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The initial model for looking at Twitter was horizontal -- see everything that all the people you follow are thinking about. Now the model has been turned on its head 90 degrees -- see everything that anyone says, whether you follow them or not, that has to do with a …

Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

One of my favorite things about Twitter is how people can use it to live-blog conferences they're attending. Case in point: today, I've been watching [URL="http://twitter.com/thornley"]Joseph Thornley[/URL], provide live commentary from the Canadian Institute Conference on Social Media. I've been learning about how the City of Calgary manages social media …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

Over the past year or so, [URL="http://twitter.com/"]Twitter[/URL] has become a full-blown communications phenomenon. For those of you who don't follow every social networking trend. Twitter is a micro-blogging site where you enter your thoughts, whatever they may be, in 140 or characters or less. Experts say if you aren't paying …

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[I]You have no friends named "palin".[/I] Sob. I had been so proud, the day after Republican presidential candidate John McCain chose her as his running mate, to be her friend on Facebook. I hadn't even done it cold, either; a friend of mine had recommended to me that I friend …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

I think I'm going to start compiling a list of these. Last week we had complaints from people not wanting Apple or Facebook to do stuff they didn't like to their websites - excluding content and the like. Now we have [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7609555.stm"]this story[/URL] about Facebook's redesign going ahead regardless of …

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About the only upside to the weak economy these days is that community colleges across the country are seeing an uptick in enrollment. According to the American Association of Community Colleges, overall enrollment peaked at 11.5 million last year and is expected to remain high this year as well. As …

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Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

So I'm scrolling through the features rather than the news and I come across [URL="http://news.cnet.com/8301-1023_3-10031076-93.html?tag=mncol"]this[/URL]. Software developers, apparently, are under threat from censors. Apple is refusing to put violent games onto its iTunes store and Facebook is going to refuse to distribute some applications. I'm interested mostly in the psychology …

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Twitter users are a loyal bunch and few would argue that it's a useful networking tool. The one thing Twitter is not, however, is private. While that's not a big deal for most people, it certainly is in the world of academics where it's ill-advised to have children using communication …

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For the past couple of years I volunteered at my son's elementary school to set up blogs for his classroom, but the projects never got off the ground. Nervous school IT staff unable to find a platform that offered them the privacy and control they wanted, and knew parents would …

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And that word is: S-U-N-K. Although not entirely without trace it must be said. Yeah, yeah. I know that you guys in North America had already lost Scrabulous after Hasbro had taken legal action to take down the popular Facebook application there. Now Mattel, which has the rights to Scrabble …

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Web 2.0 came crashing into the enterprise a couple of years ago and was given the new moniker: Enterprise 2.0 (which was coined by Harvard Business School Professor [URL="http://blog.hbs.edu/faculty/amcafee/"]Andrew McAfee[/URL]). While business has come a long way when it comes to understanding social networking tools and how to use them …

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According to [URL="http://www.theinquirer.net/gb/inquirer/news/2008/07/25/microsoft-inks-deal-facebook"]reports[/URL] it looks like Facebook and Microsoft have agreed a deal which will see Microsoft Live Search integrated into the Facebook service. Along with the related advertising of course. This should come as no great surprise to anyone who watches the technology market for trends, as Microsoft had …

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In a promising technology mash-up, [URL="http://phx.corporate-ir.net/phoenix.zhtml?c=105317&p=irol-pressArticle&ID=1177390&highlight="]the New York Times (NYT) has entered into an agreement with LinkedIn[/URL] that displays a list of suggested content for readers on the NYT web site based on information in their LinkedIn profile. For now, the service is confined to the Business and Technology section. …

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Is your vendor giving you trouble? Won’t respond to your calls? Won’t help with your problem? Who you gonna call? Well, when I spoke to [URL="http://www.brentleary.com/"]Brent Leary[/URL], a partner at [URL="http://www.crm-essentials.com/"]CRM Essentials[/URL], yesterday, Leary surprised me when he suggested if your vendor won’t help you, go on [URL="http://twitter.com/home"]Twitter[/URL], find a …

Member Avatar for Lisa Hoover

Tamar Weinberg's recently wrote about [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2287.html"]five good reasons to start using Twitter[/URL], the popular microblogging service. If it convinced you to take the plunge, here's something to consider before you sign up: Will you register under your own name? If so, that means your boss and co-workers can anonymously watch …

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The big news on Wall Street today is the Federal Reserve’s decision to keep the Fed Funds rate at 2% - a move designed to keep rising inflation at bay. When the Fed cuts rates, the idea is that nation’s money supply will be loosened up, and money becomes easier …

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Of course, it makes sense. After all, I'm following him (along with 43,485 people at this writing). But it still gave me a little thrill, a few minutes later, to get the message that he was now following me (along with the 42,084 other people he follows). Is it automatic …

Member Avatar for happygeek

Sorry, Obama and McCain are Twitterers. That's what I should have said. Or at least that's what [URL="http://www.techpresident.com/blog/entry/26569/breaking_pdf2008_hosts_obama_mccain_twitter_debate"]Tech President[/URL] reckons. Representatives of both candidates are apparently both hard at it, debating the presidential race on Twitter. The debate started on Friday and is due to run until Tomorrow. Moderated by …

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It's that time of year in the UK once more - the Wimbledon grand slam tennis tournament is upon us. Here in the UK we believe this is the most important tennis tournament in the world. When you talk to a French person they'll tell you the same thing about …

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OK, so Barack Obama is not the first politician to 'get' the Internet, heck Al Gore invented it after all. However, sarcasm aside, what Obama has done is grasp the true power of the next generation Web: he has transformed political campaigning at a national level thanks to social networking …

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[I]Even on a slow day, I can have a three-way chat with two women at the same time -- Brad Paisley, [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GcVnhNjWV0"]Cooler Online[/URL][/I] But what if you work for the government? Particularly if you're a teacher? A number of [URL="http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/southflorida/sfl-flpfacebook0601pnjun01,0,7309360.story?page=1&track=facebook"]teachers in Palm Beach County[/URL], Fla. -- some of them 20somethings …

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A year ago last week, Facebook released the Facebook Platform, enabling users of the social network to create their own applications. Today, 400,000 developers and 24,000 applications later, the company introduced the [URL= http://developers.facebook.com/fbopen/] Facebook Open Platform[/URL], which releases much of the Facebook Platform source code to the development community. …

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Today's edition of TechWeb poses an interesting question. With digital movie rentals coming on strong, is Netflix in a good position to grab a big slice of market share? The mail-a-movie giant hasn't impressed Wall Street with its efforts so far, although it does have a box-top digital set that …

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According to reports the most serious forthcoming threats to IT security will be revealed during the Gartner Security Summit in Washington this coming week, and it looms like the consumerization of IT will be right there front of stage. Something that Gartner research fellow, John Pascatore, describes as the Gen …

Member Avatar for EddieC

Today marks the one-year anniversary of Facebook Platform, which has had a rough childhood and now bears the pimples of adolescence. On the eve of the platform’s birthday, the company gave developers a [URL= http://www.new.facebook.com/profile.php]sandbox [/URL]in which to apply the Clearasil of its redesigned profile. Before entering the sandbox, be …

Member Avatar for Techwriter10

[I]I can’t stand this indecision married with a lack of vision Everybody wants to rule the world ~Tears for Fears, Everybody Wants to Rule the World. [/I] There has certainly been a lot of gamesmanship going on in the computer industry these past few weeks as the industry’s biggest players …

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In the past few weeks, we have seen Microsoft trying to acquire Yahoo! for some $46-odd billion dollars. They failed. So, moving on, they are [URL="http://furrier.org/2008/05/19/silicon-valley-rumor-microsoft-to-buy-yahoo-search-and-then-facebook/"]trying to acquire Facebook now[/URL]. Mark Zuckerberg is standing firm on this one though. They are decisively saying "no" to the acquisition. [URL="http://www.ginside.com/2008/1589/google-to-buy-facebook/"]Facebook is not …

Member Avatar for GuyClapperton

An interesting development in the UK is that residents of Solihull Community Housing are about to get connected to the Internet through their power points at low cost, subsidised due to their low incomes. Solihull is a town in the North of England and these are homes provided by Local …

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Google on Monday [URL= http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2439.html ] launched[/URL] Friend Connect, APIs for accessing data from Facebook and other social networks. By Thursday, Facebook banned the access, saying the tools don’t let its users know their data is being scanned. A [URL= http://developers.facebook.com/news.php?blog=1&story=111] post[/URL] by Facebook’s [URL= http://www.facebook.com/people/Charlie_Cheever/1160]Charlie Cheever[/URL] on the Facebook …

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Google might have failed in its attempts to build its own social network, but the Google Friend Connect system preview, announced on Monday, could go a long way toward providing web site owners with an easy way to add social features to their sites and get access to users on …

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The End.