2,482 Topics
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As Im looking for mobile apps on Google, I found Latitude. The premise is that you can easily find where your friends are - like a GPS for friends. My only concern is that my contacts may actually be undercover stalkers or I just dont want them to know my … | |
I came across the following list on Mashable about the top 10 ways to increase engagement between your community members and with the site in general. I found the list to be pretty concise in terms of what it identifies and a good road map for building and maintaining a … | |
A police officer who posted to a Facebook page criticism of a political movement in which pro-gun advocates openly carry firearms in public has come under fire for claiming, in what he is now saying was a joke, that they should be shot. East Palo Alto Detective Rod Tuason was … | |
According to the latest State of Spam and Phishing [URL="http://eval.symantec.com/mktginfo/enterprise/other_resources/b-state_of_spam_and_phishing_report_02-2010.en-us.pdf"]report[/URL] from Symantec, a truly astonishing 92% of all adult phishing scams are being conducted across social networking sites. This coincides with a newly identified trend of adult oriented phishing whereby users are being tempted to enter personal credentials in exchange … | |
A couple of weeks ago, I had the great pleasure of seeing [URL="http://stevegarfield.com"]Steve Garfield[/URL] speak at [URL="http://podcamp.pbworks.com/PodCampWesternMass"]Pod Camp Western Mass[/URL]. Garfield is the author of [URL="http://offonatangent.blogspot.com/2010/01/where-to-buy-get-seen.html"]Get Seen[/URL], a practical book on the ins and outs of web video production. He has been working with video on the web since well … | |
Google, the almighty, [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story245746.html"]non-eco-friendly search engine[/URL] released [URL="http://www.google.com/buzz"]Google Buzz[/URL], a new type of social network this Tuesday. When I read an article on [URL="ttp://mashable.com/2010/02/11/google-buzz-9-million/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Mashable+(Mashable)"]mashable.com [/URL]saying that Google claims that there has been 9 million posts and comments since Tuesdays launch, I found it impossible to believe, so I went and … | |
YouTube is coming under criticism for continuing to keep online a ten-minute interview with Scott Roeder, who was convicted after a 37-minute deliberation of first-degree murder for killing Dr. George Tiller, whose Kansas clinic performed late-term abortions. The [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JkIw_fqmC1k"]interview[/URL] is by phone but includes a scroll with the text. It … | |
As I make my way around the internet today, I'm not finding a lot of love for Google Buzz. In fact, people have been downright hostile to it, from what I can figure. Here are some Tweets from my knowledgeable friends: * @[URL="http://twitter.com/theskypirate"]theskypirate[/URL]: I tried Buzz for a day, was … | |
Do you know any big online community websites apart from Myspace, Facebook, Linked In and Tweeter. Any more serious ones? | |
I have attended a few social media conferences where the following terms were also used to descrie social media: influence, engagement, advocacy, sentiment, ROI, transparency, authentic and trust. So what other words do you use to describe social media? | |
Recently while surfing to the internet I found a website called Fokte.com which is saying that they are paying to its users for using and referring others. They are sating they are paying Rs5 or US$ 0.10. Some of them have received also - Mobile Recharge [b]www fokte com[/b] Does … | |
Hi, I would like to host my own cams in the social networking site I am on. Does anyone know a good software to use to install on my website so my friends can go to my website, login in and get on cam? | |
Nipping problems and stakes at its bud is not the end of paving path towards success. If nipping problems forms the initial step of succcess marking, the second step is in formulating the right marketing strategy for the company. | |
Now this is interesting. I'm not going to insult you by explaining Google Buzz in here - it's been done elsewhere and if you're a member of this site then you probably know about it already. But... I'm interested in the reaction. It's a sort of collective 'so what'? Granted … | |
Please any buddy tell me how can I get traffic from Twitter? | |
I just want to know what techniques are you using to increase number of followers in twitters or do you have any suggestion or advice. Lets share our ideas. | |
Websense Security Labs has [URL="http://community.websense.com/blogs/websense-features/archive/2010/02/01/websense-security-labs-report-state-of-internet-security-q3-q4-2009.aspx"]published[/URL] its bi-annual State of Internet Security report and, as usual, it makes for pretty interesting if somewhat scary reading. Covering the last six months of 2009, the report is based upon the findings of the ThreatSeeker Network which is used to discover, classify and monitor … | |
Google is reportedly coming out with a [URL="http://www.readwriteweb.com/archives/google_creating_twitter_clone_for_gmail.php"]Twitter-like tool[/URL] this week. Google's tried social a few times, but it hasn't done very well. Why are people so excited about it this time? It's important to remember that everything Google touches doesn't turn to gold. Sometimes they screw up. Sometimes they … | |
I was fascinated to see that Cambridge University is going to start taking the online world a little more seriously. Games and comic books are going to form part of its curriculum on [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/education/8500657.stm"]how young people are portrayed[/URL]. Until now it's been a book-based course. Well...duh. Yes, books are important … | |
According to a recent Kaspersky security research report, stolen [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story237081.html"]Twitter accounts[/URL] are being sold on the black market for as much as $1000 a time. This really should not come as any great surprise given that the rapid [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story231627.html"]evolution of social media[/URL] mirrors the rapid [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story238033.html"]evolution of cybercrime[/URL]. The price … | |
Hi! I have a PHP script I've downloaded from somewhere (don't remember where, but the developers link is dead) and I want to modify it. Actually I want an extra page. The script has 2 files, tw.php and parse.php. In tw.php you should enter your twitter account (user+pass) and the … | |
Legislators around the country are scrambling to look at their states' laws about lewd messages to minors after the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court overturned a conviction, saying state law didn't support it because it didn't specify online messaging. “The online conversations in this case, as they were not written with … | |
You cant escape a digital marketing site or meeting without hearing the term social media. Thus, I wonder if there is a social media ettiquette guidelines to go about it. I saw this site by popular blogger Tamar W - [url]http://www.techipedia.com/2008/social-media-etiquette-handbook/[/url] I do agree with some of the points. Are … | |
IPad is now the next rage. So will you get an IPad just to be more connected online? | |
Maybe Im too tired of hearing about social media, but do you think its a hype? | |
We all know everyone have a different policy on accepting or sending out friends' requests. We also know that people on Facebook love to play those addictive games, like Zombies, Mafia Wars, and Farmville. Thus, what would you do when you get a friend request from a long time ago … | |
Hi guys, I run an image hosting site and have prepared a special integration module that lets forum owners add it to their site as an 'UPLOAD IMAGE' button in the regular post options. It's fast, free, registration free and very simple to use. The images are optimized for forums, … | |
Recently I reported how [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story254897.html"]the US military is using a Facebook-alike social networking system[/URL], and now I can follow that up with a Facebook makes love not war message. But it's not quite the good news it seems. [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/story220492.html"]Tony Blair[/URL] has not decided to post a big 'I'm Sorry' message … | |
I am making a twitter client in python and wxpython. As of now, my static text is not printing. How can I change this code so it will print out what I want it to? [CODE]import wx import twitter class main(wx.Frame): def __init__(self,parent,id): wx.Frame.__init__(self,parent,id, "Twitter Client", size=(700,400)) panel=wx.Panel(self) menubar = … | |
HI There are many tools are available now a days.But I do not trust on any kind of tools like this I do it manually .Do you use any tools like this..? |
The End.