7,154 Topics

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Member Avatar for goterrific

Hi everybody ! This is my first thread ....and i am vijayanand fro coimbatore, India. I am 22 years old and i have started my own web designing concern named S6teen technologies (India) Pvt Ltd..i need to know about search engine optimization right from from the scratch as i have …

Member Avatar for marketraise int
Member Avatar for itstopnotch

just wanna know .... if putting free articles on my site say 2 or 3 from free artical websites is a good or bad thing for search engines and is this a bad idea for my site in general. I also submit articles that are from my site with my …

Member Avatar for russianzio
Member Avatar for Track

I created a blog with all post in english and spanish, but google indexed it as spanish page. I'm investigating the cause. Does google see the language that I use in google webmaster tools page when I sent my sitemap? Does google see the country of owner of the domain …

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for Track

Seems GMail came out with a new feature Google wrote: Get mail from other accounts Now Gmail can check for the mail you receive at your other email accounts. You can retrieve your mail (new and old) from up to five other email accounts and have them all in Gmail. …

Member Avatar for Watt
Member Avatar for russianzio

There will always be questions ununswered about the nature of some mysterious things... Or have i missed an official explanation? I don't think i have. But let's share our theories about those Reston, Virginia visitors. A dosen of similar ip address, all during 10-20 seconds, 1 page visit, 1second of …

Member Avatar for gcs584
Member Avatar for Sabat

i've been optimizing my blog for a particular keyword in MSN but nothing seems to work. any tips?________________ [COLOR=#000000][B]חינוך giochi online[/B][/COLOR]

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for Dani

I haven't been in the SEO game much lately and so I was just wondering what the experts have to say on this one lately ... is it better to have a sitewide backlink or high PR homepage / subpage link?

Member Avatar for Harry smith
Member Avatar for Gruber

Hey everyone, sorry to bring this topic up again, but the current weekly newsletter from Developer Shed confused me here: In the article about what to avoid when building links, the authors list several good points, but some points conflict with what we discussed last week about links hurting your …

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for fennimore

I've read on some of the posts saying that a website with a good traffic will have more PR. So, uh, what is this Pagerank thingy and how do you know how many PR a site has got?

Member Avatar for bobchrist
Member Avatar for BigDen13

1. I joined google adsense for my site when it started about 14 months ago hopping it would help me get indexed. I only had minimum amount of ads on bottom of screen. recently with my increased traffic i put the ads all over some pages. I thgink many of …

Member Avatar for seo_expert
Member Avatar for Gruber

Is it possible to get parked domains indexed into the search engines? I'll explain more below... I have a client who owns a domain that features products from a couple of her companies. She then bought two other domain names (which were her two company names) and parked them on …

Member Avatar for seo_expert
Member Avatar for John_Brown

[COLOR=#000000]Hello Guys, [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]Anybody here using blogs as the main SEO strategy? [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]For MSN I heard it's easy to rank high using blog but not sure with goog [/COLOR]

Member Avatar for seo_expert
Member Avatar for Gruber

Hi, I am working on this non-profit org website. Their current domain name is registered in the name of the guy who is no longer associated with the organization. The domain name is going to expire in couple of months. We have registered for a new domain name. It will …

Member Avatar for seo_expert
Member Avatar for WebPromoters

Anybody knows [i]URL's for purchase private soft for website advertising[/i]? It's really important to me. Please, help. Thanks P.S. Also I need for ad programs that can recognize captchas, can mass posting, can sort sites by Google PageRank (PR) and others. By the way, I'm interested in any scripts to …

Member Avatar for seo_expert
Member Avatar for Spiderweb

I am think something is going on with Google, maybe Google dance, results are displayed up and down all time here, positions are changing since this morning. How about yours overthere? Thanks for your inputs.

Member Avatar for X123
Member Avatar for randelld

Hi all, I do not intend to spam the SE's but my site has a row of link buttons along the top and the bottom. Register, profile, members, blah, blah I just did a search engine simulation and the text for these was right at the beginning of the page. …

Member Avatar for randelld
Member Avatar for Sabat

Hi Guys. I have just registered my site and also want to buy my domain in other suffixes (.com, .net, .biz) to help protect my companies identity and want to point these to my .co.uk site. My question is will I be penalised for this if they are just pointing …

Member Avatar for remcov
Member Avatar for Sabat

Hoping someone can help me. MSN has both the .com and index.html version of my home page listed in their index. I understand that this can lead to duplicate content issues. I contacted my server and he says that I can't use any of the url code re-writes because I …

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for Chevvy

Hi All, I wanted to ask your opinions about this Googles penalty for having build too many inbound links in a short period of time webmasterworld.com/google/3084915.htm I need to do link building for a client and plan to simply build 10-20 links in a span of 3-6 months. Is that …

Member Avatar for fromthe5
Member Avatar for newonlineinfo

[COLOR=#000000]Google PageRank update has started! :mrgreen: [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000] [/COLOR] [COLOR=#000000]Can any one send me some tools to find my current PR? :?: [/COLOR]

Member Avatar for redsa
Member Avatar for remcov

Hello, I just noticed that google is indexing multiple daniweb subdomains while searching for my sitename, sorry if it is against the policy to post a search for my site its hard to get the same result in google. This caused big google problems for an other site my company …

Member Avatar for remcov
Member Avatar for jaytaba

ave been going back and forthwith Google support to find out the way they have indexed my website is by preceding the website name with << url snipped >> If I type my website name in the Google free search, nothing comes up. Is this a common practice, or they …

Member Avatar for hiacclaimdir2
Member Avatar for Sabres

We are looking into buying links from sites that are within our niche. My question is what would count the most as a quality link? A. Relevancy B. Page Rank C. Alexa Ranking

Member Avatar for hiacclaimdir2
Member Avatar for Turnkey_Websites

Do you register all the majors tlds? (.com,.net.org.info...)? And is it right to point a .com and .net to the same website? Thank you

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for gcs584

Hi All, Well, the company's site I develop for relies heavily on business through the internet. As of yesterday, it appears that the main (index) page has just disappeared. Anybody else having these weird sorts of results? Is google updating? The site is a relatively new site; nonetheless, ithe site …

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for russianzio

I bought around 5000 one-way links from "one of those companies" They said they would link to my site gradually during 3 months to avoid problems but did it in one instead. I stopped receiving trafic from google a week ago. Now SR for my keywords can be found in …

Member Avatar for russianzio
Member Avatar for Freeman45

Hi, Both the above appear to do the same thing to text on a web page. Have I misunderstood their use? Do Search engines view them differently? Thanks

Member Avatar for aniseed
Member Avatar for Freeman45

In order to have fresh content, I want to be able to put a snippet of the most recent blog entry I have on the index of my site with a little link below saying something like "read more...". This way, whenever I put up a new blog entry, the …

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for nickcegar

Has anyone one ever hit the blue i button on the google tool bar and used the backward links function? Maybe i need more webspace in my head, but is this figure the number of links going back to a website? Whats the difference between google and alexa? Google shows …

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for Barat

Internal duplicate content is OK says Google In an interview by Rand of SEOmoz with Vanessa Fox of Google she mentioned that there really isn't a penalty for having internal duplicate content issues (pages inside your own site that are copies of other pages on your domain). Rand asked Matt …

Member Avatar for stymiee

The End.