261 Topics

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The UK government has started a concerted [URL="http://yp.direct.gov.uk/cyberbullying/"]campaign[/URL] to stop what Schools Secretary, Ed Balls MP, refers to as a "particularly insidious type of bullying." According to government figures more than one third of teenagers between the ages of 12 and 15 have fallen victim to cyber bullies. Perhaps more …

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Everyone was excited about the launch of a new range of iPods, everyone apart from Linux users of course. In its wisdom, [URL="http://www.apple.com"]Apple[/URL] decided to prevent media players other than iTunes from syncing with the MP3 devices, and in so doing locked out Linux users for whom there is no …

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The dust has settled. The rumor mill is quiet. The masses are sated. If you've been under a rock today you probably don't know what I'm talking about, but I'll assume for the majority you've at least vaguely kept up on the slew of iPod announcements put forth by Steve …

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Remember [URL="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lonelygirl15"]Lonelygirl15[/URL]? If you have ever been anywhere near YouTube then the chances are the answer is oh yes, or more likely oh no. This was the supposed [URL="http://www.youtube.com/user/lonelygirl15"]video diary[/URL] of a teenager on the run that resonated with intrigued, and often concerned, viewers around the globe. A total of …

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Websense [URL="http://www.websense.com/"][/URL]has created a YouTube video [URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzKmzO_Xq3k"]here[/URL][URL="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzKmzO_Xq3k"][COLOR=black][/COLOR][/URL] which reveals exactly how a ‘tubing’ attack works. What is tubing? Well according to [URL="http://www.websense.com"]Websense[/URL] it is a new crimeware technique that attempts to dupe the recipient into watching a YouTube video clip that is not all it might seem. While watching the …

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Just as it seemed that Linux users (especially 64-bit users) would finally be able to enjoy streaming content with a minimum of hassle, Microsoft's new Silverlight software promises to throw a wrench in the works. Because of sites like Google Video and Youtube, Flash video has become a common means …

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YouTube (now owned by Google) and BBC struck a deal that would soon allow the former to provide clips from the latter. Special channels will be created on YouTube that you can watch the content through, providing many popular BBC shows such as Top Gear and Doctor Who. But this …

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Cory Doctorow, he of [URL="http://www.boingboing.net/"]Boing Boing[/URL] fame and one of the most well known proponents of the [URL="http://creativecommons.org/"]Creative Commons[/URL] scheme, has rather surprisingly attacked Steve Jobs and Apple over DRM. Whoa, hold on a minute there, surprising that someone who speaks out in favor of Creative Commons should be arguing …

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File under ‘well it would say that’ you might think, but nevertheless the fact remains that Apple has issued a [URL="http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=305042"]statement[/URL] on its support website warning iTunes users not to upgrade to Vista. This due to a number of known compatibility issues with iTunes 7.0.2 and earlier versions, although you …

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The founders of Skype, Janus Friis and Niklas Zennstrom, have already pretty successfully shaken up the telephony marketplace, and their next target could be YouTube. According to their [URL="http://www.theveniceproject.com"]posting [/URL]the duo are “working on a project that combines the best things about television with the social power of the internet …

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Search supremo Google has, as widely rumored, acquired YouTube for a none too shabby $1.65 billion. Where the speculation was wrong, it would seem, is that YouTube will not get gobbled up under the Google brand, and will continue to operate independently for all intents and purposes, retaining the YouTube …

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Having built an online empire around keeping the advertising simple and unobtrusive, [URL="http://www.google.com"]Google [/URL]is about to enter the video advert business. The announcement follows the [URL="http://www.aol.com"]AOL[/URL] acquisition of video search engine [URL="http://www.truveo.com"]Truveo [/URL]in January and video ad sales specialist [URL="http://www.lightningcast.com"]Lightningcast [/URL] last week, which will merge with [URL="http://www.advertising.com"]Advertising.com[/URL] which AOL …

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Earlier this week, Apple announced a new Australian iTunes Music store. This means that Australian Windows and Mac people can download and enjoy music on their computers and iPods just like those of us in the states. According to internet sources, Apple typically pays AU $.99 per song, and sells …

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Netflix -- those wonderful people who provide a website for you to choose movies from, and then will mail you a DVD that you can view at your leisure and return back to them via the US Mail -- was working on a plan with TiVo to download / stream …

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Last week, Apple released a new iMac and a new iPod. I forgot to tell you about the third component released: iTunes 6. Apple has expanded the iTunes functionality to now include Music Videos and TV shows available for downloading. This new functionality supports the new iPod described last week. …

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To the average consumer the ‘Digital home’ has little to do, really, with internet-connected intelligent refrigerators that do the grocery ordering for you, or robotic valets who ready the ‘pipe and slippers’ when you walk through the door. It simply means a way to manage the home entertainment and avoid …

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According to some online blogs, TiVo is employing a new scheme of digital rights management (DRM) which allows program sponsors (the people who provide the show, such as the network, or perhaps the syndication agency) to define when a show may be watched, and if it may be stored for …

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Apple Computer, announced on Wednesday a new cell phone that serves as an iTunes player. The phone, available only through Cingular Wireless holds about 100 songs that are downloaded from a Windows PC or Macintosh, and the songs are managed just like an iPod. According to the FAQ, the phone …

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The BBC’s Director General Mark Thompson has announced plans to introduce a BBCPlayer service, which will enable viewers to download and play seven days of programs, and also to simulcast one of the BBC channels. The simulcast will only be made available to UK viewers. It is quite likely that …

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The battles between Microsoft and Google have been widely discussed, and recently hit the courts again when Microsoft claimed that Google had unlawfully lured Kai-Fu Lee to work for them. The defection, Microsoft claimed, was in violation of a ‘non-compete’ clause which was included in Lee’s contract with Microsoft. Superior …

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I came across this article at Appleinsider.com. [url]http://www.appleinsider.com/article.php?id=1143[/url] Lawsuits like that really make me unhappy. Honestly people! Every music store in the world organizes music by genre, artist, title, etc! And have done it for DECADES! How greedy and self-absorbed can people get? Suits like that make me ask myself …

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The End.