2,485 Topics
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![]() | I want to put a "F" button on my site of quotations. On clicking on it it would have to update his/her status. where status would be that quotation.. Can any one help..?? |
[I]I like baseball, movies, good clothes, fast cars... and you. What else you need to know? ~Johnny Depp playing John Dillinger in the movie Public Enemies[/I] I love that quote from the movie [URL="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1152836/"]Public Enemies[/URL]. Everything you want to know about a guy in one sentence. If you think about … | |
Hi Everyone, I have an account on face book and I want to use face book for increase my site traffic so I please guide me how can I use face book in effective way so that I can increase my site traffic. Thanks in advance | |
Someone posing as Apple head honcho Steve Jobs on Twitter has managed to fool a major UK newspaper into reporting that the [URL="http://www.apple.com/iphone/"]iPhone 4[/URL] would be recalled after posting a Tweet which said "We may have to recall the new iPhone. This, I did not expect". The Daily Mail website … | |
Is social media a fad? or The biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution MY Views: well, Social Media will remain as a powerful promotional tool for today's business, it's influence is definitely not a hype, it is one of the promotional tools for modern business, but if you say it's … | |
According to [URL="http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/pakistan/2010/06/100615_face_book_update.shtml"]the BBC[/URL], although you'll need to understand Urdu to read it (here is [URL="http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/pakistan/2010/06/100615_face_book_update.shtml&sl=ur&tl=en"]a rough translation using Google[/URL] for your convenience if you don't), Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg stands accused of insulting the Prophet Muhammad in a Pakistani court filing under something known as 'Messenger Law' … | |
Today the news has come through - some would say it's a good thing, some will be appalled - that the XXX domain has had approval from ICANN, the authority that sets things up. Personally I'm delighted, but not necessarily for the reasons you might think a 45 year old … | |
In a move that some are hailing as a new frontier for independent political candidates, the Utah Supreme Court ruled today that nominating petitions can be signed electronically as well as on paper and still be valid. "[W]e conclude that the plain language of section 20A-9-502 is not limited to … | |
[URL="http://blog.facebook.com/blog.php?post=12811122130"]According to engineering team insider Josh Wiseman[/URL], Facebook will start rolling out the long awaited Facebook Chat system this week. Although you might think that Facebook provides plenty of chatting opportunity already, courtesy of the Wall and Inbox functionality, the argument is that neither offer the immediacy of a true … | |
Hi Eveybody, I have heard about plurl and jaiku which is social networking site. I want to know that it can be useful to generate traffic for my site or not. Thanks in advance for your suggestions! | |
Martha Lane Fox, who co-founded lastminute.com, has [URL="http://www.number10.gov.uk/news/latest-news"]been appointed[/URL] as the new UK Digital Champion by Prime Minister David Cameron. As part of the coaltion Government's drive to increase transparency and accountability, the Internet entrepreneur will be tasked with encouraging as many people as possible to go online, and improving … | |
Hello, I am looking for help in putting together a social marketing policy/procedure for my organization. Everything I have found online has been created for companies that are allowing/not allowing their employees to use social networking. That is not what I need. I am looking for a more of how … | |
Here's some buzz for you, Google Buzz is killing my GMail. I'm adding [URL="http://www.google.com"]Google[/URL]'s [URL="http://www.google.com/buzz"]Buzz[/URL] to the top of the list of the worst tech ideas to come along in quite a while. I'm not a social networking fan, anyway, and to break my GMail, my primary email account, with … | |
A series of angry email messages to a U.S. Senator has landed a man in jail, possibly because he didn't sign them with his correct name or location. Bruce Shore, who is from Philadelphia, sent email to Senator Jim Bunning, of Kentucky, after the Senator complained on the Senate floor … | |
Hi, Im wondering? What is used to create/run daniweb? Is it just coded by hand or running as a design on vBulliten for example? Any ideas please? Thanks! | |
The web was awash with rumours yesterday and now there's confirmation - [URL="http://www.aol.com"]AOL[/URL] has sold [URL="http://www.bebo.com"]Bebo[/URL] to [URL="http://www.criterioncapital.co.uk"]Criterion Capital Partners[/URL]. The "why sell" question is too easy to answer to even bother with - it was dying on its backside. The early adopters of social media were fond of Bebo, … | |
I spent the better part of this week at the[URL="http://www.e2conf.com/"] Enterprise 2.0 Conference[/URL] in Boston where I saw an excellent presentation called "The Dark Side of Enterprise 2.0." During this session, Kathleen Culver of Alactel-Lucent suggested that one of the big negatives of Enterprise 2.0 and by extension, social media … | |
The Twitter account of the Conservative MP for Suffolk Coastal, Therese Coffey, has been well and truly hacked it would appear. According to [URL="http://www.londonspinonline.com/2010/06/exclusive-hackers-seize-top-torys.html"]London Spin[/URL] "The attackers bombarded social media users with sexually explicit messages and comments after gaining access to her Blog, Facebook and Twitter account details". Although the … | |
As it turns out, if you give people the ability to have other people look at them anonymously via the computer, some of them do very, very nasty things. Imagine. [URL="http://www.chatroulette.com/"]Chatroulette[/URL], released in November, 2009, by a 17-year-old Russian boy, is often described as a website for voyeurs, but really, … | |
Hello i am new to this. may i know what's the difference between blog roll and blog post? and how would it help my site. Thanks | |
If you get an email purporting to come from Twitter suggesting that you have forgotten your password, even though you know exactly what it is, you will not be alone. It would appear that around 55,000 people have already received these fake notifications which, as if you haven't guessed, are … | |
Hey folks, check out the photos from DaniWeb's events this past Wednesday night. If you are not already a fan on Facebook [URL="http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/DaniWeb/265645417068?ref=ts"]go here[/URL] [URL="http://www.facebook.com/pages/DaniWeb/265645417068?ref=ts#!/album.php?aid=233959&id=265645417068&ref=mf"]Photos from "Dinner with Dani"[/URL] the dinner event that was designed to mimic DaniWeb.com [URL="http://www.facebook.com/pages/DaniWeb/265645417068?ref=ts#!/album.php?aid=233959&id=265645417068&ref=mf"][ATTACH]15333[/ATTACH][/URL] [URL="http://www.facebook.com/pages/DaniWeb/265645417068?ref=ts#!/album.php?aid=229536&id=265645417068&ref=mf"]Photos of the After Party[/URL] where we gave away an Apple … | |
Fake YouTube pages which look very similar to the real thing have been uncovered by security experts at eSoft, and they deliver a deadly payload. According to the [URL="http://threatcenter.blogspot.com/2010/06/135000-fake-youtube-pages-delivering.html"]eSoft Threat Prevention Team[/URL] there are at least 135,000 of these fake YouTube pages, sitting on thousands of compromised web servers, and … | |
I've run across ten new Linux distributions inspired by current news stories. Some, of course, are better than others and a few just have no practical use or purpose whatsoever but still are worth a mention. These ten distributions are in no particular order of my preference or relevance. Maybe … | |
My PHP is rusty, but I'm not letting that stop me. I've got a project my business is undertaking for our local area: The project can be seen as a simplified linkedin, with the ability for users to register a company page, which will allocate a subdomain via cpanel. The … ![]() | |
hi all, i am working on a project , it needs facebook facepile plugin intigration , how can i add this plugin . i tried but failed to get result. if any one have idea please help me. | |
Hi, Im interested in starting a website with a function similar to the one of the million dollor homepage. You can see this concept here: www milliondollarhomepage com I'd like to set something up where users can login, submit a photo and then the photo is put into the wall. … | |
I remember last year this time, businesses were clamoring over Twitter. I dont hear that much hype about Twitter nor do I see the twitter name on ads. So do you think newcomers influenced the success of Twitter? | |
Hi folks, I'm a noob here so be gentle! :icon_cheesygrin: I'm going to get you involved in a few of my pet hobbies, including tracking the social media market. I will update this thread when I find new data, but wanted you to contribute as well, so if you have … | |
Social bookmarks icons.. Look at the right column at the website below to know what I mean [url]http://mashable.com/[/url] I know you can find them everywhere on the web like here [url]http://www.freesocialicons.com/[/url] But my question is how do u set it up ?? There are service like (add this) and (share … |
The End.