15,190 Topics

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Member Avatar for Jusa

I have encountered a problem with variables which I have defined in a module and then manipulating them from other modules. I have something like this in moduleA.py: [code] gVar = None def getVar(): return gVar def setVar(val): gVar = val [/code] Then, in moduleB.py I have this: [code] import …

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Member Avatar for emzy

Hi All, I'm having huge problems with a program that i am attempting to write. What i have is a program that prints Acronyms and sentences to a text file already, now i am trying to create a new program that reads that text file and if the user inputs …

Member Avatar for katharnakh
Member Avatar for AussieCannon

Hello, I am having a great amount of difficulty understanding events for wxPython and have read many tutorials and other things so I was wondering if you could try to help me understand. First of all I am using Boa-Constructor so practially all of my code so far is autogenerated. …

Member Avatar for jrcagle
Member Avatar for winz

Hey, I'm doing a project with Python right now and am wondering what the heck a "/n" command does? ANY help would be greatly appreciated!

Member Avatar for ghostdog74
Member Avatar for Phrogramer
Member Avatar for katharnakh
Member Avatar for fredzik

G'day, I've been working with Pyhton for about six months and have been wanting to put a program into a seperate Tkinter GUI but have had no luck. I need to have a Tk GUI that has vertical scrolling exactly like the normal IDE except that positioned in the upper …

Member Avatar for fredzik
Member Avatar for nitinloml
Member Avatar for Lardmeister

I found this code, but can't find the needed module: [CODE] # display the info of a list, dictionary and tuple # needs apihelper.py from apihelper import info # create a list (or other container) li = [] # now display the available inormation print info(li) print "-------------------------------------------" # create …

Member Avatar for mawe
Member Avatar for Jusa

Hi, For some reason, every Python script I try to run in the Windows command prompt fails to run. I get this output for "python setup.py py2exe": [code] Traceback (most recent call last): File "setup.py", line 4, in ? import py2exe ImportError: No module named py2exe [/code] I've installed py2exe …

Member Avatar for Jusa
Member Avatar for urmamaslover

Hi guys, I have an assignment for a class [url]http://www.cs.sfu.ca/CC/165/popowich/assign-3/assign3[/url] that's due in 3 days. I am totally confused with this as I've never programmed before. If anyone can help in anyway with this assignment it would be greatly appreciated, I really need the marks. And if you're using any …

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Member Avatar for mouigher

I have to write a program that converts user entered Kilometers into Miles. But, I need to use two functions in addition to main program which is... [code] def main(): print "This program converts distances measured in kilometers to miles." kilometers = input("What is the distance in kilometers?") miles = …

Member Avatar for mouigher
Member Avatar for sneekula

The last time I posted a question here, I got a rather nasty response, so please just constructive stuff! I want to make a scrollable entrybox for Tkinter GUI, the scrollbar shows up and works, but text does not move. Am I missing something? [code=python] import Tkinter as tk root …

Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for Blujacker

Is possible to do this: [code] from Tkinter import* scy=Scrollbar() scy.pack(side=RIGHT,fill=Y) scx=Scrollbar(orient=HORIZONTAL) scx.pack(side=BOTTOM,fill=X) canvas=Canvas(xscrollcommand=scx.set,yscrollcommand=scy.set) canvas.pack(fill=BOTH,side=LEFT,expand=1) scx["command"]=canvas.xview scy["command"]=canvas.yview canvas["scrollregion"]=(-1000,-1000,1000,1000) mainloop() [/code] in wxPython?? Thanks for all post, i am new in wx:lol:

Member Avatar for Blujacker
Member Avatar for liz517

I have written this program and I've having a problem making a function out of it, can you help? import math from graphics import * def drawface(): center = input('What is the center of the circle(enter as Point(x,y))') size = input ('How big is the face?') win = GraphWin() circ …

Member Avatar for jrcagle
Member Avatar for Blujacker

Hi! I am doing alredy 3 months on big program. The program solve equation. There is still a lot of things i have to repair, but it works fine;)For example, it can solve this:(5/x)/(4/x)+5*(5x+6)=|x+5|+x. The solution is: -1.14130434783 But i have different problem. Maybe you know program like this: [IMG]http://images.5star-network.com/screenshots/large/r/a/rapid-pi.gif[/IMG] …

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Member Avatar for Gumster

Hi all, im gumster new to DaniWeb, been programming vb for numerous years moving to python anyway, Im trying to create a small authentication module for a program im making where it asks for the username and password, i was just wondering how i go about masking the password so …

Member Avatar for ghostdog74
Member Avatar for aot

So I have to enter a lot of text for display by Tkinter, and I've been rather miffed that I can't seem to find a way to get Eclipse (PyDev) to do any kind of auto-wrapping. Wrapping the lines myself with [inlinecode]"string1" + \ "string2"[/inlinecode] is, of course, beyond annoying. …

Member Avatar for jrcagle
Member Avatar for aot

I want to be able to use scales to let the user answer various questions on screen. However, though I can get scales to work fine in other programs, in this one in particular they seem to have bugged out. What's happening is that, if I set [inlinecode]showvalue = False[/inlinecode], …

Member Avatar for bumsfeld
Member Avatar for a1eio

Hi, I'm trying to pin an image to a button, using the 'image' option. I've looked about on the net and it seems the best way to do it is to create the image in a PhotoImage object. I've done this and then stuck it onto the button but for …

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Member Avatar for sneekula
Member Avatar for aot
Member Avatar for pnk078

hi , i just start to learn python. i am doing window browser using python for that i am using tkFileDialog module. But when i select any folder, at the same time i want to display the files and folders which contain in that folder. Exactly like window browser. So …

Member Avatar for pnk078
Member Avatar for missedthepit

I am designing a 2 player car racing game, and I need to be able to control both cars at the same time from the keyboard (using the arrow keys for one and a,s,d,w for the other) I can get them to work when the other one is not being …

Member Avatar for missedthepit
Member Avatar for a1eio

Hi, I want to create a little Frame class that has two labels built in, the code snippet below is the class. [CODE=python] class DescriptionFrame(Frame): def __init__(self, master, title="", text=""): Frame.__init__(master) self.title = title self.text = text self.titleLabel = Label(self, text=self.title, font=("Times", 12, "underline"), fg="darkred") self.titleLabel.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky=W) self.mainLabel = …

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Member Avatar for Suplexx

Can someone please explain to me how to animate a sprite, using an image with a set of poses? For example is it possible to specify one part of an image, or do i have to use seperate image files for each pose? And lastly, how exactly would one go …

Member Avatar for jrcagle
Member Avatar for aot

Here's something that I've wished for a number of times so far: the ability to create a function (taking X) that creates X variables, even if they are all initialized to the same value. For example, [inlinecode]f(3)[/inlinecode] would assign [inlinecode]var1 = 0[/inlinecode], [inlinecode]var2 = 0[/inlinecode], and [inlinecode]var3 = 0[/inlinecode]. My …

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Member Avatar for saintlysav

I recently made a python module which calls functions from a c program. I used SWIG to generate the wrapper code from an interface file, and compiled the module into a dll which i can import in python and call functions from. While some of the functions are working fine, …

Member Avatar for AikoYamamato

Basically I'm trying to take a Template String and store it in a variable for later use. I'm new with Python and programming languages in general so I'm finding difficulty in doing this. This is the code I'm using to generate the string: [code]from string import Template s = Template('$who …

Member Avatar for AikoYamamato
Member Avatar for fonzali

hi all , I like to write a program which I input the dates and amounts of say 10 checks , and print out the total amount of checks and number of days thet are apart from each other on another entry widget . the code I have done sofar …

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Member Avatar for R.S.Chourasia

Hello everyone, I am new to python and I want to register and unregister the variables from a session (As we do in PHP using session_register() and session_unregister() function),So that i do not need to transfer them in the URL of my site. Can anybody tell me how can i …

Member Avatar for woonie

Hi, I've a CGI form script. I'm testing it to see if it's possible to grab the headers sent by the client's computer when the form is submitted. Here's my code: # start code import httplib conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("www.somesite.org") conn.request("POST", "/scripts/test.py") r1 = conn.getresponse() header = r1.getheader('user_header') conn.close print header …


The End.