2,482 Topics

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At a time when Facebook users are being warned to reduce their exposure online, UK-based Skinbook is encouraging them to increase it. The site hit the big time this past week, with an [URL="http://www.time.com/time/business/article/0,8599,1992300,00.html#ixzz0pZ0XuyZL"]article [/URL]in [I]Time [/I]Magazine, which sent a naked horde running towards the community. Based on Ning.com, the …

Member Avatar for sarababe
Member Avatar for drewpark88

Hey Guys, New to SEO/SMM and would like to see if anyone has any tips or tricks that will help me drive traffic to my blog? What do you do that has been working? Any help would be appreciated : )

Member Avatar for qlipboard
Member Avatar for WASDted

How powerful is YouTube? [ATTACH=RIGHT]15177[/ATTACH]It used to be that a person with talent would have to go through the motions, the due process [if you will] of becoming a star. One would have to be discovered or audition and get lucky. In essence one would have to be in the …

Member Avatar for flipsheldon
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

A week ago today, the unthinkable happened. That's right, Gmail went down...for *two* hours. You would have thought, judging from the amount of chatter on Twitter that we were experiencing an epic attack, a horrible natural disaster, perhaps the end of life as we know it; but it was none …

Member Avatar for seomasterz
Member Avatar for khess

It looks like [URL="http://www.yahoo.com"]Yahoo[/URL] has reinstated the [URL="http://news.yahoo.com/technology"]Linux/Open Source[/URL] link on their Tech News page. Perhaps it was just a fat-fingered mistake or an accident of some sort that the link was removed from the main link bar but it certainly raised my hackles. And, frankly, my hackles don't need …

Member Avatar for PasBern
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

I read a study that said users over share on Facebook so I wonder if businesses over share on Facebook. What do you think?

Member Avatar for joelchrist
Member Avatar for jay 11

Anyone with a Twitter account occasionally gets a random new follower. Some may be legit people just wanting to hear what you have to say, some may be cyber-stalkers :P, but MOST are just using some automated software that set's their Twitter account on "Auto-Pilot" and follows as many as …

Member Avatar for joelchrist
Member Avatar for SerjSagan

So I have a problem. On my site I have a Facebook Likebox the problem is when I run the Firefox extension Page Speed, I am told that the Facebook images that are loading with the Likebox (mostly 50x50 images of avatars of people that already like my company and …

Member Avatar for SerjSagan
Member Avatar for slfisher

It sounds great in theory: Use the power of the Internet to get ideas from people, have people vote on the ideas, and then use the ideas that get the most votes. However, it doesn't work so well for some people. "Republicans are drafting a new plan to win back …

Member Avatar for slfisher
Member Avatar for newsguy

The British Library is already home to 52,000 local, regional, national and international newspaper titles spanning three centuries. Not surprisingly it has been called one of the world’s finest collections of newspapers, and every year it's used by 30,000 researchers in subjects ranging from family history and genealogy to sports …

Member Avatar for petersen1
Member Avatar for smith09

Default What are your best traffic tactics? Hi All, Everybody has their own way to get the traffic and market/advertise their site. I would like to know the traffic tactics which you guys normally use. Mine are: 1.) email marketing 2.) forums 3.) blog comments 4.) Social Bookmarking Thanks,

Member Avatar for anthmaina
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The headline says it all - [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] has rearranged its privacy rules after massive bad feedback from users on multiple social networks. The issue spread as far as news sites including those of international broadcasters and newspapers. There had been plans for members to use 31 May as a mass …

Member Avatar for happygeek
Member Avatar for smith09

Recently i have a new option called Google buzz in gmail. How is it useful and what can i use it for? Please suggest me on this....

Member Avatar for smokewire
Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[I]Time keeps on slipping, slipping, slipping into the future... Steve Miller, Fly Like an Eagle[/I] [ATTACH=RIGHT]15151[/ATTACH]I've been carrying around that title all week. It came to me on Sunday morning, and it involves the idea of how automatically we record and broadcast our lives in the digital age. One of …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10
Member Avatar for gotagged

I am looking for a best way to get atleast one pagerank for the website. I have try all the tricks, used unique content, submit website on all the popular bookmark website, directory listing but no luck. What i am doing wrong?? Is there any specific time period to get …

Member Avatar for smith09
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

Yes, creating a social media presence is great but what about the return on investments? Has it worked bringing more revenue to the company?

Member Avatar for redesignunit
Member Avatar for khess

OK, I'm not sure what's going on in the minds of the geniuses over at Yahoo but just today they removed the Linux/Open Source link under News/Tech is gone. Its replacement? Social Media. Thanks Yahoo. That's really clever. NOT! In the realm of things dumb, that takes second place right …

Member Avatar for khess
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] appears set to reconsider its privacy policy after colossal backlashes in the online world. The company confirmed to the BBC that it appears to have made things too complicated. Introduced this week was a new button on the privacy settings on a user's page, in which they share their …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital
Member Avatar for happygeek

At first glance the news story headline from [URL="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/7740500/Britons-spend-more-web-time-reading-news-than-looking-at-pornography.html"]The Telegraph[/URL] was rather comforting: Britons spend more web time reading news than looking at pornography. That's one big finger flipped up in the face of all those who decry the Internet as being a cesspool of depravity and the people who …

Member Avatar for jay 11

Online bookmarking services allow individuals to catalog web pages of interest and access that catalog from anywhere there is an internet connection. I see a lot of members here mentioning how bookmarking their websites and web pages can be used as a tool for driving traffic and increasing web citations …

Member Avatar for jay 11
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] has been involved in meetings this week talking to employees about their concerns over user privacy. The issue is that people searching the web can now see Facebook members' profiles, unless they have protected them, whether the person doing the search is a Facebook member or not. Previously the …

Member Avatar for joelchrist
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

[URL="http://twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL] founder Biz Stone has confirmed that the network might take advertising at some stage. More specifically he's refused to say it won't. The company has just revised its terms and conditions and as part of the overhaul Mr. Stone has said on a blog that he's keeping the door …

Member Avatar for joelchrist
Member Avatar for khess

The other day, when involved in a lengthy text-based chat session with a coworker, I realized (for the first time perhaps) that we need a smarter chat client. I spent a great deal of time and energy attempting to explain a relatively simple concept to my coworker, when it occurred …

Member Avatar for InsightsDigital
Member Avatar for newsguy

If you see a message on Facebook, apparently coming from one of your friends, and promising a link to the 'sexiest video ever' then whatever you do, don't click on it. The video link messages promise a 'candid camera prank' seemingly involving a woman in a short skirt riding an …

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Member Avatar for slfisher

It's not clear whether it's an application, a virus, or Facebook itself, but in the past couple of days something is sending out large numbers of friend suggestions that the original friend didn't make. Typically, it works like this. You have a friend, B, and a friend, C, and you …

Member Avatar for joelchrist
Member Avatar for InsightsDigital

With so many social media options, I thought I cant be the only one who have many profiles with many different passwords. So how many do you have? I have at least 10: 1. This one 2. Facebook 3. LinkedIn 4. Youtube 5-8. Several Personal sites 9. Google 10. yahoo …

Member Avatar for virtuemart
Member Avatar for tiger86

I received an email from one of my friends in reply to my Facebook mail telling them that I am deleting my account. What was so interesting was that, they too want to delete their facebook account, but the site has become so complex that they have no clue how. …

Member Avatar for liamfriel
Member Avatar for deineMutti

Hi, I am currently developing a Chrome extension to upload photos to TwitPic, but am receiving an error in the response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rsp stat="fail"> <err code="2" msg="Image type not supported. GIF, JPG, & PNG only" /> </rsp> My request looks like this: [CODE]--345823569845694578678 Content-disposition: form-data; filename="image.png"; name="media" Content-Type: …

Member Avatar for tamar

What do you prefer? Do you find [URL="http://mashable.com/2007/11/12/comscore-facebook-traffic-flattening-myspace-hits-record/"]these results[/URL] interesting?

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The End.