2,482 Topics
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I put in my usercontrol(.ascx) the facebook social plugin(code below) <fb:comments href="my link here" num_posts="2" width="470"></fb:comments> My problem is it is not showing in my page(when it is in user control). The plugin works fine with aspx but not with the usercontrol.ascx ![]() | |
IT Security experts Barracuda Labs recently researched the business of selling Twitter followers to those companies which cannot wait to build organic follower growth. Despite the purchasing of Twitter followers being an explicit breach of the Twitter terms and conditions of use, punishable by the deletion of the account concerned, … ![]() | |
Dropbox’ iOS app is having some serious issues lately. With its recent update to version 1.5, users have been reporting a rash of password errors and black screens upon logging in. The supposed fix, released today (version 1.5.1) has solved the problems for some, though most affected users are reporting … ![]() | |
I am not sure if anyone is familiar with implementing Twitter Cards ([https://dev.twitter.com/docs/cards](https://dev.twitter.com/docs/cards)) into a blog, but if anyone is I could use some help. It seems like it should be working on my blog, but my posts don't work in Twitter's testing tool ([https://dev.twitter.com/docs/cards/preview](https://dev.twitter.com/docs/cards/preview)) if I provide the url. … | |
Hello guys, Don't know if this is the related thread to post this sort of question so i ask a mod to move it if necesary. I have some custom Like buttons on my website for twitter, facebook and Gplus (but think that is the same thing) and i want … | |
I'm developing a website.. actually i almost finished it, but i thought about creating a members area before launching it.. so i created a facebook app and facebook helpfully instruct me how to add a login button.. here's what i got so far <html> <head> <title>My Facebook Login Page</title> </head> … ![]() | |
Hello guyz, I am trying call oauth/request_token in order to oauth_token and oauth_token_secret. First here's the code string url = "https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token"; SortedDictionary<string,string> sd = new SortedDictionary<string,string>(); sd.Add("oauth_callback",oauth_callback); sd.Add("oauth_consumer_key",oauth_consumer_key); sd.Add("oauth_nonce",oauth_nonce); sd.Add("oauth_signature_method",oauth_signature_method); sd.Add("oauth_timestamp", oauth_timestamp); sd.Add("oauth_version",oauth_version); string base_string = String.Empty; base_string += "POST" + "&"; base_string += Uri.EscapeDataString("https://api.twitter.com/oauth/request_token")+"&"; foreach (KeyValuePair<string,string> entry in sd) … | |
I am hoping for some assistance. Can any one tell me about some Social Media Software Tools for Marketing. | |
I want to know the purpose of article post and blog post and what is their benifits. | |
[www.letvos.tk ](http://www.letvos.tk) [www.trendsbs.tk](http://www.trendsbs.tk) [www.addbms.tk](http://www.addbms.tk) [www.mybmlist.tk](http://www.mybmlist.tk) [www.sitelocker.tk](http://www.mybmlist.tk) [www.socilist.tk](http://www.mybmlist.tk) [www.bmtrends.tk](http://www.bmtrends.tk) [www.bmcbook.tk](http://www.bmcbook.tk) [www.linkstrwa.tk](http://www.linkstrwa.tk) [www.linkjok.tk](http://www.linkjok.tk) [www.eukobm.tk](http://www.eukobm.tk) [www.komoos.tk](http://www.komoos.tk) [www.crglist.tk](http://www.komoos.tk) [www.liquebk.tk](http://www.liquebk.tk) [www.opnbmk.tk](http://www.opnbmk.tk) | |
I have a system that delivers tweets via api. The problem is that I noticed that the tweets with the links in it do not show in the search results. They show on my wall but not on searches. I tried with new accounts ... but still does not work. … | |
Search engine optimization (SEO) is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in a search engine | |
Hi all, Well facebook is very much popular from the last three years and become a great platform for advertisement as well. But now a new socialnetworking Pinterest comes and a lot of user have beed joined this. There was a time when orkut is very poular after Mysapce so … | |
We're already heard about people being fired for calling in sick and then [URL="http://www.daniweb.com/news/post977333.html"]posting on Facebook[/URL]. Now a woman has lost her insurance. According to [URL="http://www.cbc.ca/canada/montreal/story/2009/11/19/quebec-facebook-sick-leave-benefits.html"]CBCNews[/URL], Nathalie Blanchard, 29, has been on leave from her job at IBM for the past year and a half after she was diagnosed with … | |
hello i'm searching for social photo sharing websites like wallpost and facebook. Any list please share? | |
In my website a webpage contains different news each links to different pages which has detail info. I put **sharethis button** under each news headings. But when I started sharing specific headline the current webpage where all the news headings are shown is shared. Is there any alteration needed to … | |
First off, I'm not sure if this the appropriate place to post this question, but I thought I would just try anyway :?: I was wondering if anyone had any fun APIs that I could use basic authentication more specifically cURL. I you used to be able to use basic … | |
Hey I want to create an application which gets all the names of the users who liked a Facebook page, because I then will randomly pick 5 users for a specific prize, each week. I am familiar with the graph api and have experimented but cant seem to find the … ![]() | |
Hi, when I change an animation on the player, it flashes before it changes. The method I'm using to change the animation is crude, but its all I know, so I don't even know if there's a better way. I made a player class, and I have a function to … | |
Hi I am the new member in this forum . So welcome me . I have a facebook account which is my favorite but now its saying that your account has been temporary down . I didn't do mobile verification too. So Most kindly Give me some solution. Thanks | |
How to look for more dofollow blogs to comment? Thanks! | |
How to non active my blog? because My blog is error to use. | |
I recently just found out about Facebook's Notification API. However, I do not know where to place the codes at... Can anyone enlighten me where to place the codes? Your help is greatly appreciated! (: | |
Discussion about google update in seo such panda and penguin etc. | |
Hi; I am seeking help to start Social Media Marking,is there anybody help me? Regards, | |
Hello friends circle, I have find a very usefully toolbar for me. I am a new internet user. Please help me, what toolbar will be better for me. Reply me as soon as possible. | |
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Hi there, Finding Google+ to be difficult too use. Anyone have tips/help too make it work for improving SERPS? | |
Hello, I want to use Facebook like button on my dating sites (at the footer). How do I use it? On my facbook individual account or whole site. Currently, I have this code at the footer: <script src="https://connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1"></script> <fb:like href="http://www.mydomain.com/" layout="standard" show_faces="false" action="like" font="arial"></fb:like> I have 10 likes on the … | |
Here is the place so that all of you can share new socialbookmarking sites. |
The End.