2,482 Topics

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Member Avatar for jiten702

Hi all... These days social media bookmarking has became the most integral part of an SEO activities.....but how to promote a site through a social bookmarking site? What is the process for that? Kindly give your valuable suggestions?

Member Avatar for janiferjohn01
Member Avatar for codedude

Hi friends, I have a application where i want to show updates from my friends in facebook.For that i am trying to use Activity feeds plug-in.But when i run the application(from local host),even after authentication,the plug-in doesn't show my friends activity in it.Any help regarding this will be appreciated..thank you.

Member Avatar for ranacseruet
Member Avatar for deepak.marur

Hi, friends. I am wondering if it is possible to post messages to facebook through SMS. I have to write an application that connects to the facebook to post messages sent through a Short Code from a mobile subscriber. I am confused about the various APIs from facebook if they …

Member Avatar for JDCyrus
Member Avatar for traskdigital
Member Avatar for Ezzaral
Member Avatar for Vikassharmaseo

Hi just like google charge fixed advertising one time fees of $5, Do facebook also charge some start up fees? I am planning to start Facebook advertising for my website If some one know or work on face book paid advertising please help me.. Thanks in advance Vikas

Member Avatar for lobojohnson
Member Avatar for Mats17kcz

I'm so glad to go this board and optimistically in the in to be to come I can contribute to this board. Extraordinarily charming to tourney u in this topic My bona fide eminence is <snip> ^^ Sharing is sexy, right?

Member Avatar for jack239

I've a online community for software developers, students and webmasters. The site is <url snipped> I've launched this site on march 2008, since then I got lots of traffic from google or linkreferral or any other sites. From Google analytics I came to know that I'm getting around 100-120 unique …

Member Avatar for harjos
Member Avatar for joy12

As far as social media optimization or social media marketing services are concerned, which way would be better and effective for you than SEO or search engine optimization. If discuss it elaborately, then facebook commenting, blogging, blog commenting, forum posting, twitter and a number of other social media marketing services …

Member Avatar for echovme
Member Avatar for opsryushi

Okay, I currently have IPB, and I really like it. It's quite powerful. But I like the way phpBB allows you to sort of export news articles to a front page before your forums, etc. So I'm thinking about switching. IPB vs. phpBB... Advantages, disadvantages of each? Which would you …

Member Avatar for shaniadavid
Member Avatar for techie1991

I just wanted to learn to create facebook applications using python.I am new to web development of any sorts, so everything seems to be weird right now. Here is what i acquired by google searching pages: This is the facebook developers page: [url]http://developers.facebook.com/opensource/[/url] Only one link to python.. [url]https://github.com/facebook/python-sdk[/url] The …

Member Avatar for flyblackbox

I am curious about customizing a YouTube channel to allow enhanced functionality. I want to do something like this: [url]http://www.youtube.com/user/gillette[/url] How do I go about that? --- I think that I may already be signed up for the [URL="http://www.youtube.com/t/partnerships_faq"]YouTube Partnership Program.[/URL] Is having an 'Enhanced Youtube Channel' the same as …

Member Avatar for flyblackbox
Member Avatar for annemendez

I knew I still have a lot to improve in SEO especially when I found out about online groups. Can you give me insights about it? Ideas or tips on successfully establishing online groups. Thanks a bunch.

Member Avatar for benjymac
Member Avatar for deecoup

Hii.........I am using one tool it Shows Page is NOT PathMaps enabled whatdoes it mean .....can anyone help me out ?

Member Avatar for jimmi5052
Member Avatar for youlichika

Hi everyone, I'm new study Facebook api. I use this code, but the resault is empty. Can anyone help me? Thanks. ps: i have replaced my api id, url ,secrect in it. [CODE]<form action ="index.php" method ="post"> <input type="text" value="what is?" name="search" style="color:#999;text-align:center;" onfocus="if (value =='what is?'){value =''}" onblur="if (value …

Member Avatar for iroyal

Hey im new around here so if i get something wrong tell me :D I have this code [CODE]$txt = str_replace("#", "<a href=user.php?user=$txt></a>", $txt); [/CODE] I want it to when a user tags someone using # it goes to the user.php?user=WHATEVER#WAS. Its just like twitter is this possible and simple?

Member Avatar for iroyal
Member Avatar for innovativesln

There are lots of websites , which are using ajax. But, there are some who just made ajax most popular thing nowadays . Here are some examples. Google Twitter Facebook Linkedin Orkut Myspace Google maps Wordpress Knol

Member Avatar for feoperro

Hi, Can someone tell me how to make an image next to an input field? Something like what you would find at [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]http://www.facebook.com[/URL] or [URL="http://twitter.com"]http://twitter.com[/URL] when looking at the search field input box, you'll notice a picture of a magnifying glass - How do they do this? Thanks, Ashton.

Member Avatar for NZprog
Member Avatar for animatronico
Member Avatar for Johnlelan
Member Avatar for mazeroth

I thought I would share with you all a tutorial I just posted on creating a Facebook app using the Facebook Graph API and their PHP SDK. It's a very easy to follow tutorial and by the end you'll have your own app reading and writing posts to your wall …

Member Avatar for Sabryan
Member Avatar for tiger86

Google Buzz has been the center of attention this week to anyone who has a Gmail account. I have to say that Google Buzz took me by complete surprise, so of course I wrote a blog anout how it is Google's new spam system. Well now I'm writing this article …

Member Avatar for chamoo007
Member Avatar for kylegetson

looking to build a network for link exchange/promotion. The plan is to get a distributed group of reliable people. Then exchange promotion between group members. The group would need to be relatively small and manage-able. Communication would need to be open amongst the group, but kept private and away from …

Member Avatar for joelchrist
Member Avatar for GoodLuckChuck

This is for people that are on Facebook and use it to send people to their websites. This is an online newspaper (money.cnn.com) with lots of great articles. You can leave all the comments that you want and they are all linked to your Facebook page. [B][URL="http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2010/real_estate/1009/gallery.best_places_retire.moneymag/5.html"]http://money.cnn.com/galleries/2010/real_estate/1009/gallery.best_places_retire.moneymag/5.html[/URL][/B] Of course for …

Member Avatar for qlipboard
Member Avatar for BungeeBones

Hi all, I operate a web directory and made it so that other websites can install it and pull the categories and links from my database (an effortless web directory). I recently discovered I could install it in my FaceBook account too very easily. All that someone else needs to …

Member Avatar for BungeeBones
Member Avatar for happygeek

Last month [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story297374.html"]DaniWeb reported how Justin Bieber beat Lady Gaga to become the King of YouTube[/URL] with the most viewed video ever. Gaga has proven harder to tackle on Twitter where the quirky pop star has just knocked Britney Spears off the top spot in terms of the most followers. …

Member Avatar for raman1
Member Avatar for Sahilsahni

Hi please if anyone can tell me what information to fill up in following fields and where i can get them, or any simple way to integrate facebook to my site [CODE]<?php /* * FACEBOOK CONNECT LIBRARY FUNCTIONS/CLASSES */ /* * FILE INCLUDE PATHS * MAKE SURE THESE PATHS ALL …

Member Avatar for spiffy577

Hey all, I have a htpc project that I am working on. The main program loads dlls which are basically other win forms. On each of these forms, including the main program, I use a picturebox (double buffered picturebox) for the background image and then draw everything on it by …

Member Avatar for spiffy577
Member Avatar for prionkor

Hi, i am working on a facebook page with custom fbml page. Here is the link: SNIP I want to make a jquery slideshow in the page. Is it possible to use jquery there. I write a script which work on other website but not working there. I am importing …

Member Avatar for chintan@dani

Hello [B]PHP Experts,[/B] I am looking for the application in my site, which allows users of my site to invite their friends from facebook? How can i implement this? Plz reply, Any Help will be appriciated...


The End.