7,154 Topics

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Member Avatar for Jhon100

Hello, I have a new web site and I don't want to have the Google Sand Box efecct. How many backlinks a month could I have, for dont' have the google sand box efecct. Thanks

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for STRATOS92

Hello every one I have e-commerce site with PR5 From 18 November we are not any more in google results. The PR is allways 5 color green. I ame in Dmoz, Yahoo, AOL, and i have many back links. The test site:domainname.com says non results The test link:domainname.com give the …

Member Avatar for Candy_ME
Member Avatar for KenTs

Im having some issues with the Yahoo keyword selector tool. I have been trying to use it for the past day and it either times out or i get a message saying that there are no suggestions for what i typed. I do not get a list of the # …

Member Avatar for Candy_ME
Member Avatar for bobby9101
Member Avatar for Lampard33

If a site seems to 'work' - the visitors (mostly new) appear happy with the content/structure etc, and the search engines are happy to rank it - is there any value in making small, regular changes to the content to make it appear 'fresher' to the engines, even if this …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for remcov

Hello I noticed the following behaviour in google. After a url structure change about 2-3 months ago my whole testsite went supplemental. I used 404 on the old pages, no room for 301. I thought o heck :p. Anyway about a week ago i decided to use the google automated …

Member Avatar for Candy_ME
Member Avatar for harininet

Hi, I have a quick question! I have implemeted robots.txt to disallow some of my pages! How long it will take to do this? whether i can get all my pages OUT OF INDEX all at a time or it will happen pages by pages. I'm confused Ideas are welcome

Member Avatar for Candy_ME
Member Avatar for adeelkhero

Every one must be aware by now about Matt Cutts's blog getting [B]Hacked.[/B] Since i get usually thought provoking replies here, what does Dani's web say about it? [URL]http://www.mattcutts.com/blog/[/URL] Yes or No? I have come across people who are branding it as an "April Fool" and some say yes the …

Member Avatar for Candy_ME
Member Avatar for Jhon100

I have a doubt. Can prejudice exchange links with pages in different language? :?: :?:

Member Avatar for Jhon100

Can penalize google for exchange links with pages of different thematic. For example a website about dogs exchange links with a web about cars, will penalize?

Member Avatar for Jhon100
Member Avatar for Track

okay, it's been a while since I've asked any dumb simple questions you all know the answers to. when a site is using https instead of http, can spiders still crawl that site? My understanding is those pages load slightly slower and are just more secure. But I'm starting to …

Member Avatar for nytrokiss
Member Avatar for shailendra.di

Hi, all i have a question can any one give answer of these two questions. 1) How can can i know that Google Visits our website? 2) How many times in a day Google Visits a particular website. Regards Shailendra Dubey [URL="http://www.dimensioni.net/"][U][COLOR=#800080][/COLOR][/U][/URL]

Member Avatar for tigersoft
Member Avatar for shineindia
Member Avatar for shineindia
Member Avatar for My_Donna

Has anybody contributed to Google Co-Op by way of adding "labels" using the Google Marker? I just started diving a little deeper into this feature, but I'm not sure if my submissions are going through because in my account when I go into edit my contributions, under "Labeled Sites" it …

Member Avatar for Candy_ME
Member Avatar for cmills83

What all do you have to do to have your site listed at the top of a google search results in the 'local results' section. I have my address listed, is there anything else? Do they pull that data from another directory source? Thanks!

Member Avatar for Candy_ME
Member Avatar for My_Donna

Hi all, Do search engines know the difference between absolute and relative links? From what I understand, inbound links have the potential to increase your search engine ranking. What about internal (relative) links within your own website, for example Wikipedia has a gazillion relative links between their articles. Does this …

Member Avatar for Candy_ME
Member Avatar for coolvision

I want to know that which type of forum is better in point of Search Engines Indexing, I saw some forums threads with html extention like [URL]http://www.daniweb.com/techtalkforums/forum45.html[/URL] , this daniweb forums threads are all with html extetion and I saw mostly threads have pr, as compare with DP it shows …

Member Avatar for Candy_ME
Member Avatar for bipin

Hello, I develop a website in last week. domain is new ... so i need to rank that in yahoo, msn, google. I already submit to those... even i have PR6 website develop before this. so is it useful if i gave a ads in my PR6 site of new …

Member Avatar for Candy_ME
Member Avatar for Barat

When you search for something technical on the internet, quite often you'll see a search listing with Experts-Exchange, they tend to be pretty good. In the past you could click the search results and view the page, you would see the question someone has answered, and their respective answer, or …

Member Avatar for nico5038
Member Avatar for markov

Earlier it used to be a PR6 for the links generated from daniweb forum, but these days PR0...why such a difference.? Can i know what's the current and expected PR for our forum

Member Avatar for Jhon100

Backlinks with target="blank" have less value than links by defect? [B]Target="blank"[/B] <a href="[URL]http://www.myweb.com[/URL]" target="_blank">My web </a> [B]Normal link[/B]<a href="<A href="http://www.myweb.com">My web</a>

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for Linday333

I've heard some intellignet conversation on this site, so in my confusion, I came back here. I have a small, investigative site that's dedicated to exposing some nasty predatory journalist/bloggers. (It's all the rave now, I guess.... ) The head of these bloggers is quite nationally well known. Yesterday at …

Member Avatar for Linday333
Member Avatar for Lampard33

Valid meta robots content values Googlebot interprets the following robots meta tag values: * NOINDEX - prevents the page from being included in the index. * NOFOLLOW - prevents Googlebot from following any links on the page. (Note that this is different from the link-level NOFOLLOW attribute, which prevents Googlebot …

Member Avatar for stymiee
Member Avatar for Lampard33

It looks like a couple weeks ago I was hit with a Google algorithm change (my guess), and all my pages - that ranked on the first two SERPs - suddenly now reside on 4-5, or not at all. Obviously this kind of thing hits a lot of us from …

Member Avatar for Dexter515
Member Avatar for harininet

My site has 600 + indexed pages but in the recent two days it has gone down to 200 + :( Can anyone have an idea why it went down suddenly??? Do anyone face this indexing problem?

Member Avatar for abcfrm
Member Avatar for marketraise int

Document filtering is increasingly deployed in Web environments to reduce information overload of users. It formulates online information filtering as a reinforcement learning problem, i.e., TD(0). The goal is to learn user profiles that best represent information needs and thus maximize the expected value of user relevance feedback. A method …

Member Avatar for marketraise int

Search engine optimization requires a strong organisation that will put u above ur competition.Search engine spiders need an easy path to follow.They are programs that crawl into ur website to store them inside a data base for later retrieval by a search engine. People who have been optimizing the web …

Member Avatar for Candy_ME
Member Avatar for harininet

Hi, I am having a website with dynamic URLs currently i have planned to make the URLs static. But, My dynamic URLs are having good PR and indexed. Can i put a 301 redirection to my dynamic URL to static URL? Will my PR be maintained? I am very much …

Member Avatar for vickysoft
Member Avatar for Dani

Google specifies in their help pages that a sitemap cannot exceed 50,000 URLs. What happens if a sitemap does go over that limit? Does Google just only take the first 50K into consideration or does it realize that the sitemap is just way too big to even be worth parsing …

Member Avatar for harininet
Member Avatar for RiverKqj

Hi all ive resently noticed that nearly all of my site is in the "omitted results" part of the searh engine and this is bad , Yes ? How do it i fix this ? ive also got alot in the supplimental index too but this was an old forum …

Member Avatar for stymiee

The End.