2,485 Topics
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Hi, I am currently developing a Chrome extension to upload photos to TwitPic, but am receiving an error in the response: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <rsp stat="fail"> <err code="2" msg="Image type not supported. GIF, JPG, & PNG only" /> </rsp> My request looks like this: [CODE]--345823569845694578678 Content-disposition: form-data; filename="image.png"; name="media" Content-Type: … | |
What do you prefer? Do you find [URL="http://mashable.com/2007/11/12/comscore-facebook-traffic-flattening-myspace-hits-record/"]these results[/URL] interesting? | |
Can I bring traffic to my website using social bookmarking sites? | |
Not too long ago, many businesses were jumping into creating a Twitter presence. I dont hear much of that now. So my question for you are: 1. Do you think its over rated? 2. Is Twitter "old" now? 3. Did businesses gained ROI with Twitter? | |
Even creating a fan page is not always so easy. So I wonder if any of the members ever deleted a facebook fan page? Do you regret it? | |
Perhaps it was [URL="http://www.nytimes.com/2010/04/26/technology/26craigslist.html"]reading [/URL]that Craigslist expected to earn $36 million this year from sex ads that set him off. Connecticut Attorney General Richard Blumenthal has issued a subpoena to Craigslist Inc., seeking information on whether it is fulfilling its promise to crack down on ads for prostitution in its … | |
[URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] is working to address a new privacy issue even as this story is being typed. Early today, mid-afternoon in the UK and while much of the rest of the world was asleep, a story got onto the TechCrunch blog about a new bug. It seems that the chat function, … | |
When many people think of internet or tech start-ups they automatically think Silicon Valley or California, well I’m here to say that is not true at all. Many great ideas are born from New York, in fact there a very large technology Meetup group [over 13,000 technologists] called [URL="http://nytm.org/"]NY Tech … | |
I have few questions related to Social Media Related and how much visitors from it. If i use Social Media websites like Facebook, Digg etc then i bring 1000 Visitors for my website. How i can use these social media website to bring such a huge traffic for my website. | |
On Mashable, I read an article about Ning. This article made me think about how the current social media ecosystem has centered around Facebook and Ning has been pushed out due to its business model and pricing structure. I have used Ning before and to be honest, I liked Ning … | |
I have the Google Buzz that says I have over 100 new updates. I dont even bother to click it. Do you? | |
I have tried everything. I went with phpbb over the vb, just because of server issues. I use SEO, feeds, have exchanged posts with other boards, have filed out the Google info for Webmasters, submitted the url, handed out flyers locally, etc.... and yet I can't seem to build any … | |
With millions of people connecting through social media, advertisers and marketers are hustling to get in on the action. In the past year we’ve seen many companies and brands attempt to step into this new world only to fail miserably Using twitter as integrated part of your online reputation management … | |
Scrapping scissors and knitting needles at the ready, sellers on the handcrafting site [URL="http://www.etsy.com/"]www.etsy.com[/URL] are [URL="http://www.etsy.com/forums_thread.php?thread_id=6425050&page=1"]up in arms[/URL] over what they say are sites stealing their designs and images and then hiring other crafters to produce them. Discussion on the topic started earlier today, with more than 600 postings at … | |
Hey guys, I'm new to social media marketing. I was wondering which one is better: should I create an account about my company (use company name, logo, profile etc. ) in social networking sites? or should I create an account about myself (my pictures, my profile etc.) and promote the … | |
Hello, I need a little bit advise from some of the experienced members here at Daniweb. I am currently engaged in a making a social networking site. Its not a new idea, no new features has been introduced yet. So I was in a confusion that how will I attract … | |
Is anyone aware of some tool through which I can check whether the entered URLs are indexed in Google, Yahoo and Bing? | |
This morning at f8, Facebook announced that it is opening up for public search. This is going to provide amazing opportunities for conducting business online. What are your initial impressions? | |
Plenty of people have done it, gone online pretending to be something they are not. Indeed, plenty of men have gone online into chat rooms, forums, virtual worlds and social networking sites pretending to be women. Usually it is for the attention, sometimes it is for the sexual kicks of … | |
You might think the people who grew up in an Internet-connected world would be the ones best prepared to cope with the dangers it presents. But no, new research reveals that 18-24 years old, the so called Generation Y, are actually highly likely to ignore advice about risky behaviour online … | |
Interesting news - [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL] is expecting the Web to become more social and is issuing its developers with code to enable them to take part in this change. The owners - Zuckerberg et al - are saying that this will improve the way things are because people aren't using their … | |
The demand for compromised social network accounts is now so big on the cybercrime black market that, according to the latest research, just one such underground site has 1.5 million of them for sale. The international reach of social networks has meant that these sites have become the de facto … | |
The latest research from security vendor Symantec would appear to suggest that cybercrime gangs are now applying drug smuggling techniques to their trade, and are actively using 'malware mules' in order to distribute threats within social friendship networks. According to the latest Internet Security Threat Report, email accounts are now … | |
Among those stranded by last week's new eruption of an Icelandic volcano was Jens Stoltenberg, prime minister of Norway, who on Friday found himself stuck in JFK, according to [URL="http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/2010/04/16/2010-04-16_volcanic_ash_strands_norway_prime_minister_jens_stotlenberg_in_nyc_airport_so_he.html"]news [/URL]reports. Fortunately, he'd just bought an iPad, and proceeded to conduct the daily business of the country in the airport … | |
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I am promoting my website extensively by taking the help of social media optimization. But I couldn’t get proper ranking on some of the important keywords. Does search engine rally support the social media optimization? Please suggest me any effective measure that will help in increasing the search engine ranking … | |
[URL="http://www.twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL] has gone on a charm offensive, after buying Tweetie and announcing it's going to make its own URL shortener and users won't get the choice about whether or not to use it. We are still nice guys, they're saying, and you'll still be able to work with us. I'm … | |
[URL="http://www.twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL] announced today that it will derive revenue from ads. It's their plan to capitalize on their extreme growth since their 2007 inception. Personally, I think this will kill Twitter and I can't say it will be a bad funeral. Hopefully, someone will start another site just like it that … | |
According to Facebook's chief security officer, Joe Sullivan, safety is the social networking site's top priority. Indeed, he [URL="http://blog.facebook.com/blog.php?post=381246352130"]says[/URL] that his team are dedicated to "creating an environment where people can connect and share comfortably" and has revealed a redesigned Safety Centre which provides new safety resources for parents, educators, … | |
I've just come up with something better than [URL="http://www.twitter.com"]Twitter[/URL], [URL="http://www.facebook.com"]Facebook[/URL], Email, [URL="http://www.hellotxt.com"]HelloTxt[/URL] or any of the other so-called social media messaging systems. I call it Instantaneous Messaging. Don't confuse my Instantaneous Messaging with the lamer, last century version called, "Instant Messaging." Instantaneous Messaging is better than Instant Messaging or any … |
The End.