runing processes on the \nick.img... that I capture... program not working... …

Member Avatar for fummy

Can someone help please! I need to search for a different set of strings like: 'fummy' or 'users' or 'logon' from a directory like this: C:\mycase\Nic..\ A Text document is stored in there LIKE: 544, Text Document, 45, 588 KB Can some help to write a script or python program …

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The End.