2,482 Topics

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So I read all this news about Google's new phone - Nexus. I do wonder if users will sign up so they cna be more connected to their social communities?[url]http://www.google.com/phone[/url]

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Member Avatar for jedivid

HI there I am not sure this is the right place but I need help. I brought a good site good rating and everything but the traffic is dead nothing much the site is a PR4 but the traffic has dropped completed I have been doing SEO and other bits …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

The deadline for authors to object to the inclusion of their works on [URL="http://books.google.com/"]Google Books[/URL] is approaching. Google maintains that this will bring books to loads more people than before and authors including [URL="http://www.ursulakleguin.com"]Ursula Le Guin[/URL] maintain Google is trying to walk off with people's copyright. OK, declaration of vested …

Member Avatar for jennypitts
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I just read on a blog that Facebook advertising revenue is quickly surpassing Myspace's. It is no surprise since Facebook seems to be more widely accepted than Myspace. [url]http://www.clickz.com/3635971?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+clickz+%28ClickZ+News%29&utm_content=Google+Reader[/url] I personally would advise clients to advertise on Facebook for most tactics unless the business wants to target musicians or teeny …

Member Avatar for jusvie
Member Avatar for slfisher

Perhaps taking the lead from Connecticut Republicans who set up [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story232782.html"]fake[/URL] Twitter accounts and websites for their Democratic opponents, other political campaigns are doing it, too. In California, an intern for the campaign of Beth Krom for Congress noticed that the website of incumbent Representative John Campbell had a misspelled …

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Member Avatar for Mr.'BackUp'

Hey guys and gals, A friend of mine wants to build a site similar to [url]www.face-pic.com[/url] or faceparty.co.uk. He mentioned that he would need an off the shelf product to build around, rather than having it built from scratch. Anyone know of such software, or indeed can build a site …

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Member Avatar for dolphins

Hey All, I just heard about revenue sharing forums, where members can essentially earn revenues on the quality of there posts. This can be done because having better threads, that get more views can earn more money for the member creating the thread. As a community, it becomes a win-win …

Member Avatar for pengerik
Member Avatar for slfisher

To protest a planned Internet filter in Australia, Australian websites and users are being encouraged this week to turn themselves black. "The Federal Government wants to pass laws to force internet service providers to block banned material hosted on overseas servers," explained one Australian [URL="http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2010/01/26/2801759.htm"]media source[/URL]. "Communications Minister Stephen Conroy …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

Many American readers won't have noticed - why should they? - that the UK is in the middle of the lead-up to a [URL="http://www.parliament.uk/about/how/elections.cfm"]General Election[/URL]. We don't do it like the Americans, we elect our Members of Parliament, the leader of the majority party becomes Prime Minister automatically and our …

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Even though many tools like TweetDeck already have the ReTweet feature, now Twitter officially have added that feature. So have you used it or does it make any difference? I dont mind putting the RT @.... before a tweet.

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Member Avatar for happygeek

No sooner had the news of the untimely [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2009/06/28/that-michael-jackson-effect/"]death of Michael Jackson[/URL] hit the Internet than the vultures started circling. For once it was not the gossip columnists and tabloid journalists digging up the dirt, but rather spammers and hackers looking to exploit a golden opportunity to distribute their wares …

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Member Avatar for slfisher

Online legal experts are salivating over cookies. Specifically, they are leaping to comment on the legal precedents involved over a lawsuit by Dr. Sanford Siegal, creator of the "[URL="http://www.cookiediet.com/"]Cookie Diet[/URL]," and his company, Dr. Siegal's Direct Nutritionals, LLC, against celebrity, model, socialite, and actress [URL="http://kimkardashian.celebuzz.com/"]Kim Kardashian[/URL] over what they allege …

Member Avatar for wiicopy
Member Avatar for happygeek

I would like to think that anyone watching, reading or listening to news reports of the unfolding tragedy that is post-earthquake Haiti could not fail to be moved first to tears and then prompted to want to do something. Most people have responded by asking themselves 'what can I do …

Member Avatar for canadafred
Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

This is odd, to my thinking. The founder and owner of the UK file sharing peer to peer site Oink (great name) has been acquitted of conspiracy to defraud. In spite of earning $18,000 per month from people downloading from the site because people would send donations in order to …

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Now, being part of an online networking site is very commonplace, but even 5 years ago, it was a novelty. Now, people are just so accepting of others checking their online status/profiles during work, dinner, etc. So do you think that: 1. Society have become less productive as a result …

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Member Avatar for EddieC

Users of GoogleDocs will soon have reason to celebrate. Google this week announced in a [url=http://googledocs.blogspot.com/2010/01/upload-and-store-your-files-in-cloud.html]blog post[/url] that its free online document collaboration platform will soon store files of all file types, rather than just those it can edit (plus PDFs). To understand the significance of this news, you'll first …

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Member Avatar for Techwriter10

A little over a year ago Barack Obama surged to victory using social media to drive his energized base to the polls. Tonight in Massachusetts, Republican Scott Brown turned the tables and used those same tools to help defeat Democrat Martha Coakley and win the Senate seat held by Ted …

Member Avatar for alex77ae
Member Avatar for slfisher

While waiting for [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/post977515.html"]federal legislation[/URL] legalizing online gambling -- a vote that could happen as early as [URL="http://www.pokerheadline.com/2010/01/efforts-are-taken-by-poker-players-alliance-to-regulate-online-gambling/"]next month[/URL] -- individual states are looking to legalize online gambling as well. States such as [URL="http://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/news/breaking/article_8a288b86-04b0-11df-8663-001cc4c002e0.html?mode=story"]New Jersey[/URL], [URL="http://www.egrmagazine.com/news/263017/california-poker-bill-introduced-next-year-promises-new-pva-chief.thtml"]California[/URL], and [URL="http://jacksonville.com/news/florida/2010-01-20/story/florida_legislature_could_take_a_look_at_regulating_internet_poker"]Florida[/URL] are considering legislation that would permit online gambling within their states -- …

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We all know everyone talks about social media, but what about "What's next?", especially if you want to measure success. So which key performance indicators do you use for social media marketing?

Member Avatar for jay 11
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Many businesses advertise on social media with the hopes of a higher CTR and sales. I can count in one hand the times I have clicked to a social ad on Facebook. What about you? How more likely are you to click than to a paid search keyword ad on …

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Member Avatar for cyberoptik

Hi, I'm only familiar w/ phpbb, what are the advantages of Vbulletin? Usually the larger forums use vbulletin, and the smaller forums use phpbb (like mine, heh) just curious what the big deal is. Teach Me @.@ hehe Thanks all. Ron Johnson

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Member Avatar for RicanPrincess

I am looking to start an online discussion board for parents in the Milwaukee, WI area. I am looking for ideas and suggestions on a cool, memorable name. Help? TIA.

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Member Avatar for slfisher

Following the lead of [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4250.html"]Facebook users[/URL] whose uproar over a change in terms led the social media company to change them back, Twitter users are now clamoring about a change in what Twitter shows. Twitter users "follow" other users, meaning they see their posts. People can either create new posts …

Member Avatar for ablitz
Member Avatar for aboutnewj

Google caffeine is the new algo google is testing, i heard that in this update, google gives more importance to social media networking like digg, reddit is that true and also really checked in google about caffeine and i came across number of domains I saw this website comparecaffiene .com …

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Member Avatar for ivirtua

Does anyone know of a Video CMS... Gallery style, like youtube or google video, but not as complex... Basically people can sign up, upload videos and they can see how many hits they have got, people can comment and rate the movie too :) Anything out there? Thanks in advance …

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In today's age, it is important to secure your online presence by getting your name as a domain. It does not matter if you are not a celebrity - I do believe you should play it safe and buy your domain and also pay extra to get the private listing …

Member Avatar for jay 11
Member Avatar for Tim205

We have a site that is similar to fmylife.com. We are looking for cost effective ways to generate user submissions and to build up an online community. Thank you in advance for any ideas or suggestions!

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Member Avatar for MktgRob

I read a blog yesterday where the author talks about physical injuries that have resulted because of people who are so obsessed with using their smartphones that they cause automobile accidents or, like the recent incident in NYC, where a young girl was reading a text message and fell into …

Member Avatar for Roger.romon
Member Avatar for ljianyih

I'm new to digg and stumble upon as i only use facebook and twitter for my website. Can anyone explain to me what is the main difference between stumble and digg? And also how digg and stumble upon get more traffic to your website? Thanks :)

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The End.