7,179 Topics

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Member Avatar for plgriffith

I'm stuck in a situation where I'm being forced to park [url]www.parking.com[/url] at [url]www.lot.com[/url]. As much as I wish I could do a 301 redirect, it's just not possible. How do I make sure that lot.com isn't negatively impacted SEO wise? My initial thought was to run $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] (it's a …

Member Avatar for plgriffith
Member Avatar for karol33

How many times is a word being searched? Does any one know how to check it out? Is there a way to find out how many times a particular word or phrase is being searched for on google? Any links? Do you know how backlinks from domain affects subdomains and …

Member Avatar for backendcode
Member Avatar for paptamas

Hy all. I was wondering, if there is any way, to check, when Google spidered a site X. (X is not my site), or how often Google is Google spidering this site X? I have an idea for start...I dont know if it is ok.. but in Google search often …

Member Avatar for mackone
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

I really have not noticed much change on SEO - at least for White Hat SEO practices - except the backlinking. Just dont post your links anywhere. So have you noticed any other changes? Please do tell. Thanks!

Member Avatar for AirForceOne
Member Avatar for Mark121

Hi Everyone, I am doing work for an auction website from 3 months which got 2 PR in last google PR update and It's also generating good traffic but It's have only 3 back links in google so now I want to increase my site back links in google. Please …

Member Avatar for remshad
Member Avatar for sfifabian

You can use these dofollow blogs to build links to your websites (without spamming) www website-linkbuilding.com/list-of-do-follow-blogs/ All these blogs have pagerank higher than 4 I hope you use it :)

Member Avatar for itanum
Member Avatar for Emily Banks

In a new development to [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story302325.html"]news earlier today[/URL] that Verizon and Google were nearing an agreement that might end net neutrality, both companies have now released statements to the contrary. In Google's case, the statement came as a [URL="http://twitter.com/googlepubpolicy/statuses/20393606477"]Tweet[/URL] around mid-day Thursday. "@NYTimes is wrong. We've not had any convos …

Member Avatar for Emily Banks

Rumors surfaced today saying Verizon and Google are reportedly close to making a deal that could end net neutrality. The [URL="http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20100805/ap_on_hi_te/us_tec_google_verizon"]Associated Press[/URL] reported that the two companies, which have been in talks for close to a year, may reach an agreement in the coming days. If such an agreement were …

Member Avatar for PCBrown
Member Avatar for lewis.112

[INDENT]I am going to post very interesting search engine optimization tips from this forum.[/INDENT] Search Engine Optimization Tips: Tip 1: [INDENT]Add your keyword in your HTML title tag. Do not use multiple keywords in a title. Use page relevant keyword.[/INDENT] [INDENT]For example: If you have a weight loss tips PDF …

Member Avatar for PaulDest
Member Avatar for fumnimda

what is the relation between popularity and competition in SEO field? i don't mean the formula.i mean the conceptional relation. i mean can we say more competition cause more popularity or viseversa,more popularity cause more competition? more competition about a topic means it is general that many sites talk about …

Member Avatar for AirForceOne
Member Avatar for tadisaus2

Hello, After some months of searching and trying on some SEO methods, I have learned some good methods to get on Google first page. 1. The title should be keyworded but not too long. 2. First page should have some bold keywords. 3. First page should have some content, instead …

Member Avatar for tadisaus2
Member Avatar for EricMack

[ATTACH=right]16392[/ATTACH]Just a day after Research in Motion gobbled up all the day's buzz with the [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story301696.html"]release of its new OS version 6 and Torch Blackberry[/URL], King Crackberry has been dethroned. Smartphones running Google's Android OS were the top-seller in the US during the second quarter of 2010, accounting for a …

Member Avatar for elum.chaitu

Hello SNIP my website is under optimizing process. but my doubt is our company is providing new service so we are inserting new pages to website. is these pages automatically indexed by search engines? if they are not indexed, how much time to take index these pages? SNIP SNIP

Member Avatar for Eola
Member Avatar for IndiaBook

India Book SEO company India offers all type of Internet search engine optimization services including competitor analysis, keyword research,on page optimization, link building, directory submission, blog reviews, social book marking, SEO content writing, article writing,article submission and press release distribution services to its outsourcing customers in UK, US, Canada, Australia …

Member Avatar for danieljackson12
Member Avatar for Famous16

hi everyone, Can anyone guide me in SEO point of view that how to get permanent back links. Any help in this regard will be appreciated. With Regards,

Member Avatar for opuscclppc
Member Avatar for CatRambo

[ATTACH=RIGHT]16368[/ATTACH]Users of multiple Google accounts have found it inconvenient in the past to have to log in and out of the individual accounts in order to access a particular one. [URL="http://www.google.com/support/accounts/bin/answer.py?answer=181602"]Now you can access all of them from a single browser window[/URL]. The functionality, which is in the process of …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

I read a blog post this morning on the Mini-Microsoft blog called [URL="http://minimsft.blogspot.com/2009/07/microsoft-has-turned-corner.html"]Microsoft Has Turned the Corner[/URL] and it got me wondering if they really have, or if it was merely wishful thinking on the part of the author. Then I saw that Microsoft had released [URL="http://www.microsoft.com/office/2010/"]Office 2010 videos[/URL] and …

Member Avatar for Tech_ww
Member Avatar for kethyjewel
Member Avatar for AirForceOne
Member Avatar for tadisaus2

Hello friends, I really don't like weekends (Friday nights & Saturdays & Sundays) because my websites are not positioned as good as on weekdays, even I work harder on weekends in submitting to web directories and social bookmarking sites. For example, during weekdays, my sites are on the second page …

Member Avatar for AirForceOne
Member Avatar for CatRambo

Security company [URL="http://www.barracudalabs.com/"]Barracuda Networks[/URL] has named Google the "king of malware," in [URL="http://www.barracudalabs.com/downloads/BarracudaLabs2010MidyearSecurityReport.pdf"]a report released this month[/URL] that shows the popular search site linking to twice as many malware sites and files as its chief competitors, Bing, Twitter, and Yahoo combined. [ATTACH]16328[/ATTACH]Barracuda points to a growing need for online reputation …

Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello. I was wondering how a simple script would look like if a user would to search a term and there would be suggested results from other users or suggested results from similar searches? Thanks

Member Avatar for andrewliu

Hello. I'm new to php and I'm just getting my foot wet. But I've been going through lots of tutorial and I was looking into this google tutorial: [url]http://code.google.com/apis/maps/articles/phpsqlsearch.html#findnearsql[/url] and its what I wanted it to do. Calculate a nearby store locator. But I was curious about how to modify …

Member Avatar for pritaeas
Member Avatar for thepromoters

Hello Ladies & Gentlemen, I want to know some information about seo websites, any buddy tell me the best seo site in the world ? because i want to know the guaranteed website .... Your's Harry

Member Avatar for redesignunit
Member Avatar for MrPeanuts

Hello! I am reasonably new to all this web development malarkey and am completely self-taught, so there is loads I still have to learn. A friend has asked me to help him with a site he's making but I'm stuck and I really hope you can help! I want to …

Member Avatar for EverWebby
Member Avatar for HelenLF

I understand that you should only set up link exchanges with websites that have a pagerank equal or higher than your own site. I have received a request from a site with a high pagerank but the page where they would be placing the link to my site does not …

Member Avatar for dandan594
Member Avatar for timrichardson

The python module python-gdata includes an pretty comprehensive example of using python to fetch google calendar events (calenderEvents.py) No matter what I do, I only get 25 events returned. This is the default value of the maximum number of records returned. The example script includes these comments [code] In reality, …

Member Avatar for timrichardson
Member Avatar for jennie12

Can anyone tell me beside adword keyword tool which other tools are also there?

Member Avatar for henery
Member Avatar for Smarty12

Hey mates, Its been a pretty good learning curve with this forums for me for so long.. I just got logged in to share and discuss my view here. Can somebody tell me the importance of Keyword in the field of SEO? ..

Member Avatar for IntegratedS
Member Avatar for keyboardboy1
Member Avatar for keyboardboy1

The End.