15,192 Topics

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Member Avatar for rajivgupta1107

Hi, I am having python 2.4 on linux machine. I am using exec funcation as: objconfigfile=open(path, 'r') for line in objconfigfile.readlines() if line == None: continue exec(line) It is throwing exception as: invalid syntax for "exec(line)" Please let me know the issue, do we have exec function in python 2.4? …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for matMalo

Dears, I would like to create a list of QWidgets (lets say QDial). No problem till here. self.motorDial = [] self.velocityEdit = [] for iMotor in xrange(3): self.motorDial.append(QtGui.QDial()) self.velocityEdit.append(QtGui.QLineEdit()) The problem is to connect each of these Widgets to a function, passing to the function the index of the QDial …

Member Avatar for satyapraveen27
Member Avatar for dissident85

Hi all, I just had a simple regular expression question. Why does this only match the first character in the string? it should find the 'a' no matter where it is in the string, right? [code=python]C:\Python26>python.exe Python 2.6.2 (r262:71605, Apr 14 2009, 22:46:50) [MSC v.1500 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 …

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Member Avatar for tylerlemieux

Hey, I've been trying to install pycURL on my Python install on this Mac for the past 3-4 days now and I can't seem to get it to work. I have easy_install setuptools installed and I've been using the command: easy_install -U pycurl and it finds the package just fine, …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for nunos

I was reading 'Starting Python' trying out in the shell some of the examples. However, I get an error with this [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/forums/post116650.html#post116650"]one[/URL]. What am I doing wrong? [code=python] >>> def sum_average(*args): size = len(args) sum1 = sum(args) average = sum1/float(size) # return a tuple of three arguments # args is …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for nunos

Can someone please tell me what I am doing wrong. I know this is easy, but I haven't managed to make it work properly. [code=python] overwrite = None while overwrite != 'Y'.lower() or overwrite != 'N'.lower(): overwrite = raw_input("Do you want to overwrite (Y/N)? ") [/code] It doesn't exit the …

Member Avatar for sravan953
Member Avatar for hkseo100

Hey guys. This looks like the right place to ask this question. I just started Python, and I'm still getting familiar with syntaxes and such. Right now, I'm trying to make a program that will make an Isoceles triangle with Turtle module and math module I really don't know what …

Member Avatar for hkseo100
Member Avatar for nunos

I was googling for a way to reverse a string and I found this. [code=python] >>> 'asd'[::-1] >>> 'dsa' [/code] It works, but there was no explanation where I got if from. Can someone please be kind enough to explain it. Thanks.

Member Avatar for nunos
Member Avatar for Lingson

Hi, I was trying to use Checkbutton widget from Tkinter and I searched here in the forum for example code how to apply it, and I couldnt find any. So I have to test it myself using some documentation of Tkinter. Since I couldnt find any relevant code in this …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for god0fgod

I'm trying to make a game with pygame but none of the key constants work for the apple command key. How do I determine if it is pressed or not? Thank you.

Member Avatar for tweak

Well I'm new to wxpython and in trying to learn I started making a small Phone Book program but now I'm stuck need some help on a few things. First thing is when I click on my New Contact in my menu I want a new frame to appear with …

Member Avatar for sravan953

Hey guys, I have made a program called 'tLapse', here's the code: [code='python'] import subprocess import time import os print("Welcome to tLapse...") time.sleep(3) os.system('cls') try: com=open("action.txt",'r').read() condition=True except: print("File error") raw_input("<Any key to quit>") condition=False if(condition): clock=raw_input("Enter time duration after which\nuser-specifiedaction will be\npeformed.\n\nFormat- [hh:mm][24- hour format]: ") def app(path): ext=path[-3:] …

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Member Avatar for richnimbix

I'm a newbie to python. After opening a file in 'r' mode then using the approach below. f = open( '/g.txt','r') for line in f: I find a pattern I'm looking for in a text file. Then I use f.tell() to record the file position. However, I think due to …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for squallgoh

Hi all. I'm new to the forum, this is my first post =) I'm trying to create a list containing 3^10 lists, each list has 10 string. Each string can be of 1 or 3 types, for simplicity let them be 'a', 'b','c'. So basically I wish to generate all …

Member Avatar for squallgoh
Member Avatar for Stefano Mtangoo

Its long now I try to understand wxPython's print frame work. Every effort have fallen apart. I just cannot understand how it works. I have tried to google with no avail. wxDemo is too painful to swallow :( I request anyone familiar with framework to give me a jump start …

Member Avatar for mahela007

I'm trying to develop a simple script that will keep the scores of a cricket match. In my script I want the __init__ method on one class to create an object of another class. here's an example. [code=python] class Person: def __init__(self,name): self.name = name class clubMember: def __init__(self,name): New_clubmember …

Member Avatar for vegaseat
Member Avatar for foosion

Why does this make sense in 3.1? [code]>>> a = b'\x01\x02' >>> a[0] 1 >>> a[0:1] b'\x01' >>> a[0] == a[0:1] False >>> a = '\x01\x02' >>> a[0] '\x01' >>> a[0:1] '\x01' >>> a[0] == a[0:1] True[/code] Shouldn't we get True for both comparisons?

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Member Avatar for febinameer
Member Avatar for betatype

I am trying to replace a section of code within a series of php files. I open the files, read the contents into a "sourcecode" variable and locate a section of code. I then capture this section in a variable like this: [code=python]phpsection=sourcecode[phpstart+2:phpend][/code] The problem is after I locate this …

Member Avatar for foosion
Member Avatar for nomemory

Hello, I am a python newbie and I am trying to accommodate to the basics. What's the python equivalent for the following Java snippet ? [B]Java:[/B] [CODE]public class Main { public static void main(String args[]){ int a,b,c; a= (int) (Math.random()*100); c=0; while((b=(int)(Math.random()*100))!=a){ c+=1; } System.out.println(c); } }[/CODE] I was trying …

Member Avatar for woooee
Member Avatar for patto78

Hi, the following project is the first small step in an anagram solver that I am coding. I have four letters "a", "b", "c", "d" and the aim of the following code is to produce all possible permutations of these letters, given that the first letter is always "a". (I …

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Member Avatar for alex-VX

this is a software that you ill have to login ells i will shut-down i used the threading so the Tk gui.would keep on going but it wont stop after 0. its not a problem its just iterating me knowing its in the background. so is there any way to …

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Member Avatar for nunos

Hello. I have a (main) list of objects 'feedbacks' which have an 'order_id' and a 'message'. I have another list of simply 'order_id's whose correspondent object in the main list I would like to see removed. For example: main list: [object type 'feedback', object type 'feedback', object type 'feedback'] let's …

Member Avatar for nunos
Member Avatar for miac09

Hi all, I'm learning python and hope someone can help me with a sort of tricky search/parse problem. I have a tab deliminited file like this: 2 1 863.8 300.2 0.0131 0.0759 0.1727 0.0879 1.5821 3 1 874.5 289.5 0.0574 0.1292 0.4447 0.2258 1.1846 3 2 874.5 289.5 0.0573 0.0527 …

Member Avatar for jice
Member Avatar for sravan953

Hey guys, I am making a program called 'Weather Watch' which basically gets weather updates for any city you type in. For now, it only gets info for a particular city. I don't know how to search for the term entered in [url]www.weather.com[/url] and then get the updates. The code …

Member Avatar for EAnder
Member Avatar for Friktion

Hey everybody im currently rewriting my game from an engine into opengl and pygame and im not sure how to use opengl with pygame here is what i have done so far =) [CODE=python] from sys import path,exit,argv ; path += ['.'] import wave, pymedia.audio.sound as sound from OpenGL.GL import …

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Member Avatar for sravan953

Hey guys, I have some code: [code='python'] import urllib2 as url import subprocess import os webs=open("url.txt",'r') read_webs=webs.read() def get_html(): try: req=url.urlopen(read_webs) res=req.read() return True except: print("<Error reading from the website>") def get_command(): if True: for x in res: if(x!='<'): command+=x else: break determine() command="" def determine(): format=command[len(command)-3:] print format get_html() …

Member Avatar for sravan953
Member Avatar for jonte

Hi, I´m new to Python and right now I´m trying to learn to parse a text. Here is my code (that doesn´t work the way I want) [CODE]text = ['Mary', 'went', 'out', 'at', '7pm', 'to','buy','some','candy'] keyPerson = ['Mary', 'Clark', 'Steven'] keyTime = ['7pm', '6am', '2pm'] keyThing =['candy','eggs','fruit'] list = [] …

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Member Avatar for Gribouillis

When several producer threads put items in a queue.Queue, and a consumer thread gets items from the queue, there is no way for the consumer thread to tell the producers that they should stop feeding the queue. This snippet defines a subclass of Queue with a close method. After the …

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Member Avatar for jocose

I am trying to figure out the best way to deploy a python script that I wrote. Many of the users wont have python on their machines but might want to make slight alterations to the script. What I was thinking about doing was using Py2exe to compile a script …

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The End.