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On Friday, July 9th 2010 Blogetery.com went dark and over 73,000 user generated blogs disappeared without warning, without notice...and without any explanation whatsoever. Blogetery.com hosted thousands of WordPress based blogs that suddenly disappeared when their host, BurstNet abruptly pulled the plug in what has become one of the current mysteries … | |
I have some scripts and i would like for a partner to work with me a trustworthy one that is good with dealing with Facebook scripts and website designing. making fan pages pm me for more information ! only intrested people only | |
Gentlemen, your suspicions have been confirmed - your lady/girlfriend/wife [I]is[/I] addicted to Facebook. [ATTACH=right]15821[/ATTACH]That's the finding in a new survey of 18-to-34-year-old ladies by Oxygen Media (think Oprah). It found that over a third of the 1600 women polled - 39% to be exact - describe themselves as "addicted" to … | |
Viral videos are usually a great laugh, which is why they spread so quickly and the reason they get called viral in the first place. But the laughter soon stops when the bad guys use the lure of a viral video to launch a clickjacking attack. [attach]15852[/attach]Security researchers at Sophos … | |
[I]"The children now love luxury; they have bad manners, contempt for authority; they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Children are now tyrants, not the servants of their households. They no longer rise when elders enter the room. They contradict their parents, chatter before company, … | |
Have you seen [URL="http://www.facebook.com/SocialCowFB"]Social Cow[/URL] on Facebook? They say this will gonna rock Facebook Games. The Teaser is Interesting. You can find their teaser on [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-dUDoqPmTQ"]Youtube[/URL]. | |
Hackers have targeted Justin Bieber videos on YouTube, exploiting a cross-site scripting vulnerability which enabled them to bombard viewers with pop-up messages and redirect them to porn sites. The hack attack lasted for the best part of two hours before Google was able to isolate the problem and apply a … | |
Hi, Many peoples using url shorten except of original url path of sites in micro blogging like twitter, identi.ca, facebook. I want to know that use of url shorter is better except original url link of site in micro blogging or not and why ? | |
[ATTACH=LEFT]15813[/ATTACH]Twitter has an undeniable presence on the 'net and has grown into one of the most popular forms of social networking. People still hold on to their blogs for dear life, but some users have opted to switch to Twitter exclusively. TwitVid is attempting to uproot the ad-world, similar in … | |
In a twist of Internet fate, [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] creator and owner Mark Zuckerberg finds himself as defendant in a lawsuit over the Facebook's majority ownership. Paul Ceglia claims that he entered into a contract, signed by both himself and Zuckerberg, that sold 50 percent of facebook.com to Ceglia for $1,000. Ceglia … | |
A handful of folks in Brooklyn may have found a way to put the idea of virtual communities and social networks to use in a practical way. Think Foursquare combined with the utility of commuting, as one organizer put it. Roadify is described as "the first comprehensive 'social transportation' company, … | |
I am just having profile in LinkedIn? But How to use Linked In for my site promotion? | |
I just read on Mashable that tr.im url shortner was shutting down and that by 1/1/2010 all of the tr.im urls will stop working. The post mentions that the creator of Delicious has made the case against shortened urls. Is this the beginning of the end for URL shortners or … | |
[URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] has decided to kill off its virtual gifts. According to a report from [URL="http://mashable.com/2010/07/08/facebook-gifts-rip/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Mashable+%28Mashable%29"]Mashable[/URL] nobody is saying why, they're just cutting it out. I'll tell you why. Because it was a rubbish idea, poorly executed. OK, rephrase: as a standalone idea, it sucked. As a component of something else … | |
[ATTACH=RIGHT]15745[/ATTACH]Recent buzz centers around Facebook and Google interactions ever since [URL="http://www.skepticgeek.com/socialweb/googlers-take-on-social-networking-reveals-chinks-in-facebooks-armor/"]a presentation by Paul Adams, the user research lead of Google’s social team[/URL], revealed some of Google’s plans for social networking. In the presentation, Google sets out how it defines social and demonstrates why that definition showcases Facebook’s biggest weakness. … | |
In a recent [URL="http://www.guardian.co.uk/technology/2010/jul/05/clay-shirky-internet-television-newspapers"]interview[/URL] with The Guardian, [I][URL="http://www.amazon.com/Cognitive-Surplus-Creativity-Generosity-Connected/dp/1594202532"]Cognitive Surplus[/URL][/I] author, professor and thinker [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clay_Shirky"]Clay Shirky[/URL] talked about the transformative power of social media to put the power to produce content in the hands of every individual. While he acknowledged that sometimes this power produced what is essentially trash, that didn't … | |
It's an odd thing to say about a business that spends so much of its time online and is so skilled at search, video (through YouTube) and all that stuff. But for me, [URL="http://www.google.com"]Google[/URL] has only half an idea of what it's sitting on and a number of sites out-do … | |
APPLE sold a record 600,000 in pre-orders in a single day last week, and BGC analyst Colin Gillis expects Apple to set a record for being the first company to sell a million smartphones in a single day. iphone is currently in the third position in terms of market share … | |
Hi everybody! Did you know that FB is going to be a paid Social Networking System since July 10-th 2010? They are going to charge $4 per month and some other services in FB are going to be paid as well. What do you think about it? | |
Occasionally something crops up as a classic example of how not to build a social media network, and the BBC's decision to insult its [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] fans is a good example. The idea was to put a dummy site up as a test run for the London Olympics - they're a … | |
The news - or rather unsubstantiated reports - that Apple is developing an online, cloud version of iTunes can be no surprise to anyone. The surprise, in the light of [URL="http://www.spotify.com"]Spotify[/URL], [URL="http://www.sky.com/songs"]Sky Songs[/URL] and other competitors is that Apple hasn't made a move before. You could actually argue that the … | |
Hi, I would like to post the stream from my website to facebook user wall by using facebook API.. 1. I have created the facebook application 2. posted the stream by application admin .. passed the parameter which required to this function.. $this->facebook->api_client->stream_publish($comments,'From:blinkbee.com',$action_link,$f_user_id,$f_user_id); 3.sucessfully posted the stream.. 4.Then i changed … | |
Nick Clegg, Deputy Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, has asked the British public to help decide which laws should be repealed by way of what can only be described as an exercise in crowdsourcing via the government sponsored '[URL="http://yourfreedom.hmg.gov.uk/repealing-unnecessary-laws"]Your Freedom[/URL]' website. However, it seems the great British public are … | |
| I want to put a "F" button on my site of quotations. On clicking on it it would have to update his/her status. where status would be that quotation.. Can any one help..?? |
[I]I like baseball, movies, good clothes, fast cars... and you. What else you need to know? ~Johnny Depp playing John Dillinger in the movie Public Enemies[/I] I love that quote from the movie [URL="http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1152836/"]Public Enemies[/URL]. Everything you want to know about a guy in one sentence. If you think about … | |
Hi Everyone, I have an account on face book and I want to use face book for increase my site traffic so I please guide me how can I use face book in effective way so that I can increase my site traffic. Thanks in advance | |
Someone posing as Apple head honcho Steve Jobs on Twitter has managed to fool a major UK newspaper into reporting that the [URL="http://www.apple.com/iphone/"]iPhone 4[/URL] would be recalled after posting a Tweet which said "We may have to recall the new iPhone. This, I did not expect". The Daily Mail website … | |
Is social media a fad? or The biggest shift since the Industrial Revolution MY Views: well, Social Media will remain as a powerful promotional tool for today's business, it's influence is definitely not a hype, it is one of the promotional tools for modern business, but if you say it's … | |
According to [URL="http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/pakistan/2010/06/100615_face_book_update.shtml"]the BBC[/URL], although you'll need to understand Urdu to read it (here is [URL="http://translate.google.com/translate?js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&layout=1&eotf=1&u=http://www.bbc.co.uk/urdu/pakistan/2010/06/100615_face_book_update.shtml&sl=ur&tl=en"]a rough translation using Google[/URL] for your convenience if you don't), Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg stands accused of insulting the Prophet Muhammad in a Pakistani court filing under something known as 'Messenger Law' … | |
Today the news has come through - some would say it's a good thing, some will be appalled - that the XXX domain has had approval from ICANN, the authority that sets things up. Personally I'm delighted, but not necessarily for the reasons you might think a 45 year old … |
The End.