15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for jeffsmessus

I am new to programing and am impressed with the ease of python/wxpython. I have written useful wx programs to enter data into MySQL databases, but am stuck on making a useful wxpython MySQL query progam. I have had success writing query apps in python. I'm hoping to find a …

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Member Avatar for alex-VX

is there any way to disable a loop when the user is inactive / when the screen saver is on?

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Member Avatar for s.praneeth

Two up is a historically popular Australian gambling game ([url]http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two-up[/url]) Two up was played at Crown Casino for a time with the following rules: •Spinner nominates “heads” or “tails” •If the spinner nominates “heads” and spins a series of three heads before being eliminated he/she is paid at odds of …

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Member Avatar for blueness25

Hello, I know this is a very simple problem, but I am about to give up... Why couldn't I get the control keys do their job? Maybe someone whose eyes are more rested than mine can tell me. I will appreciate any help. I am dealing with pygame, and I …

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Member Avatar for DrakeMagi

Just want to create a flexible desktop that is independent from system. For my linux system. Like to have Clean Window and Transparent. 1. Looking for the basic on Xlib. Most of what i found is unclear where i start. I like to start simple and expand. a. Want to …

Member Avatar for DrakeMagi
Member Avatar for s.praneeth

Chapter 9 of your textbook (and your lecture notes) refer to a racquetball simulation program (which is attached for your reference). Make the following modifications to the program: a) Ensure that to win a game (in addition to scoring 15 points) a player must obtain a 2 point margin from …

Member Avatar for gerard4143
Member Avatar for The-IT

hello I have been doing a lot of Tkinter lately and I was wondering of there is a way i fit a scroll bar into a text wdiget using the .grid() method. right now the code i have writen is: [code]from Tkinter import * root = Tk() text = Text(root) …

Member Avatar for The-IT
Member Avatar for esash

Hello everyone.. I'm a new user of python.. I have encountered a problem while trying to find the inverse of a matrix even after importing numpy and scipy. The error is: >>> a=[[[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, 4], [3, 4, 5]], float] >>> print a [[[1, 2, 3], [2, 3, …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for sgarber

Oops, bad title... Better title: Python Serial Output Works Only Conditionally Hi, I am working on having python send commands to a microcontroller via the serial port. I want to write a python script that will send a single byte to the serial port and then quit. The script I …

Member Avatar for simonches

Hi, I'm trying to make a program in python that solves word puzzles like this: "nj" (the answer to that is "ok") where each letter is off by one, for example a or c instead of b. the program is supposed to generate a list of possible words which will …

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Member Avatar for jmn0729

I would like to execute a script within a "form post" that downloads a python script. This is for the academic field, the python script is a grading script. The student must configure a case study and click a grade button (form post) that runs the python script against their …

Member Avatar for racshot65

Hello, This is driving me crazy so here it goes. I'm trying to create a program that finds the 1000th prime number. This is the code I started with to check if a number is prime: [code] numberofprimesfound = 0 numbertotest = 303 divisor = 2 if numbertotest%divisor == 0: …

Member Avatar for jlm699
Member Avatar for etypaldo

I am currently learning Python and how to work with start and stop indexing. I am doing a project from the book I am learning from and I'm stumped...I need to display a full deck of cards, with [CODE]numbers = ("A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for Friktion

hey everybody i just upgraded from 2.5 to 2.6 and im having problems with building pymedia since there is no binaries out there -.- this is what im doing and getting [CODE] C:\pymedia>python setup.py build Using WINDOWS configuration... Path for OGG: ..\pymedia\libogg-1.1.4 Path for VORBIS: ..\pymedia\libvorbis-1.2.3 Path for FAAD: ..\pymedia\libfaad2 …

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Member Avatar for Warkthogus

I'm attempting to write a program that will take a word entered by the user and give a concatenation of the corresponding triple quote strings. I've looked at [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread189881.html"]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread189881.html[/URL], but didn't quite find the piece I'm missing. The idea is fairly simple: User inputs a word (or numbers) Exchanges letters …

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Member Avatar for awa

Hi, I have the following problem: I would like to read from a file between to keywords (KEY1 and a line consisting of ------), skipping 4 lines after the first keyword. What I have is the following: [CODE]import re import string infileName = raw_input("filename ") infile = open(infileName, 'r') data …

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Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

I have been thinking if this is only possible to very very very advanced wxPyees. I have tried and tried to understand this but with no success. I have seen Mike saying the same in wxpy listing and many more. I have started this to hear your experience with printing …

Member Avatar for mahela007

I'm a bit confused as to how variables (or fields) of classes are handled in python. I'll give a small example of what I mean. [CODE] class Cow: # the first class that popped into my head legs = 4 moo = cow() [/CODE] now, moo.legs will return 4 and …

Member Avatar for djidjadji
Member Avatar for blunsky

Hi, I'm running a PCM-9375 system with Linux Debian 5.0.0. I am currently running a a python application on the system continuously, and our system seems to be resetting approximately every 24 hours (not at midnight, but 24 hours from whenever the system was started). I am not sure whether …

Member Avatar for AutoPython

I have a weird glitch or something, whenever I try to start turtle graphics from the shell it goes unresponsive, but when I run the program in a console window it works. This is really annoying me! Any help would be appreciated.

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for AutoPython

Okay, I am confused on the global statement. To my knowledge it lets you easily access variables from a function to be used in the session. Now someone said that it's useless and you shouldn't use it in your code. Is this true?

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Member Avatar for vlady

hello, pls can somebody show me a way how to solve the following exercise: A number, a, is a power of b if it is divisible by b and a/b is a power of b. Write a function called is_power that takes parameters a and b and returns True if …

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Member Avatar for i are smart

in Vista, cTurtle worked like a charm, but in Ubuntu, when i downloaded the cTurtle to my desktop and moved it to site-packages, it still won't work. When i clicked on the downloaded cTurtle.py file, what i get is a text file with chinese characters, and it closes within a …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for chico2009

Hi All Could you please help me with the following, #Convert C to F def Tc_to_Tf (): Tc = input ("What is the Celsius Temperature ? " ) Tf = 9.0/5.0 * Tc + 32 print 'The temperature is ', Tf, ' Degrees Fahrenheit' I get NameError: name 'Tf' is …

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Member Avatar for Benderbrau

Hello, I'm posting this code so that maybe it will help someone else in the future. I spent about a week trying to figure this out, and Google searches were not helping. Hopefully anyone else wondering about this will see this post on a Google result. The program I finished …

Member Avatar for Gribouillis
Member Avatar for Barefootsanders

Hi all, I have a php/mysql based site set up. I want to keep my database layer updated via a python script that will query some other systems, parse data and make the appropriate CRUD calls to my database. My question is might be a simple one but I'm wondering …

Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo
Member Avatar for Tommy_101

Hi, I've been trying to create a program that gets wikipedia pages, and lists all the links found in the page source. I've used the urllib.urlopen() method to do this, and unfortunately I've run into a little problem. Instead of getting the actual page like say the main page, or …

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Member Avatar for optikali

So below is my first attempt at using user input, but I can't figure out how to get the input (at the bottom) to plug into my function definitions. I have no proper python training and am attempting to learn on my own with some books. I would appreciate any …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for sneekula

If you own a stopwatch, here is your chance to benchmark the various versions of Python on recursion performance. The Ackermann function gives the old computer quite a workout.

Member Avatar for leegeorg07

HI, I recently looked at sneekula's ticker code, and I was wondering about any good graph extras, to show it in a simpler form, also any tutorials if at all possible, thanks in advance

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The End.