2,482 Topics

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As creators and managers of online communities, we need to be ever vigilant to protect the integrity of that which we create. Here is a prime example why. The link below is to a story on FoxNews about the Secret Service actively monitoring Facebook because some loser posted a poll …

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Hi I know I am not the only one who blogged and then one day, realized, why am I doing this and why should I continue lightbulb revelation. So I wonder who else also had this type of epiphany?

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Being on social media, I have noticed there are certain "twitter celebrities" or even Myspace celebrities like Tila Tequila. Thus, I wonder what makes someone into an online celebrity, does it matter, and does it help you from a professional standpoint? Perhaps I am already a celebrity here on DaniWeb? …

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I really want to make some extra money working from home and am interested in learning Internet marketing. I currently stay at home with my two little kids but would be able to devote about 25 hours a week to Internet marketing. It's just that I don't know where to …

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Is it me or have I noticed that popular online communities have been down this week, like Google, YouTube, and of course Twitter. So what happens to the users who want to log on and face this roadblock? What to do next? Its like when the computers are down at …

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I am not talking to people on this forum, I am talking to one of my clients. No matter how much I give him advice and examples of how to write and engaging blog post or encourage him to find his own voice when talking about the products and services …

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I am of the opinion that social media marketing and building online communities is becoming the biggest factor in eMarketing campaigns. Eventually, I believe, it will become the prevalent activity in eMarketing campaigns followed by e-mail and then more traditional web activity (corporate sites, banner ads, etc). Does anyone agree …

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It's been known for a while that current and potential future [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2555.html"]employers[/URL] look at people's profiles on social networking sites such as Facebook. And it's also been known that people are using social networking sites to announce the status of their relationship -- or [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3874.html"]lack of one[/URL]. Now the two …

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I think daniweb's social groups should be linked off the main page under "Daniweb Community Features" on the bottom right section of the page pointing to: [url]http://www.daniweb.com/forums/group.php[/url] I can't remember how I found the groups but the only way I can get back there now is by viewing my profile, …

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Even though most people are familiar with Wikipedia, many may not realize that creating a wiki is another social media tactic that business can leverage. Thus, have you used a wiki to build your client's online presence? I have managed a few wikis in the past and it takes time …

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Hi, I would like to know how can I automate my blog so posts automatically feed into Facebook and Twitter? Thanks.

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In another thread I talked about sports banning players from tweeting during games and how this could cause problems with the fan base. Mashable is reporting about how the NHL is using Twitter to cause a fan buzz. Read on... [url]http://mashable.com/2009/09/29/nhl-pick-15/[/url]

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The last election and the use of social media by the Obama campaign has not set a precedent that a lot of politicians will try to emulate. But are there some social media options that are better than others in terms of politics? What ones would you suggest to a …

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Another gem from B.L. Ochman on SocialMediaToday.com. Based on experiences of her own, B.L. identified these three screw-ups that she has first hand experience with that could damage your brand. What do you think? I tend to agree. [LIST=1] [*]Start a Twitter account and then don't Tweet [*]Don't track your …

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A friend of mine, who is out of work, was looking through my contacts to see if I had any in a company he was trying to get a job with. He found out that because of one of my 1st level contacts I have President Obama, John McCain, Sarah …

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Web 1.0 consisted of mostly static web pages full of lengthy text that did not follow "above the fold" rule. Thus, many of these webpages felt like lecture notes. So what do you think of how businesses use social media which is now part of Web 2.0? It seems that …

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The times of generating profits via blogs are probably limited. I remember even a few years ago when many bloggers touted making beyond 6 figure just by blogging. What do you think?

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We know that when school is in session during the Fall, it can also be a season of communal flu and the cooties. Thus, what do you think of Google's FluTrend - [url]http://www.google.org/flutrends/[/url] ? It is good for writing a blog posting or a report for a kid, but from …

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If you are not aware, recently, a picture of Obama and his wife taken with Spain's presidential family was shared online. The picture was removed quickly after the First Family of Spain complained since it contained their teenagers. So what do you think? [url]http://www.politicsdaily.com/2009/09/29/shocking-photos-spains-first-daughters-appear-to-be-teenag/?icid=webmail|wbml-aol|dl2|link3|http%3A%2F%2Fwww.politicsdaily.com%2F2009%2F09%2F29%2Fshocking-photos-spains-first-daughters-appear-to-be-teenag%2F[/url]

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I just read this article a moment ago about a Christian Couple giving each other full access to their login information. [url]http://www.google.com/hostednews/ap/article/ALeqM5i4K9oYt7cM-jdwRCVMU9TgajMsygD9AHAMUG1[/url] So what do you think? I personally dont agree with it. Why? Well, I believe there should still be a level of privacy in a relationship.

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A poll on whether President Barack Obama should be assassinated, which was posted to Facebook on Saturday, has been taken down after an investigation by the Secret Service, according to [URL="http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=113282766&sc=fb&cc=fp"]NPR.[/URL] The poll consisted of a single question: 'should obama be killed? [sic]' with the choices yes, maybe, if he …

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As we all know, social media is mentioned by almost every single internet marketer out there. Saying that, have you used social media to promote a product. Has it helped or was it a learning experience? What do you think? Please do share your case stories.

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There was a very interesting article about Craiglist and how it has more traffic than Monster, CareerBuilder, Yahoo's HotJobs combined. Thus, despite Craigslist now having stricter posting policies, it still seems like a good place to help grow your online community, or not? What do you think?

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Google recently announced something called Sidewiki. What this does is creates an overlay on any website/url allowing commenting and ratings that, since it is generated by the browser and not the website owner, means that if someone puts up something really bad or questionable about your site you can do …

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I saw a recent study that found that online media (social networks considered a part of this) is considered less credible than TV, newspapers and radio. On a scale of 1 to 10 they ranked as follows: [LIST] [*]TV - 6.5 [*]Daily newspaper - 6.3 [*]Radio - 6.3 [*]Online - …

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I just read an interesting article about Microsoft getting involved in Social Media monitoring with a tool that is in proof-of-concept stage right now called LookingGlass. LookingGlass is designed, according to the piece I read, to allow companies to monitor, analyze and participate in social media content and conversations. The …

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I found this really interesting post through one of my Linkedin groups. [url]http://nmc.itdevworks.com/?p=802[/url] The blog post is extremely well thought out and the main thrust is that from the SMM point of view it is not about the conversation but about the value proposition that is communicated during the conversation. …

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The End.