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I read a blog posting about the difference between a B2B client versus a B2C consumer on social media. The posting went on to say that b2b clients are fewer but stronger and have more brand loyalty. So what do you think about that?

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Dear Members: As social media is cementing itself as a permanent and constant fixture in our digital lives, people we meet in our offline world can easily also translate to digital connections. Thus, what do you do when your boss wants to be your Facebook friend? I personally believe in …

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The Center for Media Research, in a brief released earlier this week, reported that a study by Ethos Business Law found that 51% of senior US executives (marketing, management and HR) fear social media could be bad for employee productivity while 49% say that social media could damage company reputation. …

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It had to happen sooner or later. I do believe that such tactics do blur the line of what is public worthy and not. I do think that if it does help small counties connect with their constituencies, then great. But I do wonder if in a way, it can …

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Hi I know a friend of mine whose Facebook account was hijacked. Now I read this: [url]http://www.theregister.co.uk/2009/09/04/facebook_friend_in_peril_scam/[/url] Its scary. It does not matter if you limit who can view your profile or not.

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It is being reported on Mashable that 11 million facebook users are playing Farmville on a daily basis. As we all look for ways to grow our communities and keep them engaged, this is interesting. Who would offer a game on their community if it meant more people engaged and …

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I read a Forrester blog about its findings from a study of 100 internet marketers. It mentioned the marketers felt the least for measuring social media. You see social media measurement is still an evolving science. [url]http://blogs.forrester.com/marketing/2009/08/measurement-has-room-for-improvement.html[/url]

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As you try to grow your online community, it is good to know who are connected online and who may be your best target audience. I read on a blog with these interesting stats: [LIST] [*]singles and couples are the most connected. [*]Young families are heavy tech users, especially for …

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I think I must be turning into some sort of freak (fill in the kneejerk comment of your choice at the end of this blog, there are plenty to choose from). I've just read this interesting story that says Google is going to launch a microblogging search engine. It's [URL="http://googlesystem.blogspot.com/2009/06/google-to-launch-microblogging-search.html"]here[/URL]. …

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I just read an article on PC World about the top 4 Facebook apps. [url]http://www.pcworld.com/businesscenter/article/171511/4_facebook_apps_to_watch.html[/url] One app that jumped out for me was Wild Fire. It gives business owners many options on how to optimize their Facebook presence. [url]http://wildfiresocialmedia.com/[/url] So what do you think? Will use such service? Let me …

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"If you build it, they will come" Great line from a great movie but too many people apply the same logic to corporate websites (on of my clients is one of them). If your community growth become stagnant or worse, reversed, is it possible that you have allowed yourself to …

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I just found this very interesting article on Mashable - [url]http://mashable.com/2009/08/30/analyze-twitter-content/[/url] I actually like TweetPsych but I do wonder what would be the business implication for knowing sentiment and psychographics on individual users rather than an aggregate of all the followers for a particular account. Would it really help create …

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Many businesses have incorporated sentiment analysis software/platform to understand the sentiment of their visitors. I am aware of popular content sites like Huffington Post and other similar sites that have added this component. So for your business site, would you add sentiment analysis to understand your visitors and optimize your …

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AFter reading this story, I betcha that many people may be tempted to buy an IPhone. I know I will. It is a form of sweet revenge towards those Iphone thieves. Thus, the reach via Iphone will increase to levels never expected (or perhaps it is). Story: [url]http://mashable.com/2009/08/30/find-my-iphone-robbers/[/url] So what …

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If you've used Facebook for more than, oh, five minutes, you've seen a Facebook quiz. "What Greek dance are you?" "Which NFL coach are you?" "Which Diplomacy country should you play?" and so on. (I forget every quiz I see, and I'm up to more than 250 by now.) But …

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The wires are abuzz with stories of [URL="http://twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL] and [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] customers being robbed. It's fairly simple; you Tweet or tell your Facebook friends that you're going on holiday and a thief reads it; they break into your house, knowing full well you're away, and you lose a load of stuff. …

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[URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] is going on trial for an alleged breach of privacy it appears. The full story is [URL="http://www.computerweekly.com/Articles/2009/08/18/237366/privacy-lawsuit-filed-against-facebook.htm"]here[/URL]. I don't know American law at all but I'm writing in the UK and over here, if a case is coming to court, we have to be very careful about prejudicing the …

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With the investigation into the death of Michael Jackson still ongoing, and claims over the paternity of Paris Jackson hitting the headlines with the involvement of the chap who rose to fame as Oliver in the film way back when and then plummeted to obscurity, you might think that it …

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Bob Monkhouse was once best known for hosting Celebrity Squares and Family Fortunes on British television. Then in 2003 he died at the age of 75 and all went quiet. Until now, when it would appear that Bob is back from beyond the grave and posting jokes to Twitter. It …

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Mike Maser, Chief Strategy Officer at Digg, has [URL="http://blog.digg.com/?p=928"]confirmed[/URL] that Digg Ads will start rolling out in an early beta format during the next few days. So expect to start seeing sponsored Diggs mixed up with the real stuff, although the adverts will carry a 'sponsored by' title the screenshots …

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[URL="http://www.itv.com"]ITV[/URL] has finally put all the rumours into perspective and sold [URL="http://www.friendsreunited.co.uk"]FriendsReunited[/URL]. It's lost millions in doing so and there's no getting away from it - it was a bad deal. It's worth noting a few details about FriendsReunited. It began as a tiny business putting people back in touch …

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The Twitter Platform Team is recommending to all Twitter developers that they make sure their applications support 64-bit integers because the popular service has almost reached the limit of 32-bit unsigned integers. "Twitter status ids are fast approaching the maximum 32-bit *unsigned* integer value (4,294,967,295)," [URL="http://groups.google.com/group/twitter-api-announce/browse_thread/thread/8f7f1b3cef846f98/0900170fa2f92e27?show_docid=0900170fa2f92e27&pli=1"]posted[/URL] Marcel Molina, identified as …

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Convention and visitors bureaus -- perhaps more than 300 of them -- are increasingly using Twitter to help market their locations, and a [URL="http://www.aboutdci.com/dci/media/docs/CVB%20Twitter%20Report%20Final.pdf"]recent study[/URL] examined how they do that. Development Counsellors International, a New York-based tourism firm, said it looked at the convention and visitors bureaus representing the nation’s …

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A recent panel sponsored by the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation [URL="http://www.glaad.org/Page.aspx?pid=183"](GLAAD)[/URL] discussed the issue of gay characters in online games, some of which forbid them. Games produced by Bay Area-based Electronic Arts Inc., such as the Sims properties and Spore have no restrictions about revealing the fact one …

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Anyone else getting pretty fed up with the number of headlines both online and in the print media which have been exclaiming 'Twitter hacked' this week? I have even just got a press release, from a storage systems company of all things, that has the strap line of "Twitter hack …

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Another of those security trending reports has dropped onto my desk, this one coming from PandaLabs which is now apparently part of 'Panda Security, The Cloud Security Company.' Jeez, someone needs to give the marketing director a kick up the pants for that one. Anyway, back to the report: it …

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Last weekend Twitter was apologising for accidentally suspending a number of user accounts due to human error. Now it is suspending accounts again, but this time there is no error: Twitter is getting serious about malware. In a status posting on Thursday July 9th, Twitter [URL="http://status.twitter.com/post/138789881/koobface-malware-attack"]admitted[/URL] that it had come …

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It's said about writers that you should never get into a fight with someone who buys ink by the barrel. But United Airlines has learned not to get into fights with musicians who have videocameras. As Dave Carroll, of the folk-rock group Sons of Maxwell, reports on his [URL="http://blogs.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendId=306453459&blogId=498887803"]blog[/URL], it …

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[URL="www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL]'s page on which the location of the head of MI6's flat was available has been taken down. You also can no longer find information about his family and their whereabouts, which you could on the site previously. There has been a debate about this, of course. For Americans who …

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You might wonder why a 10 year old web building business managed to become the number one trending topic on Twitter this last week, with the moonfruit hashtag being tweeted in excess of 10,000 times an hour at one point. The answer is not as straightforward as some would have …

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The End.