2,482 Topics
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Taser International, which makes electric stun guns, is [URL="http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601103&sid=aR6xHcnBMn9M&refer=us"]suing[/URL] Linden Research Inc., the owner of the [URL="http://secondlife.com/"]Second Life[/URL] virtual environment, for selling unauthorized virtual versions of its product. The trademark infringement case claims that the online sales of virtual products are damaging the company’s reputation and hurting its sales. Second … | |
When Facebook [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/23327/1231/1/0/"]changed the terms and conditions[/URL] of use back in February, some 70,000 members complained about a perceived content copyright grab and [URL="http://www.itwire.com/content/view/23343/1231/"]forced a rethink[/URL]. At the time, founder Mark Zuckerberg promised that Twitter had "decided to take a new approach" towards developing new terms. Unfortunately that new approach … | |
Well thank goodness that silliness is all over: Ashton Kutcher is the first user to hit a million followers on Twitter. The actor come TV presenter narrowly beat off the challenge from the frontrunner, the CNN account, not least because of a big publicity drive which included the likes of … | |
This is going to be important - although some lawyers are saying it's not going to stick outside Sweden. The Pirate Bay people, who aren't so much advocates of Internet file swapping as proud boasters of their activities in it (the clue is in the name), are going to jail. … | |
The [URL="http://www.twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL] controversy rages on, by the looks of things. In the UK the latest influencer to condemn the micro blogging service is one Matthew Gwyther, who edits Management Today, one of our major management sites. He's written about how useless the service is because, among other things, you can't … | |
Google stock was up yesterday, down this morning and everyone has an opinion for the yo-yo effect currently frustrating Google investors. At the top of the list of issues is actually a projected issue – Google’s first quarter earnings which come out on Thursday. The sentiment is a downward one … | |
It has not exactly been the best of weekends for [URL="http://www.itpro.co.uk/blogs/daveyw/2009/04/03/google-to-buy-twitter/"]Twitter[/URL], and for those whose tweeting has been hijacked by not one but two worms it could easily be considered the worst of times. It all started when people noticed that a lot of their followers seemed to be recommending … | |
The Nasdaq is down 43 points this morning, with Google (down $12) and RIMM (down $3) leading the charge down the hill, so to speak. I think we’re seeing the first symptoms of anther false bottom, which sounds incredible after hearing from so many experts on Wall Street that the … | |
In his keynote last Wednesday at AIIM, Andrew Lippman from MIT's Media Lab pointed out that not that long ago we went to work then we went home and watched TV and the two worlds never collided, but toda social networking tools and mobile devices are blurring the lines between … | |
Despite a study [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3795.html"]earlier this year[/URL] that the fears of Internet predation against kids were overblown, the U.S. Department of Justice is [URL="http://www.ojp.gov/newsroom/pressreleases/2009/OJJDP09031.htm"]offering[/URL] $50 million through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, commonly known as the stimulus program, for Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) program initiatives. The programs … | |
It is official, Britain has gone Twitter mad. No really, totally insane in fact. First there was the [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/education/7962912.stm"]story[/URL], which I am assured is not some badly timed April Fool gag, that reveals the government is contemplating adding Twitter skills to the primary school curriculum while at the same time … | |
The non-technical world is starting to understand the concept of Twitter -- which means that they're starting to try to control it. Courtrooms have [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4148.html"]already begun dealing[/URL] with jurors Googling, Facebooking, and Twittering their way through the case. Now, some courtrooms are starting to set regulations ahead of time. The … | |
Not as though it's ever going to happen, but suppose I were at a party one night and [URL="http://www.businessweek.com/it100/2005/executive/GOOG.htm"]Eric Schmidt[/URL], CEO of Google happened to be there. I would love to corner him and get him a glass of wine or scotch or whatever it is that CEOs at large … | |
The debate goes on and on about whether social networking and in particular Twitter are any use for the business community. One of the better debates I've seen about this is [URL="http://www.greenrow.co.uk/blog/2009/03/comment-can-twittering-bring-tweet.htm"]here[/URL] on the Green Row blog. The woman who's written it is in PR so she may have vested … | |
The digital generation brought up Googling, Wikipediaing, and Twittering their way through their lives is starting to have problems when it turns out they don’t see why they can’t do the same thing when they’re in a courtroom, according to the [URL="http://www.nytimes.com/2009/03/18/us/18juries.html?pagewanted=1&_r=1"]New York Times[/URL]. In a recent case, it was … | |
There’s a lot of talk about ‘dead cat” bounces in the financial markets these days. Nobody really knows if the stock market has hit bottom, but last week’s rebound continues into Monday, after Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke went on “60 Minutes” and said that the recession could abate if … | |
One of the major problems with social networks - hey, one of the major problems with any new trend - is that so many people spend so long trying to persuade themselves that they're actually looking at just another version of an existing thing. So if I'd been around when … | |
There's an interesting article over at [URL="http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/161270/social_networks_risks_for_business_security.html"]PCWorld[/URL] this week suggesting that social networking Web sites are putting businesses at risk for security breaches. Author Howard Price says now that it's possible to link personal accounts like Twitter and Facebook to accounts at career-oriented sites like LinkedIn, a single status message … | |
Many UK participants in Daniweb will be aware of the various social media that carry music. They will have been delighted by the free stuff that you can listen to on [URL="http://www.lastfm.com"]Last.FM[/URL], [URL="http://www.spotify.com"]Spotify[/URL] and [URL="http://www.youtube.com"]YouTube[/URL] - you can even get the Beatles on YouTube, which is pretty much unique among … | |
I'm excited today. I've had a meeting with a publisher and I've been commissioned - contract in the post - to write a book about using social media for business. There, I wasn't going to tell you but you forced it out of me. It will be out in October. … | |
It wasn't that long ago that we were thrilled when politicians started using Twitter. Now we kinda wish they'd stop -- except for the one who has, it seems, actually stopped. President Barack Obama, who [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry2689.html"]began Tweeting[/URL] during his campaign last summer, has fallen silent since Jan. 19 -- the … | |
There are ways of marketing yourself using social media and there are ways of not doing so. One of the ways of not doing so is by making a complete fool of yourself and then allowing the fact to get out. Take the marketing company in [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/essex/7914415.stm"]this story[/URL]. That's Ivell … | |
A belated word about last week's [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] fiasco, if I may. You might remember the company aroused all sorts of excitement when it changed its terms and conditions to allow itself rights in perpetuity to images on its servers. The BBC had a [URL="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/7897824.stm"]social media expert[/URL] in to explain how … | |
Poke, tweet, update, get a life! Stop wasting your time messing with people who spend way too much time on these things. If people you know are updating you about their lives once a day or more, have them email you or give you a phone call. People who spend … | |
Unless you were unplugged and on living on a Himalayan mountaintop last week, you no doubt heard about the Great Facebook Flap of 2009. If not, then be sure to read [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry4008.html"]Ron Miller's excellent recap[/URL] at TechTreasures. ComputerWorld's Frank Hayes posted a great article this morning that takes a look … | |
It is about time, but Twitter has now announced that it is rolling out a real time search function for users. Unfortunately the 'Search and Trends' feature is currently only available for a "limited set of accounts" [URL="http://blog.twitter.com/2009/02/testing-more-integrated-search.html"]according to[/URL] Twitter founder Biz Stone who adds that most people "will not … | |
Apparently the 30th edition of the Collins English Dictionary will be seen, in fact as far as Bebo users are concerned it could even be fiend. Whether it is piff or naff is something only you can decide, and should you happen not to be a teenage Bebo user the … | |
When Facebook changed its [URL="http://consumerist.com/5150175/facebooks-new-terms-of-service-we-can-do-anything-we-want-with-your-content-forever"]terms of service[/URL] on Monday, it caused an immediate uproar, and when people screamed loudly enough, Facebook backed down. What this shows me is that although Facebook is a free service, it exists and is successful because we make it so. The millions of people who … | |
His Holiness the Dalai Lama has been booted from Twitter after the social networking service said an account set up in his name was by an impersonator. The account, @OHHDL -- for The Office of His Holiness the Dalai Lama -- launched over the weekend and gained more than 20,000 … | |
Remember the Idaho legislator who wanted to outlaw anonymous blogging? He’s back. The good news is, Representative Steve Hartgen, R-Twin Falls, no longer is trying to [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/blogs/entry3662.html"]outlaw anonymous blogging[/URL]. According to Jared Hopkins in the Magic Valley [URL="http://www.magicvalley.com/articles/2009/02/06/news/local_state/154433.txt"]Times- News[/URL], Hartgen told the Idaho House State Affairs Committee that he had … |
The End.