2,485 Topics

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Member Avatar for toopie

Hello, I am going to build a forum, possibly with vBulletin - how much software knowledge is required? Can a newbie do this? Great forum, by the way. Thanks.

Member Avatar for JTroopSoldier
Member Avatar for Minister

Hi All, First post and would appreciate any help. I want to start a forum at work. The IT department have quoted an unreal price. Can someone please tell me in idiot terms what I would need and an approximate cost to get it running. For instance, I understand it …

Member Avatar for Minister
Member Avatar for ruffy

Hi. I use Win2k PHP 4.3.1 MySql 4.1.9 [B]Trying to install phpBB 2.0.11[/B] My phpBB files are in C:\BB There I added the directory ..\BB\forum PROBLEM: I can't get past the html "start install" page. On that page - In Admin Configuration section: [B]a)[/B] Where it asks for ADMIN info; …

Member Avatar for madmatt
Member Avatar for randypebble

hello....i putiing my take on this new genre of online social networks....ie. the photosharing blog networks that seem to be popping up everywhere [URL=http://www.flickr.com]flickr[/URL] [URL=http://www.fotolog.net]fotolog[/URL] and my absolute favorite [URL=http://www.fotoamigo.com]fotoamigo[/URL] these new generation of hobbie driven social sites seem to be the new community rage, ...but will it last....It seems …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for mortgage-pro-se

I just installed a new phpbb golf forum. The install was straight out of the box. What steps should I follow next to get the board SEOed (search engine optimized) and ready for public consumption. Are there any SEO hacks you could recommend or a step by step guide on …

Member Avatar for Gandalf
Member Avatar for DoggyPaw

Ok, I'm sorry if this sounds dumb. I'm a newbie. :o I have a couple questions. First, I am just about to start a online community. I am very money-tied though, so I can't do to much. I'm going to have to go with the free boards. I was thinking …

Member Avatar for Atomica
Member Avatar for Dani

I have always left the default vBulletin emails that my forum sends out. (i.e. to activate a new account, inform a user of a new private message, etc.) However, I finally took the time to customize each e-mail - and I can't believe how much it's helped! The vBulletin forum …

Member Avatar for Ted S
Member Avatar for djelite

I've tried doing it, but to no avail. I have an existing phpbb 2.0.11 forum with a few mods. I also have a newly installed phpbb Xtreme 1.7 forum on a new database. I really don't want to lose my MEMBERS NICKS/PWs & their POSTS/PMs. Any insight would be greatly …

Member Avatar for Ted S
Member Avatar for nathanaus

Hi there I have been toying with the idea to run a competition to attract new members to my forum. Seems like a shame to have a shiney new forum sitting there with no one on it after all :) So the idea (borrowed from one I saw on another …

Member Avatar for php4ever
Member Avatar for Dani

Do you guys feel that the portal at [url="http://www.daniweb.com"]www.daniweb.com[/url] is intuitive? Or would you rather just enter the forum index via [url="http://www.techtalkforums.com"]www.techtalkforums.com[/url] ?? Wat about the techtutorials and dazah sections? The site hierarchy / navigation was just changed this morning. So I'm curious what you guys think about this ... …

Member Avatar for jwenting
Member Avatar for Vegas

I really enjoy Las Vegas and I was wanting to start a forum for awhile, then I got to thinking.. Hmm.. Maybe I could start a Vegas forum. You know, a forum centered around Vegas. Gambling, shows, experiences, ect. Then I got to thinking.. "Hmm.. Would anyone even go? Seems …

Member Avatar for dexterz
Member Avatar for mikeandike22

I have just setup a simple home page and forum. the homepage is willpull22.remnetworks.com and it the forum is sort of like this forum but there are not as many members or options (daniweb uses vbulletin $160, I use PHPbb free). So my site and my forum offer you news,info, …

Member Avatar for php4ever
Member Avatar for Danny

Do you think its a good idea to run advertisements on your own forum site to make a profit? Clearly the only way a website can survive is with a revenue source, but how far should individuals go to make money off their site? Are popups, popunders, big bright flashing …

Member Avatar for Gandalf
Member Avatar for kall

How many of you have seen somebody make helpful comment after helpful comment, or release great hacks/code, and then head over to their site because you were impressed with what you had seen of them on other sites? Probably most. :) The converse applies...I know of a few people whose …

Member Avatar for Danny
Member Avatar for SilentSpic

What's the best way of finding someone to help the admin with forum descriptions and posting content without paying? I have a site that generates a lot of hits but lurkers are not joining. I gave guests permission to comment, view pictures, and reply to topics without requiring registration but …

Member Avatar for Atomica
Member Avatar for harishankar

I am running a pretty new site and I have two moderation groups: Editorial Staff (for my content forums) General Staff (for my other forums) The person I chose for the General Staff has not logged in for over a month now. I am caught in a difficult position. Do …

Member Avatar for Mighty_Squid
Member Avatar for edprush

I thought I understood the difference but when I read a post here that discussed vBindex I am not sure I see how it differs from what I would call a cms. Thanks.

Member Avatar for Tpyo
Member Avatar for BigBlueBall

When you're not logged in here at daniweb, you see a message that shows the total number of members, the number of people online now and the number of members online in the past 24 hours. I like it a lot, and I'm also using vBulletin. How did you do …

Member Avatar for mikeSQL
Member Avatar for BigBlueBall

How do you create custom pages like [url]http://www.daniweb.com/mediakit/[/url] that appear to be integrated with vBulletin? I'm fairly new to vBulletin and am currently migrating one of my websites from ASP to PHP. I can see some advantages to the integration, but I'm not sure how you accomplished it.

Member Avatar for mikeSQL
Member Avatar for harishankar

Just that question. What are the pros and cons of implementing a no-advertising policy (i.e. while posting) in new communities which are looking for more members? Do you think initially people should be allowed to advertise their sites/products or is this a bad thing? Let me know what you all …

Member Avatar for jdmml
Member Avatar for gcool

Hey people i am developing a portal for my college can anyone Guide me about wat to do and where can i get info on this topic?????????

Member Avatar for mikeSQL
Member Avatar for Dani

I have been noticing lately a lot of new members will register on the site, and then PM me with their questions instead of even attempting to post on the forums. Has anyone here had any experience with prohibiting the use of private messaging until a member has reached some …

Member Avatar for Sphyenx
Member Avatar for ForumDesigner

Does anyone know of a software similar to that of ezboard where you can have moblie membership on many forums. I have a forum now and a virtual private server, I would like to create a community where others can create boards and use a single membership base.

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for gooseneck

Does anyone here have any experience using any asp forum software? I've never had the chance, and I was just wondering if you guys have any advice about what works well for future reference. Thanks a bunch!

Member Avatar for mikeSQL
Member Avatar for EmoForums

What exactly is 'CPanel Control Panel'? Does it help me setup a PhpBB forum? If not, what does the hosting package need to come with so I can easily install a PhpBB forum? Also, does anyone know how to make it so when you go to [url]Www.MyWebsite.Com[/url] it goes right …

Member Avatar for mikeSQL
Member Avatar for OTCafe

I'm starting a forum for the first time, I think a off-topic one would be the best/funniest. What name should I pick? If you don't like either, can you give me a general idea of a good name.

Member Avatar for Sideshow Bob
Member Avatar for baker011

Hi, I have been reading through this forum and decided to register and seek the advice of you guys as most seem very experianced in running and maintaining communities. Originally I was a moderator for a site called gamer.tv which provided online games, reviews and had its own tv channel. …

Member Avatar for baker011
Member Avatar for EmoForums

I'm throwing a $100 contest for refering members. January, 1st, 2005 is when the contest ends. Whoever did the best, will then get $100 via pay-pal. Do you guys think that's to hefty? Or, perfect? (They got to be sencable members too, no 0-1 post members)

Member Avatar for baker011
Member Avatar for Token

I was looking over the other topics about making your site name work and I started to wonder if the name that I want for my future comic is a good idea. It is sorta long winded but is the exact name of the comic and isnt all that confuseable …

Member Avatar for Dani
Member Avatar for chemicalking

I have a great idea for a discussion forum and havnt a clue how to set it up. Could some of the more senior members help me or direct me to somewhere on here that can? Thanks

Member Avatar for chemicalking

The End.